The goal: uploaded video should serve as a good video-reply in many situations.
The rules below are intended to fulfill it.
- Format. MP4.
- Size. Video should be small. Recommended size is under 500 KB. Acceptable around 1 MB. No one likes to wait long to load.
- Duration. Video should be rather small. Preferably under 10 seconds. No one likes to watch long video-replies.
- Quality. Prefer video with better quality, but respect items 2. and 3. above.
- Languages. Allowed are English, Russian, Ukrainian. Others can be subject of additional approval by moderator.
- Content. The video (and a phrase in it) should be the most generic so as to be applicable as video reply in more situations. Thus, sometimes it makes sense to cut a long phrase to be shorter and so more universal.
- Content. If initial video contains two or more people having conversation, you should cut the part of it with only one person in it. Otherwise, it won’t serve good role as a video reply.
- Quality. Cut video with precision such that only relevant span captured in it, and any unwanted frames/sounds not be included at start and end.
- Correct playback. The uploaded video must playback correctly (with no hiccups) in all major Telegram platforms.
- Duplicates. You should make sure not to upload a duplicate video. Play with inline bot + keywords to check if a video is already there. TODO add an option to upload in better quality.
- Failing to comply with the rules above could be a subject for video removal by moderator.
- By using this service you agree that moderator has a right to remove a video without explanation.