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SlimStarter is a bootstrap application built with Slim Framework in MVC architecture, with Laravel's Eloquent as database provider (Model) and Twig as template engine (View).

Additional package is Sentry as authentication provider and Slim-facade which provide easy access to underlying Slim API with static interface like Laravel syntax (built based on Laravel's Facade).


You can test SlimStarter in live site by visiting here : (shared hosting) (pagodabox)

with username and password password.


You can now install SlimStarter on pagodabox via App Cafe

1 Manual Install

You can manually install SlimStarter by cloning this repo or download the zip file from this repo, and run composer install.

$git clone .
$composer install

2 Install via composer create-project

Alternatively, you can use composer create-project to install SlimStarter without downloading zip or cloning this repo.

composer create-project xsanisty/slim-starter --stability="dev"

3 Setup Permission

After composer finished install the dependencies, you need to change file and folder permission.

chmod -R 777 app/storage/
chmod 666 app/config/database.php

4 Configure and Setup Database

You can now access the installer by pointing install.php in your browser



Configuration file of SlimStarter located in app/config, edit the database.php, cookie.php and other to match your need


Routing configuration is located in app/routes.php, it use Route facade to access underlying Slim router. If you prefer the 'Slim' way, you can use $app to access Slim instance

Route to closure

Route::get('/', function(){

/** the Slim way */
$app->get('/', function() use ($app){

Route to controller method

/** get method */
Route::get('/', 'SomeController:someMethod');

/** post method */
Route::post('/post', 'PostController:create');

/** put method */
Route::put('/post/:id', 'PostController:update');

/** delete method */
Route::delete('/post/:id', 'PostController:destroy');

Route Middleware

/** route middleware */
Route::get('/admin', function(){
    //route middleware to check user login or redirect
}, 'AdminController:index');

Route group

/** Route group to book resource */
Route::group('/book', function(){
    Route::get('/', 'BookController:index'); // GET /book
    Route::post('/', 'BookController:store'); // POST /book
    Route::get('/create', 'BookController:create'); // Create form of /book
    Route::get('/:id', 'BookController:show'); // GET /book/:id
    Route::get('/:id/edit', 'BookController:edit'); // GET /book/:id/edit
    Route::put('/:id', 'BookController:update'); // PUT /book/:id
    Route::delete('/:id', 'BookController:destroy'); // DELETE /book/:id

Route Resource this will have same effect on route group above like Laravel Route::resource

/** Route to book resource */
Route::resource('/book', 'BookController');


/** Route to book resource */
Route::controller('/book', 'BookController');

 * GET /book will be mapped to BookController:getIndex
 * POST /book will be mapped to BookController:postIndex
 * [METHOD] /book/[path] will be mapped to BookController:methodPath


Models are located in app/models directory, since Eloquent is used as database provider, you can write model like you write model for Laravel, for complete documentation about eloquent, please refer to

file : app/models/Book.php

class Book Extends Model{}

Note: Eloquent has some limitations due to dependency to some Laravel's and Symfony's components which is not included, such as remember(), paginate, and validation method, which is depend on Illuminate\Cache, Illuminate\Filesystem, Symfony\Finder, etc.


Controllers are located in app/controllers directory, you may extends the BaseController to get access to predefined helper. You can also place your controller in namespace to group your controller.

file : app/controllers/HomeController.php

Class HomeController extends BaseController{

    public function welcome(){
        $this->data['title'] = 'Some title';
        View::display('welcome.twig', $this->data);

Controller helper

Get reference to Slim instance

You can access Slim instance inside your controller by accessing $app property

$this->app; //reference to Slim instance

Loading javascript assets or CSS assets

SlimStarter shipped with default master template with js and css asset already in place, to load your own js or css file you can use loadJs or loadCss , removeJs or removeCss to remove js or css, resetJs or resetCss to remove all queued js or css file.

 * load local js file located in public/assets/js/application.js
 * by default, it will be placed in the last list,
 * to modify it, use position option in second parameter
 * array(
 *      'position' => 'last|first|after:file|before:file'
 * )
$this->loadJs('application.js', ['position' => 'after:jquery.js'])

 * load external js file, eg: js in CDN
 * use location option in second parameter
 * array(
 *      'location' => 'internal|external'
 * )
$this->loadJs('', ['location' => 'external']);

/** remove js file from the list */

/** reset js queue, no js file will be loaded */

/** load local css file located in public/assets/css/style.css */

/** load external css file, eg: js in CDN */
$this->loadCss('//', ['location' => 'external']);


Publish PHP variable to javascript

You can also publish PHP variable to make it accessible via javascript (must extends master.twig)

/** publish the variable */
$this->publish('user', User::find(1)->toArray());

/** remove the variable */

the user variable will be accessible in 'global' namespace


Default variable available in template


Views file are located in app/views directory in twig format, there is master.twig with 'body' block as default master template shipped with SlimStarer that will provide default access to published js variable.

For detailed Twig documentation, please refer to

file : app/views/welcome.twig

{% extends 'master.twig' %}
{% block body %}
    Welcome to SlimStarter
{% endblock %}

Rendering view inside controller

If your controller extends the BaseController class, you will have access to $data property which will be the placeholder for all view's data.

View::display('welcome.twig', $this->data);

Hooks and Middlewares

You can still hook the Slim event, or registering Middleware to Slim instance in app/bootstrap/app.php, Slim instance is accessible in $app variable.

$app->hook('slim.before.route', function(){
    //do your hook

$app->add(new SomeActionMiddleware());

You can write your own middleware class in app/middlewares directory.

file : app/middlewares/SomeActionMiddleware.php

class SomeActionMiddleware extends Middleware
    public function call()
        // Get reference to application
        $app = $this->app;

        // Run inner middleware and application

        // do your stuff

In case autoloader cannot resolve your classes, do composer dump-autoload so composer can resolve your class location