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xrobin edited this page Sep 19, 2012 · 8 revisions

Implementation in progress (in the GitHub version or in a branch):

  • Power tests:
    • for 1 ROC curve with var() and cov() for the given ROC, instead of passing to power.roc.test.numeric.
    • for 2 unpaired ROC curves
  • Confidence intervals for all coords return values (especially ppv, npv, and the threshold at given sp/se)

Small-scale project for the short- to medium-term

  • Input: grouped data (table)
  • Comparison of 1 ROC curve (against the diagonal)
  • Implement 'mean' function to average ROC curves (Fawcett, section 8, algos 3 & 4)
  • pAUC with DeLong
  • ci.auc delong: with qgumbel to compute interval bounds rather than qnorm
  • update.roc function to modify a parameter (response, predictor, formula, … ?) of a roc curve
  • X plot (sensitivity and specificity as a function of the threshold)
  • Matthews correlation coefficient in coords.
  • Confidence interval of the best threshold (not of its SE/SP)

Large-scale project for the long term:

  • Multiclass ROC curve:
    • CI for Multi-class AUC
    • Multiclass ROC (VUS)
  • Multireader, multicase ROC analysis (see for instance this paper)
  • Time dependent AUC (the survAUC CRAN package already provides a basic implementation)

If you would like a new feature to be added to the list, please open a new issue

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