diff --git a/json2idc.py b/json2idc.py
index 48404d8c86..1f0a6c5095 100755
--- a/json2idc.py
+++ b/json2idc.py
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
image_size = 939072 - 0xa40 # 0x22b90 - 0x200 # .exe size - exe header
dosbox_load_seg = 0x1a2 # para
ida_load_seg = 0x1000
-# zone? or sab2
-# image_size = 262288+0x100 #0x22b90 - 0x200 # .exe size - exe header
-# dosbox_load_seg = 0x192 # para
-# ida_load_seg = 0xff0
all_segs = set()
@@ -24,18 +19,13 @@ def seg_dbx2ida(seg: int) -> int:
def read_segments_map(file_name):
- """It reads a .map file and returns a dictionary of segments.
- :param file_name: The name of the .map file
- :return: A dictionary of segments and their values.
- """
+ """Reads a .map file and returns a dictionary of segments."""
symbols = dict()
with open(file_name) as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
for line in lines:
m = re.match(
- r'^\s*MakeName\s*\(\s*(?P
- line)
+ r'^\s*MakeName\s*\(\s*(?P[0-9A-Fa-fXx]+)\s*,\s*"(?P\S+)"\s*\)\s*;', line)
if not m:
name = m["name"]
@@ -44,11 +34,98 @@ def read_segments_map(file_name):
return symbols
+def mark_code(daddr, instr, outfile, code_segs):
+ """Processes individual code segments."""
+ global all_segs
+ addr = addr_dbx2ida(int(daddr, 16))
+ for seg in ['cs', 'ds', 'es', 'gs', 'fs', 'ss']:
+ all_segs |= set(instr[seg])
+ if len(instr["cs"]) == 0:
+ return
+ outfile.write(f'MakeCode(0x{addr:x}); // {daddr}\n')
+ cs = instr["cs"][0]
+ cseg = seg_dbx2ida(cs)
+ eip = addr - cseg * 0x10
+ if instr['Video']: # Identify instructions accessing video memory
+ print(f'Video acc instr: {cseg:x}:{eip:x}')
+ set_segment_registers_values(outfile, addr, daddr, instr)
+ collect_code_segs_and_ip_ranges(code_segs, cs, eip)
+def set_segment_registers_values(outfile, addr, daddr, instr):
+ """Sets the default segment register values used for an instruction."""
+ for seg in ['ds', 'es', 'gs', 'fs', 'ss']:
+ if seg in instr and len(instr[seg]) == 1:
+ outfile.write(
+ f'split_sreg_range(0x{addr:x},"{seg}",0x{seg_dbx2ida(instr[seg][0]):x},2); // 0x{daddr} 0x{instr[seg][0]:x}\n')
+def collect_code_segs_and_ip_ranges(code_segs, cs, eip):
+ """Updates the minimum and maximum addresses for a code segment."""
+ if cs not in code_segs:
+ code_segs[cs] = [eip, eip]
+ else:
+ code_segs[cs][0] = min(code_segs[cs][0], eip)
+ code_segs[cs][1] = max(code_segs[cs][1], eip)
+def mark_data_access(j, outfile):
+ """Processes the data segments, setting variable sizes."""
+ for daddr, data in j['Data'].items():
+ addr = addr_dbx2ida(int(daddr, 16))
+ if data['Array'] or len(data['Sizes']) != 1: # Don't know yet how to handle arrays
+ continue
+ size = data['Sizes'][0] # Only set if it was single size
+ text = {1: 'Byte', 2: 'Word', 4: 'Dword'}[size]
+ outfile.write(f'Make{text}(0x{addr:x}); // 0x{daddr}\n')
+def process_jumps(j, outfile):
+ """Processes the jump addresses and adds function definitions."""
+ for daddr in sorted(j['Jumps'], reverse=True):
+ addr = addr_dbx2ida(daddr)
+ outfile.write(f'add_func(0x{addr:x}); // 0x{daddr:x}\n')
+def write_idc_header(outfile):
+ """Writes the IDC script header."""
+ outfile.write('''#include
+static main(){
+set_inf_attr(INF_PROCNAME, "80386r");
+set_target_assembler("Generic for intel 80x86");
+def write_idc_footer(outfile):
+ """Writes the IDC script footer."""
+ outfile.write("""
+print("Applied addresses and types");
+// produce a listing file
+auto fpl = fopen(get_root_filename() + ".lst", "w");
+gen_file(OFILE_LST, fpl, 0x10000, BADADDR, GENFLG_ASMTYPE);
+print("Generated lst");
+def process_symbols(symbols, outfile):
+ """Processes and applies symbols from the map file."""
+ for symbol, addr in symbols.items():
+ outfile.write(f'set_name(0x{addr:x},"_{symbol}",SN_FORCE);\n')
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process a .json file and a .map file to generate IDC script.")
parser.add_argument('json_file', help='Path to the .json file with run-time data')
parser.add_argument('map_file', help='Path to the .map file with segment information')
args = parser.parse_args()
global all_segs
@@ -64,85 +141,25 @@ def main():
code_segs = dict()
with open(idc_fname, 'w') as outfile:
- outfile.write('''#include
-static main(){
-set_inf_attr(INF_PROCNAME, "80386r");
-set_target_assembler("Generic for intel 80x86");
+ write_idc_header(outfile)
with open(json_fname) as infile:
j = jsonpickle.decode(infile.read())
for daddr, instr in j['Code'].items():
- addr = addr_dbx2ida(int(daddr, 16))
- for seg in ['cs', 'ds', 'es', 'gs', 'fs', 'ss']:
- all_segs |= set(instr[seg])
- all_segs = list(sorted(all_segs))
- for daddr, instr in j['Code'].items():
- if len(instr["cs"]) == 0:
- continue
- addr = addr_dbx2ida(int(daddr, 16))
- outfile.write(f'MakeCode(0x{addr:x}); // {daddr}\n')
- cs = instr["cs"][0]
- cseg = seg_dbx2ida(cs)
- eip = addr - cseg * 0x10
- if instr['Video']: # Identify instructions accessing video memory
- print(f'Video acc instr: {cseg:x}:{eip:x}')
- for seg in ['ds', 'es', 'gs', 'fs', 'ss']: # set default reg values used for instruction
- if seg in instr and len(instr[seg]) == 1:
- outfile.write(
- f'split_sreg_range(0x{addr:x},"{seg}",0x{seg_dbx2ida(instr[seg][0]):x},2); // 0x{daddr} 0x{instr[seg][0]:x}\n')
- if instr["cs"]:
- if cs not in code_segs:
- code_segs[cs] = [eip, eip]
- else:
- code_segs[cs][0] = min(code_segs[cs][0], eip)
- code_segs[cs][1] = max(code_segs[cs][1], eip)
+ mark_code(daddr, instr, outfile, code_segs)
if 'Data' in j:
- for daddr, data in j['Data'].items(): # Set variables sizes
- addr = addr_dbx2ida(int(daddr, 16))
- if data['Array'] or len(data['Sizes']) != 1: # Don't know yet how to handle arrays
- continue
- size = data['Sizes'][0] # Only set if it was single size
- text = {1: 'Byte', 2: 'Word', 4: 'Dword'}[size]
- outfile.write(
- f'Make{text}(0x{addr:x}); // 0x{daddr}\n')
- for daddr in sorted(j['Jumps'], reverse=True):
- addr = addr_dbx2ida(daddr)
- outfile.write(f'add_func(0x{addr:x}); // 0x{daddr:x}\n')
- print('Used segs: ')
- print(','.join([f'{seg_dbx2ida(seg):x}' for seg in sorted(all_segs) if
- dosbox_load_seg <= seg < dosbox_load_seg + image_size // 0x10]))
- for symbol, addr in symbols.items():
- outfile.write(f'set_name(0x{addr:x},"_{symbol}",SN_FORCE);\n')
- outfile.write("""
-print("Applied addresses and types");
+ mark_data_access(j, outfile)
-// unhide all functions
-//auto ea = get_func_attr(INF_MIN_EA, FUNCATTR_START);
-//while (ea != BADADDR) {
- //set_visible_func(ea, true);
- //ea = get_func_attr(ea, FUNCATTR_START);
+ process_jumps(j, outfile)
-// produce a listing file
-auto fpl = fopen(get_root_filename() + ".lst", "w");
-gen_file(OFILE_LST, fpl, 0x10000, BADADDR, GENFLG_ASMTYPE);
-print("Generated lst");
+ print('Used segments: ')
+ print(','.join([f'{seg_dbx2ida(seg):x}' for seg in sorted(all_segs)
+ if dosbox_load_seg <= seg < dosbox_load_seg + image_size // 0x10]))
+ process_symbols(symbols, outfile)
+ write_idc_footer(outfile)
-// produce a map file
-//auto fpm = fopen(get_root_filename() + ".map", "w");
-//print("Generated map");
print("Used code segments and ip range:")
for seg, minmax in code_segs.items():
print(f"{seg_dbx2ida(seg):x} {minmax[0]:x}:{minmax[1]:x}")