diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/README.md b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/README.md
index 578d2b32bcb7..aa7cc98e3728 100644
--- a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/README.md
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/README.md
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ This integration was integrated and tested with January 2023 release of Tenable.
| tenable-io-get-asset-details | BASIC [16] user permissions. |
| tenable-io-export-assets | ADMINISTRATOR [64] user permissions. |
| tenable-io-export-vulnerabilities | ADMINISTRATOR [64] user permissions. |
+| tenable-io-list-scan-filters | BASIC [16] user permissions |
+| tenable-io-get-scan-history | SCAN OPERATOR [24] user permissions and CAN VIEW [16] scan permissions |
+| tenable-io-export-scan | SCAN OPERATOR [24] user permissions and CAN VIEW [16] scan permissions |
## Concurrency Limits
@@ -1355,3 +1360,238 @@ When inserting invalid arguments, an error message could be returned.
>| fake_uuid | | | Linux Kernel 3.13 on Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) | general-purpose | fqdn | info | 00000 | Name | | | TCP | 22 | 2024-11-07T11:11:05.906Z | 2024-11-07T11:11:05.906Z | Description | N/A |
>| fake_uuid | | | Nutanix | general-purpose | fqdn | info | 00000 | Name | | | TCP | 0 | 2024-11-07T11:11:05.906Z | 2024-11-07T11:11:05.906Z | Description | N/A |
+### tenable-io-list-scan-filters
+Lists the filtering, sorting, and pagination capabilities available for scan records on endpoints/commands that support them.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+There are no inputs for this command.
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TenableIO.ScanFilter.name | String | The name of the scan filter. |
+| TenableIO.ScanFilter.readable_name | String | The readable name of the scan filter. |
+| TenableIO.ScanFilter.control.type | String | The type of control associated with the scan filter. |
+| TenableIO.ScanFilter.control.regex | String | The regular expression used by the scan filter. |
+| TenableIO.ScanFilter.control.readable_regex | String | An example expression that the filter's regular expression would match. |
+| TenableIO.ScanFilter.operators | String | The operators available for the scan filter. |
+| TenableIO.ScanFilter.group_name | String | The group name associated with the scan filter. |
+#### Command example
+#### Context Example
+ "TenableIO": {
+ "ScanFilter": [
+ {
+ "control": {
+ "readable_regex": "01234567-abcd-ef01-2345-6789abcdef01",
+ "regex": "[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}(,[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})*",
+ "type": "entry"
+ },
+ "group_name": null,
+ "name": "host.id",
+ "operators": [
+ "eq",
+ "neq",
+ "match",
+ "nmatch"
+ ],
+ "readable_name": "Asset ID"
+ },
+ {
+ "control": {
+ "maxlength": 18,
+ "readable_regex": "NUMBER",
+ "regex": "^[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*",
+ "type": "entry"
+ },
+ "group_name": null,
+ "name": "plugin.attributes.bid",
+ "operators": [
+ "eq",
+ "neq",
+ "match",
+ "nmatch"
+ ],
+ "readable_name": "Bugtraq ID"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+#### Human Readable Output
+>### Tenable IO Scan Filters
+>|Filter name|Filter Readable name|Filter Control type|Filter regex|Readable regex|Filter operators|
+>| host.id | Asset ID | entry | [0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}(,[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})* | 01234567-abcd-ef01-2345-6789abcdef01 | eq,
nmatch |
+>| plugin.attributes.bid | Bugtraq ID | entry | ^[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)* | NUMBER | eq,
nmatch |
+### tenable-io-get-scan-history
+Lists the individual runs of the specified scan.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| scanId | The ID of the scan of which to get the runs. | Required |
+| sortFields | A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort, in the order defined by "sortOrder". Possible values are: start_date, end_date, status. | Optional |
+| sortOrder | A comma-separated list of directions in which to sort the fields defined by "sortFields".
If multiple directions are chosen, they will be sequentially matched with "sortFields".
If only one direction is chosen it will be used to sort all values in "sortFields".
For example:
If sortFields is "start_date,status" and sortOrder is "asc,desc",
then start_date is sorted in ascending order and status in descending order.
If sortFields is "start_date,status" and sortOrder is simply "asc",
then both start_date and status are sorted in ascending order.
. Possible values are: asc, desc. Default is asc. | Optional |
+| excludeRollover | Whether to exclude rollover scans from the scan history. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
+| page | The page number of scan records to retrieve (used for pagination) starting from 1. The page size is defined by the "pageSize" argument. | Optional |
+| pageSize | The number of scan records per page to retrieve (used for pagination). The page number is defined by the "page" argument. | Optional |
+| limit | The maximum number of records to retrieve. If "pageSize" is defined, this argument is ignored. Default is 50. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.time_end | Number | The end time of the scan. |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.scan_uuid | String | The UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the scan. |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.id | Number | The ID of the scan history. |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.is_archived | Boolean | Indicates whether the scan is archived or not. |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.time_start | Number | The start time of the scan. |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.visibility | String | The visibility of the scan. |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.targets.custom | Boolean | Indicates whether custom targets were used in the scan. |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.targets.default | Boolean | Indicates whether the default targets were used in the scan. |
+| TenableIO.ScanHistory.status | String | The status of the scan. |
+#### Command example
+```!tenable-io-get-scan-history scanId=16 excludeRollover=true sortFields=end_date,status sortOrder=desc page=2 pageSize=4```
+#### Context Example
+ "TenableIO": {
+ "ScanHistory": [
+ {
+ "id": 17235445,
+ "is_archived": true,
+ "reindexing": null,
+ "scan_uuid": "69a55b8e-0d52-427a-81e0-7dfe4dc6eda6",
+ "status": "completed",
+ "targets": {
+ "custom": null,
+ "default": false
+ },
+ "time_end": 1677425182,
+ "time_start": 1677424566,
+ "visibility": "public"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 17235342,
+ "is_archived": true,
+ "reindexing": null,
+ "scan_uuid": "2c592d52-df56-42e0-9f18-d892bdeb1e18",
+ "status": "completed",
+ "targets": {
+ "custom": null,
+ "default": false
+ },
+ "time_end": 1677424556,
+ "time_start": 1677423906,
+ "visibility": "public"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 17235033,
+ "is_archived": true,
+ "reindexing": null,
+ "scan_uuid": "44586b4f-1051-415c-b375-db86f6bd8c13",
+ "status": "completed",
+ "targets": {
+ "custom": null,
+ "default": false
+ },
+ "time_end": 1677423865,
+ "time_start": 1677423247,
+ "visibility": "public"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 17234969,
+ "is_archived": true,
+ "reindexing": null,
+ "scan_uuid": "06c12bf7-436f-489d-bb04-aae511ea9f5c",
+ "status": "completed",
+ "targets": {
+ "custom": null,
+ "default": false
+ },
+ "time_end": 1677423205,
+ "time_start": 1677422585,
+ "visibility": "public"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+#### Human Readable Output
+>### Tenable IO Scan History
+>|History id|History uuid|Status|Is archived|Targets default|Visibility|Time start|Time end|
+>| 17235445 | 69a55b8e-0d52-427a-81e0-7dfe4dc6eda6 | completed | true | false | public | 1677424566 | 1677425182 |
+>| 17235342 | 2c592d52-df56-42e0-9f18-d892bdeb1e18 | completed | true | false | public | 1677423906 | 1677424556 |
+>| 17235033 | 44586b4f-1051-415c-b375-db86f6bd8c13 | completed | true | false | public | 1677423247 | 1677423865 |
+>| 17234969 | 06c12bf7-436f-489d-bb04-aae511ea9f5c | completed | true | false | public | 1677422585 | 1677423205 |
+### tenable-io-export-scan
+Export and download a scan report.
+Scan results older than 35 days are supported in Nessus and CSV formats only, and filters cannot be applied.
+Scans that are actively running cannot be exported (run "tenable-io-list-scans" to view scan statuses)
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| scanId | The identifier for the scan to export. Run the "tenable-io-list-scans" command to get all available scans. | Required |
+| historyId | The unique identifier of the historical data to export. Run the "tenable-io-get-scan-history" command to get history IDs. | Optional |
+| historyUuid | The UUID of the historical data to export. Run the "tenable-io-get-scan-history" command to get history UUIDs. | Optional |
+| format | The file format to export the scan in. Scans can be export in the HTML and PDF formats for up to 35 days.
For scans that are older than 35 days, only the Nessus and CSV formats are supported.
The "chapters" argument must be defined if the chosen format is HTML or PDF.
. Possible values are: Nessus, HTML, PDF, CSV. Default is CSV. | Required |
+| chapters | A comma-separated list of chapters to include in the export. This argument is required if the file format is PDF or HTML. Possible values are: vuln_hosts_summary, vuln_by_host, compliance_exec, remediations, vuln_by_plugin, compliance. | Optional |
+| filter | A comma-separated list of filters, in the format of "name quality value" to apply to the exported scan report.
Example: "port.protocol eq tcp, plugin_id eq 1234567"
Note: when used literally, commas and spaces should be escaped. (i.e. "\\\\," for comma and "\\\\s" for space)
Filters cannot be applied to scans older than 35 days.
Run "tenable-io-list-scan-filters" to get all available filters, ("Filter name" (name), "Filter operators" (quality) and "Readable regex" (value) in response).
For more information: https://developer.tenable.com/docs/scan-export-filters-tio
. | Optional |
+| filterSearchType | For multiple filters, specifies whether to use the AND or the OR logical operator. Possible values are: AND, OR. Default is AND. | Optional |
+| assetId | The ID of the asset scanned. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| InfoFile.Size | number | The size of the file in bytes. |
+| InfoFile.Name | string | The name of the file. |
+| InfoFile.EntryID | string | The War Room entry ID of the file. |
+| InfoFile.Info | string | The format and encoding of the file. |
+| InfoFile.Type | string | The type of the file. |
+| InfoFile.Extension | unknown | The file extension of the file. |
+#### Command example
+```!tenable-io-export-scan scanId=16 format=HTML chapters="compliance_exec,remediations,vuln_by_plugin" historyId=19540157 historyUuid=f7eaad37-23bd-4aac-a979-baab0e9a465b filterSearchType=OR filter="port.protocol eq tcp, plugin_id eq 1234567" assetId=10```
+#### Human Readable Output
+>Preparing scan report:
+>Returned file: scan_16_SSE-144f3dc6-cb2d-42fc-b6cc-dd20b807735f-html.html [Download](https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cortex)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io.py b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io.py
index 59921418cbad..5fafb9abad37 100644
--- a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io.py
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
import urllib3
+import re
import requests
@@ -136,30 +137,65 @@
- 'Critical']
-BASE_URL = demisto.params()['url']
-ACCESS_KEY = demisto.params().get('credentials_access_key', {}).get('password') or demisto.params()['access-key']
-SECRET_KEY = demisto.params().get('credentials_secret_key', {}).get('password') or demisto.params()['secret-key']
+ 'Critical'
+PARAMS = demisto.params()
+ACCESS_KEY = PARAMS.get('credentials_access_key', {}).get('password') or PARAMS.get('access-key')
+SECRET_KEY = PARAMS.get('credentials_secret_key', {}).get('password') or PARAMS.get('secret-key')
USER_AGENT_HEADERS_VALUE = 'Integration/1.0 (PAN; Cortex-XSOAR; Build/2.0)'
AUTH_HEADERS = {'X-ApiKeys': f"accessKey={ACCESS_KEY}; secretKey={SECRET_KEY}"}
- 'X-ApiKeys': f'accessKey={ACCESS_KEY}; secretKey={SECRET_KEY}',
'accept': "application/json",
- 'content-type': "application/json"
+ 'content-type': "application/json",
-USE_SSL = not demisto.params()['unsecure']
+USE_SSL = not PARAMS['unsecure']
+USE_PROXY = PARAMS['proxy']
-if not demisto.params()['proxy']:
+if not USE_PROXY:
del os.environ['HTTP_PROXY']
del os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY']
del os.environ['http_proxy']
del os.environ['https_proxy']
+class Client(BaseClient):
+ def list_scan_filters(self):
+ return self._http_request(
+ 'GET', 'filters/scans/reports')
+ def get_scan_history(self, scan_id, params) -> dict:
+ remove_nulls_from_dictionary(params)
+ return self._http_request(
+ 'GET', f'scans/{scan_id}/history',
+ params=params)
+ def initiate_export_scan(self, scan_id: str, params: dict, body: dict) -> dict:
+ remove_nulls_from_dictionary(params)
+ remove_nulls_from_dictionary(body)
+ return self._http_request(
+ 'POST',
+ f'scans/{scan_id}/export',
+ params=params, json_data=body)
+ def check_export_scan_status(self, scan_id: str, file_id: str) -> dict:
+ return self._http_request(
+ 'GET', f'scans/{scan_id}/export/{file_id}/status')
+ def download_export_scan(self, scan_id: str, file_id: str, file_format: str) -> dict:
+ return fileResult(
+ f'scan_{scan_id}_{file_id}.{file_format.lower()}',
+ self._http_request(
+ 'GET', f'scans/{scan_id}/export/{file_id}/download',
+ resp_type='content'),
def flatten(d):
r = {} # type: ignore
- for k, v in d.items():
+ for v in d.values():
if isinstance(v, dict):
@@ -294,14 +330,15 @@ def get_scan_error_message(response, scan_id):
def send_scan_request(scan_id="", endpoint="", method='GET', ignore_license_error=False, body=None, **kwargs):
if endpoint:
endpoint = '/' + endpoint
- full_url = "{0}scans/{1!s}{2}".format(BASE_URL, scan_id, endpoint)
+ full_url = f"{BASE_URL}scans/{scan_id!s}{endpoint}"
res = requests.request(method, full_url, headers=AUTH_HEADERS, verify=USE_SSL, json=body, params=kwargs)
return res.json()
- except HTTPError:
+ except HTTPError as e:
+ demisto.debug(str(e))
if ignore_license_error and res.status_code in (403, 500):
- return
+ return None
err_msg = get_scan_error_message(res, scan_id)
if demisto.command() != 'test-module':
@@ -318,6 +355,7 @@ def get_scan_info(scans_result_elem):
if response:
return response['info']
+ return None
def send_vuln_details_request(plugin_id, date_range=None):
@@ -400,8 +438,8 @@ def send_asset_attributes_request(asset_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return res.json()
-def test_module():
- send_scan_request()
+def test_module(client: Client):
+ client.list_scan_filters()
return 'ok'
@@ -555,10 +593,10 @@ def get_asset_details_command() -> CommandResults:
info = send_asset_details_request(asset_id)
attrs = send_asset_attributes_request(asset_id)
if attrs:
- attributes = []
- for attr in attrs.get("attributes", []):
- attributes.append({attr.get('name', ''): attr.get('value', '')})
- info["info"]["attributes"] = attributes
+ info["info"]["attributes"] = [
+ {attr.get('name', ''): attr.get('value', '')}
+ for attr in attrs.get("attributes", [])
+ ]
except DemistoException as e:
return_error(f'Failed to include custom attributes. {e}')
@@ -595,6 +633,7 @@ def get_vulnerabilities_by_asset_command():
'Hostname': indicator
return entry
+ return None
def get_scan_status_command():
@@ -682,7 +721,7 @@ def export_request(request_params: dict, assets_or_vulns: str) -> dict:
dict: The UUID of the assets export job or raise DemistoException.
full_url = f'{BASE_URL}{assets_or_vulns}/export'
- res = requests.post(full_url, headers=NEW_HEADERS, verify=USE_SSL, json=request_params)
+ res = requests.post(full_url, headers=HEADERS, verify=USE_SSL, json=request_params)
if res.status_code != 200:
raise DemistoException(res.text)
return res.json()
@@ -699,7 +738,7 @@ def export_request_with_export_uuid(export_uuid: str, assets_or_vulns: str) -> d
dict: Status of the export job or raise DemistoException.
full_url = f'{BASE_URL}{assets_or_vulns}/export/{export_uuid}/status'
- res = requests.get(full_url, headers=NEW_HEADERS, verify=USE_SSL)
+ res = requests.get(full_url, headers=HEADERS, verify=USE_SSL)
if res.status_code != 200:
raise DemistoException(res.text)
return res.json()
@@ -717,7 +756,7 @@ def get_chunks_request(export_uuid: str, chunk_id: str, assets_or_vulns: str) ->
dict: Status of the export job or raise DemistoException.
full_url = f'{BASE_URL}{assets_or_vulns}/export/{export_uuid}/chunks/{chunk_id}'
- res = requests.get(full_url, headers=NEW_HEADERS, verify=USE_SSL)
+ res = requests.get(full_url, headers=HEADERS, verify=USE_SSL)
if res.status_code != 200:
raise DemistoException(res.text)
return res.json()
@@ -757,16 +796,16 @@ def export_assets_build_command_result(chunks_details_list: list[dict]) -> Comma
for chunk_details in chunks_details_list:
human_readable_to_append = {}
if fqdns := chunk_details.get('fqdns'):
- human_readable_to_append.update({'DNS NAME (FQDN)': fqdns[0]})
- if tag := chunk_details.get("tags"):
- if first_tag := tag[0]:
- human_readable_to_append.update({'TAGS': f'{first_tag.get("key")}:{first_tag.get("value")}'})
- if sources := chunk_details.get("sources"):
- if first_source := sources[0]:
- human_readable_to_append.update({'SOURCE': first_source.get('name')})
- if network_interfaces := chunk_details.get('network_interfaces'):
- if first_network_interfaces := network_interfaces[0]:
- human_readable_to_append.update({'IPV4 ADDRESS': first_network_interfaces.get('ipv4s')})
+ human_readable_to_append['DNS NAME (FQDN)'] = fqdns[0]
+ if (tag := chunk_details.get("tags")) and (first_tag := tag[0]):
+ human_readable_to_append['TAGS'] = f'{first_tag.get("key")}:{first_tag.get("value")}'
+ if (sources := chunk_details.get("sources")) and (first_source := sources[0]):
+ human_readable_to_append['SOURCE'] = first_source.get('name')
+ if (
+ (network_interfaces := chunk_details.get('network_interfaces'))
+ and (first_network_interfaces := network_interfaces[0])
+ ):
+ human_readable_to_append['IPV4 ADDRESS'] = first_network_interfaces.get('ipv4s')
{'ASSET ID': chunk_details.get('id'),
'SYSTEM TYPE': chunk_details.get('system_types'),
@@ -964,7 +1003,7 @@ def export_assets_command(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> PollResult:
chunks_details_list = get_export_chunks_details(export_uuid_status_response, export_uuid, 'assets')
command_results = export_assets_build_command_result(chunks_details_list)
return PollResult(command_results)
- elif status == 'PROCESSING' or status == 'QUEUED':
+ elif status in ('PROCESSING', 'QUEUED'):
return PollResult(
@@ -1054,16 +1093,10 @@ def validate_range(range: Optional[str]) -> tuple[Optional[float], Optional[floa
Range if valid else raise DemistoException.
if range:
- range_without_spaces = range.strip()
- nums_list = range_without_spaces.split("-")
- if len(nums_list) < 2:
- raise DemistoException('Please specify valid vprScoreRange. VPR values range are 0.1-10.0.')
- elif float(nums_list[0]) > float(nums_list[1]):
- raise DemistoException('Please specify valid vprScoreRange. VPR values range are 0.1-10.0.')
- elif float(nums_list[0]) < 0.1 or float(nums_list[1]) > 10.0:
- raise DemistoException('Please specify valid vprScoreRange. VPR values range are 0.1-10.0.')
- else:
- return float(nums_list[0]), float(nums_list[1])
+ nums = tuple(map(float, range.split("-")))
+ if len(nums) != 2 or not 0.1 <= nums[0] <= nums[1] <= 10.0:
+ raise DemistoException('Please specify a valid vprScoreRange. The VPR values range is 0.1-10.0.')
+ return nums # type: ignore
return None, None
@@ -1092,7 +1125,7 @@ def export_vulnerabilities_command(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> PollResult:
chunks_details_list = get_export_chunks_details(export_uuid_status_response, export_uuid, 'vulns')
command_results = export_vulnerabilities_build_command_result(chunks_details_list)
return PollResult(command_results)
- elif status == 'PROCESSING' or status == 'QUEUED':
+ elif status in ('PROCESSING', 'QUEUED'):
return PollResult(
@@ -1114,33 +1147,284 @@ def export_vulnerabilities_command(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> PollResult:
return request_uuid_export_vulnerabilities(args)
+def scan_filters_human_readable(filters: list) -> str:
+ context_to_hr = {
+ 'name': 'Filter name',
+ 'readable_name': 'Filter Readable name',
+ 'type': 'Filter Control type',
+ 'regex': 'Filter regex',
+ 'readable_regex': 'Readable regex',
+ 'operators': 'Filter operators',
+ 'group_name': 'Filter group name',
+ }
+ return tableToMarkdown(
+ 'Tenable IO Scan Filters',
+ [d | d.get('control', {}) for d in filters],
+ headers=list(context_to_hr),
+ headerTransform=context_to_hr.get,
+ removeNull=True)
+def list_scan_filters_command(client: Client) -> CommandResults:
+ response_dict = client.list_scan_filters()
+ filters = response_dict.get('filters', [])
+ return CommandResults(
+ outputs_prefix='TenableIO.ScanFilter',
+ outputs_key_field='name',
+ outputs=filters,
+ readable_output=scan_filters_human_readable(filters),
+ raw_response=response_dict)
+def scan_history_readable(history: list) -> str:
+ context_to_hr = {
+ 'id': 'History id',
+ 'scan_uuid': 'History uuid',
+ 'status': 'Status',
+ 'is_archived': 'Is archived',
+ 'custom': 'Targets custom',
+ 'default': 'Targets default',
+ 'visibility': 'Visibility',
+ 'time_start': 'Time start',
+ 'time_end': 'Time end',
+ }
+ return tableToMarkdown(
+ 'Tenable IO Scan History',
+ [d | d.get('targets', {}) for d in history],
+ headers=list(context_to_hr),
+ headerTransform=context_to_hr.get,
+ removeNull=True)
+def scan_history_pagination_params(args: dict) -> dict:
+ '''
+ Generate pagination parameters for scanning history based on the given arguments.
+ This function calculates the 'limit' and 'offset' parameters for pagination
+ based on the provided 'page' and 'pageSize' arguments. If 'page' and 'pageSize'
+ are valid integer values, the function returns a dictionary containing 'limit'
+ and 'offset' calculated accordingly. If 'page' or 'pageSize' are not valid integers,
+ the function falls back to using the 'limit' argument or defaults to 50 with an
+ 'offset' of 0.
+ Args:
+ args (dict): The demisto.args() dictionary containing the optional arguments for pagination: 'page', 'pageSize', 'limit'.
+ Returns:
+ dict: A dictionary containing the calculated 'limit' and 'offset' parameters
+ for pagination.
+ '''
+ page = arg_to_number(args.get('page'))
+ page_size = arg_to_number(args.get('pageSize'))
+ if isinstance(page, int) and isinstance(page_size, int):
+ return {
+ 'limit': page_size,
+ 'offset': (page - 1) * page_size
+ }
+ else:
+ return {
+ 'limit': args.get('limit', 50),
+ 'offset': 0
+ }
+def scan_history_params(args: dict) -> dict:
+ sort_fields = argToList(args.get('sortFields'))
+ sort_order = argToList(args.get('sortOrder'))
+ if len(sort_order) == 1:
+ sort_order *= len(sort_fields)
+ return {
+ 'sort': ','.join(
+ f'{field}:{order}'
+ for field, order
+ in zip(sort_fields, sort_order)),
+ 'exclude_rollover': args['excludeRollover'],
+ } | scan_history_pagination_params(args)
+def get_scan_history_command(args: dict[str, Any], client: Client) -> CommandResults:
+ response_json = client.get_scan_history(
+ args['scanId'],
+ scan_history_params(args))
+ history = response_json.get('history', '')
+ return CommandResults(
+ outputs_prefix='TenableIO.ScanHistory',
+ outputs_key_field='id',
+ outputs=history,
+ readable_output=scan_history_readable(history))
+def build_filters(filters: str | None) -> dict:
+ """
+ Build a dictionary of filter information from a filters string.
+ Args:
+ filters (str, optional): A string containing filters in the format "name quality value" separated by commas.
+ Escaped commas (\\,) and spaces (\\s) are treated as literal characters.
+ Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ dict: A dictionary where keys are in the format 'filter.i.filter', 'filter.i.quality', and 'filter.i.value',
+ and values correspond to the name, quality, and value of each filter component.
+ Example:
+ filters = "name1 good value1\\,with\\,commas, name2\\swith\\sspaces excellent value2"
+ result = build_filters(filters)
+ # Output:
+ # {
+ # 'filter.0.filter': 'name1',
+ # 'filter.0.quality': 'good',
+ # 'filter.0.value': 'value1,with,commas',
+ # 'filter.1.filter': 'name2 with spaces',
+ # 'filter.1.quality': 'excellent',
+ # 'filter.1.value': 'value2'
+ # }
+ """
+ if not filters:
+ return {}
+ # split by comma without escaped commas
+ split_filters = re.split(r'(? dict:
+ if chapters := args.get('chapters'):
+ chapters = ';'.join(argToList(chapters))
+ elif args['format'] in ('PDF', 'HTML'):
+ raise DemistoException('The "chapters" field must be provided for PDF or HTML formats.')
+ body = {
+ 'format': args['format'].lower(),
+ 'chapters': chapters,
+ 'filter.search_type': args['filterSearchType'].lower(),
+ 'asset_id': args.get('assetId'),
+ } | build_filters(args.get('filter'))
+ return body
+def initiate_export_scan(args: dict, client: Client) -> str:
+ return client.initiate_export_scan(
+ args['scanId'],
+ params={
+ 'history_id': args.get('historyId'),
+ 'history_uuid': args.get('historyUuid')
+ },
+ body=export_scan_body(args)
+ ).get('file', '')
+ 'tenable-io-export-scan',
+ poll_message='Preparing scan report:',
+ interval=15,
+ requires_polling_arg=False)
+def export_scan_command(args: dict[str, Any], client: Client) -> PollResult:
+ '''
+ Calls three endpoints. The first (called with initiate_export_scan) initiates an export and returns a file ID.
+ The second (called with client.check_export_scan_status) checks the status of the export and the function polls
+ until the status is 'ready'. The third endpoint is then called (with client.download_export_scan) which downloads
+ the file and returns a dict with it's contents (using fileResult).
+ '''
+ scan_id = args['scanId']
+ file_id = (
+ args.get('fileId')
+ or initiate_export_scan(args, client))
+ demisto.debug(f'{file_id=}')
+ status_response = client.check_export_scan_status(scan_id, file_id)
+ demisto.debug(f'{status_response=}')
+ match status_response.get('status'):
+ case 'ready':
+ return PollResult(
+ client.download_export_scan(
+ scan_id, file_id, args['format']),
+ continue_to_poll=False)
+ case 'loading':
+ return PollResult(
+ None,
+ continue_to_poll=True,
+ args_for_next_run={
+ 'fileId': file_id,
+ 'scanId': scan_id,
+ 'format': args['format'], # not necessary but avoids confusion
+ })
+ case _:
+ raise DemistoException(
+ 'Tenable IO encountered an error while exporting the scan report file.\n'
+ f'Scan ID: {scan_id}\n'
+ f'File ID: {file_id}\n')
def main(): # pragma: no cover
raise DemistoException('Access Key and Secret Key must be provided.')
- if demisto.command() == 'test-module':
- demisto.results(test_module())
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-list-scans':
+ client = Client(
+ verify=USE_SSL,
+ proxy=USE_PROXY,
+ ok_codes=(200,),
+ headers=HEADERS
+ )
+ args = demisto.args()
+ command = demisto.command()
+ if command == 'test-module':
+ demisto.results(test_module(client))
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-list-scans':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-launch-scan':
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-launch-scan':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-get-scan-report':
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-get-scan-report':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-get-vulnerability-details':
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-get-vulnerability-details':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-get-vulnerabilities-by-asset':
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-get-vulnerabilities-by-asset':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-get-scan-status':
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-get-scan-status':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-pause-scan':
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-pause-scan':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-resume-scan':
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-resume-scan':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-get-asset-details':
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-get-asset-details':
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-export-assets':
- return_results(export_assets_command(demisto.args()))
- elif demisto.command() == 'tenable-io-export-vulnerabilities':
- return_results(export_vulnerabilities_command(demisto.args()))
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-export-assets':
+ return_results(export_assets_command(args))
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-export-vulnerabilities':
+ return_results(export_vulnerabilities_command(args))
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-list-scan-filters':
+ return_results(list_scan_filters_command(client))
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-get-scan-history':
+ return_results(get_scan_history_command(args, client))
+ elif command == 'tenable-io-export-scan':
+ return_results(export_scan_command(args, client))
if __name__ in ['__main__', 'builtin', 'builtins']:
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io.yml b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io.yml
index b08f849d3c24..5fcc8c85977f 100644
--- a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io.yml
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io.yml
@@ -1088,11 +1088,188 @@ script:
- contextPath: TenableIO.Vulnerability.indexed
description: The date and time (in Unix time) when the vulnerability was indexed into Tenable.io.
type: Date
+ - arguments: []
+ description: Lists the filtering, sorting, and pagination capabilities available for scan records on endpoints/commands that support them.
+ name: tenable-io-list-scan-filters
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanFilter.name
+ description: The name of the scan filter.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanFilter.readable_name
+ description: The readable name of the scan filter.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanFilter.control.type
+ description: The type of control associated with the scan filter.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanFilter.control.regex
+ description: The regular expression used by the scan filter.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanFilter.control.readable_regex
+ description: An example expression that the filter's regular expression would match.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanFilter.operators
+ description: The operators available for the scan filter.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanFilter.group_name
+ description: The group name associated with the scan filter.
+ type: String
+ - arguments:
+ - name: scanId
+ description: The ID of the scan of which to get the runs.
+ required: true
+ - name: sortFields
+ description: A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort, in the order defined by "sortOrder".
+ isArray: true
+ predefined:
+ - start_date
+ - end_date
+ - status
+ - name: sortOrder
+ description: |
+ A comma-separated list of directions in which to sort the fields defined by "sortFields".
+ If multiple directions are chosen, they will be sequentially matched with "sortFields".
+ If only one direction is chosen it will be used to sort all values in "sortFields".
+ For example:
+ If sortFields is "start_date,status" and sortOrder is "asc,desc",
+ then start_date is sorted in ascending order and status in descending order.
+ If sortFields is "start_date,status" and sortOrder is simply "asc",
+ then both start_date and status are sorted in ascending order.
+ isArray: true
+ defaultValue: asc
+ predefined:
+ - asc
+ - desc
+ - name: excludeRollover
+ description: Whether to exclude rollover scans from the scan history.
+ defaultValue: 'false'
+ predefined:
+ - 'true'
+ - 'false'
+ - name: page
+ description: The page number of scan records to retrieve (used for pagination) starting from 1. The page size is defined by the "pageSize" argument.
+ - name: pageSize
+ description: The number of scan records per page to retrieve (used for pagination). The page number is defined by the "page" argument.
+ - name: limit
+ description: The maximum number of records to retrieve. If "pageSize" is defined, this argument is ignored.
+ defaultValue: '50'
+ description: Lists the individual runs of the specified scan.
+ name: tenable-io-get-scan-history
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.time_end
+ description: The end time of the scan.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.scan_uuid
+ description: The UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the scan.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.id
+ description: The ID of the scan history.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.is_archived
+ description: Indicates whether the scan is archived or not.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.time_start
+ description: The start time of the scan.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.visibility
+ description: The visibility of the scan.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.targets.custom
+ description: Indicates whether custom targets were used in the scan.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.targets.default
+ description: Indicates whether the default targets were used in the scan.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: TenableIO.ScanHistory.status
+ description: The status of the scan.
+ type: String
+ - arguments:
+ - name: scanId
+ description: The identifier for the scan to export. Run the "tenable-io-list-scans" command to get all available scans.
+ required: true
+ - name: historyId
+ description: The unique identifier of the historical data to export. Run the "tenable-io-get-scan-history" command to get history IDs.
+ - name: historyUuid
+ description: The UUID of the historical data to export. Run the "tenable-io-get-scan-history" command to get history UUIDs.
+ - name: format
+ required: true
+ description: |
+ The file format to export the scan in. Scans can be export in the HTML and PDF formats for up to 35 days.
+ For scans that are older than 35 days, only the Nessus and CSV formats are supported.
+ The "chapters" argument must be defined if the chosen format is HTML or PDF.
+ defaultValue: CSV
+ predefined:
+ - Nessus
+ - HTML
+ - PDF
+ - CSV
+ - name: chapters
+ description: A comma-separated list of chapters to include in the export. This argument is required if the file format is PDF or HTML.
+ isArray: true
+ predefined:
+ - vuln_hosts_summary
+ - vuln_by_host
+ - compliance_exec
+ - remediations
+ - vuln_by_plugin
+ - compliance
+ - name: filter
+ description: |
+ A comma-separated list of filters, in the format of "name quality value" to apply to the exported scan report.
+ Example: "port.protocol eq tcp, plugin_id eq 1234567"
+ Note: when used literally, commas and spaces should be escaped. (i.e. "\\," for comma and "\\s" for space)
+ Filters cannot be applied to scans older than 35 days.
+ Run "tenable-io-list-scan-filters" to get all available filters, ("Filter name" (name), "Filter operators" (quality) and "Readable regex" (value) in response).
+ For more information: https://developer.tenable.com/docs/scan-export-filters-tio
+ isArray: true
+ - name: filterSearchType
+ description: For multiple filters, specifies whether to use the AND or the OR logical operator.
+ defaultValue: AND
+ predefined:
+ - AND
+ - OR
+ - name: assetId
+ description: The ID of the asset scanned.
+ - name: fileId
+ description: ''
+ hidden: true
+ - name: hide_polling_output
+ description: ''
+ hidden: true
+ polling: true
+ description: |
+ Export and download a scan report.
+ Scan results older than 35 days are supported in Nessus and CSV formats only, and filters cannot be applied.
+ Scans that are actively running cannot be exported (run "tenable-io-list-scans" to view scan statuses)
+ name: tenable-io-export-scan
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: InfoFile.Size
+ description: The size of the file in bytes.
+ type: number
+ - contextPath: InfoFile.Name
+ description: The name of the file.
+ type: string
+ - contextPath: InfoFile.EntryID
+ description: The War Room entry ID of the file.
+ type: string
+ - contextPath: InfoFile.Info
+ description: The format and encoding of the file.
+ type: string
+ - contextPath: InfoFile.Type
+ description: The type of the file.
+ type: string
+ - contextPath: InfoFile.Extension
+ description: The file extension of the file.
runonce: false
script: '-'
subtype: python3
type: python
- dockerimage: demisto/python3:
+ dockerimage: demisto/python3:
- Tenable.io test
fromversion: 5.0.0
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io_test.py b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io_test.py
index 0a58a0f85c80..45e3c97b5e73 100644
--- a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io_test.py
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/Tenable_io_test.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
import pytest
from freezegun import freeze_time
from CommonServerPython import *
+import json
+# mypy: disable-error-code="operator"
'access-key': 'fake_access_key',
@@ -42,12 +44,26 @@
'VulnerabilityState': 'Resurfaced'
+ 'base_url': MOCK_PARAMS['url'],
+ 'verify': True,
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'ok_codes': (200,),
+def load_json(filename):
+ with open(f'test_data/{filename}.json') as f:
+ return json.load(f)
-def mock_demisto(mocker, mock_args):
+def mock_demisto(mocker, mock_args=None):
mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'params', return_value=MOCK_PARAMS)
mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'args', return_value=mock_args)
+ mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'uniqueFile', return_value='file')
+ mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'investigation', return_value={'id': 'id'})
mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'results')
+ mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'debug')
def test_get_scan_status(mocker, requests_mock):
@@ -179,6 +195,8 @@ def test_get_asset_details_command(mocker, requests_mock):
('2.5-3.5', 2.5, 3.5),
('0.1-3', 0.1, 3),
('0.1 - 3', 0.1, 3),
+ ('0-1', 'exception', 'exception'),
+ ('3-100', 'exception', 'exception'),
('0', 'exception', 'exception'),
('3-0', 'exception', 'exception')
@@ -193,11 +211,10 @@ def test_validate_range(range_str, expected_lower_range_bound, expected_upper_ra
from Tenable_io import validate_range
- if isinstance(expected_lower_range_bound, str) and isinstance(expected_upper_range_bound, str):
- with pytest.raises(DemistoException) as de:
+ if expected_lower_range_bound == expected_upper_range_bound == 'exception':
+ err_msg = 'Please specify a valid vprScoreRange. The VPR values range is 0.1-10.0.'
+ with pytest.raises(DemistoException, match=err_msg):
lower_range_bound, upper_range_bound = validate_range(range_str)
- assert de.value.message == 'Please specify valid vprScoreRange. VPR values range are 0.1-10.0.'
lower_range_bound, upper_range_bound = validate_range(range_str)
assert lower_range_bound == expected_lower_range_bound
@@ -348,7 +365,7 @@ def test_export_assets_command(mocker, args, return_value_export_request_with_ex
from Tenable_io import export_assets_command
import Tenable_io
from test_data.response_and_results import export_assets_response
- mocker.patch.object(ScheduledCommand, 'raise_error_if_not_supported', return_value=None)
+ mocker.patch.object(ScheduledCommand, 'raise_error_if_not_supported')
mocker.patch.object(Tenable_io, 'export_request', return_value={"export_uuid": 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'})
mocker.patch.object(Tenable_io, 'export_request_with_export_uuid',
return_value={"export_uuid": 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'})
@@ -417,3 +434,259 @@ def test_export_vulnerabilities_command(mocker, args, return_value_export_reques
' 2023-08-15T15:56:18.852Z | 2023-08-15T15:56:18.852Z |' \
' some_description | solution. |\n'
assert response.raw_response == export_vulnerabilities_response
+ 'args, expected_result',
+ [
+ # Test case 1: Basic input with limit and offset
+ (
+ {
+ 'sortFields': '',
+ 'sortOrder': 'asc',
+ 'excludeRollover': False,
+ 'limit': 10,
+ 'offset': 0
+ },
+ {
+ 'sort': '',
+ 'exclude_rollover': False,
+ 'limit': 10,
+ 'offset': 0,
+ }
+ ),
+ # Test case 2: Sorting by a multiple fields in ascending order
+ (
+ {
+ 'sortFields': 'name,date,status',
+ 'sortOrder': 'asc',
+ 'excludeRollover': False,
+ },
+ {
+ 'sort': 'name:asc,date:asc,status:asc',
+ 'exclude_rollover': False,
+ 'limit': 50,
+ 'offset': 0
+ }
+ ),
+ # Test case 3: Sorting by multiple fields in different orders
+ (
+ {
+ 'sortFields': 'name,date,status',
+ 'sortOrder': 'asc,desc,asc',
+ 'excludeRollover': False,
+ },
+ {
+ 'sort': 'name:asc,date:desc,status:asc',
+ 'exclude_rollover': False,
+ 'limit': 50,
+ 'offset': 0
+ }
+ )
+ ]
+def test_scan_history_params(args, expected_result):
+ """
+ Given:
+ Case 1: Only sortOrder is defined (Default).
+ Case 2: The sortFields has multiple values and sortOrder only one.
+ Case 3: Both sort lists have multiple values.
+ When:
+ - Running the tenable-io-get-scan-history command.
+ Then:
+ Case 1: Return empty sort.
+ Case 2: Sort all sortFields by sortOrder.
+ Case 3: Match sortFields and sortOrder's values by index.
+ """
+ from Tenable_io import scan_history_params
+ result = scan_history_params(args)
+ assert result == expected_result
+def test_list_scan_filters_command(mocker):
+ '''
+ Given:
+ - A request to list Tenable IO scan filters.
+ When:
+ - Running the "list-scan-filters" command.
+ Then:
+ - Verify that tenable-io-list-scan-filters command works as expected.
+ '''
+ from Tenable_io import list_scan_filters_command, Client
+ test_data = load_json('list_scan_filters')
+ request = mocker.patch.object(BaseClient, '_http_request', return_value=test_data['response_json'])
+ mock_demisto(mocker)
+ results = list_scan_filters_command(Client(**MOCK_CLIENT_ARGS))
+ assert results.outputs == test_data['outputs']
+ assert results.readable_output == test_data['readable_output']
+ assert results.outputs_prefix == 'TenableIO.ScanFilter'
+ assert results.outputs_key_field == 'name'
+ request.assert_called_with(*test_data['called_with']['args'])
+def test_get_scan_history_command(mocker):
+ '''
+ Given:
+ - A request to get Tenable IO scan history.
+ When:
+ - Running the "get-scan-history" command.
+ Then:
+ - Verify that tenable-io-get-scan-history command works as expected.
+ '''
+ from Tenable_io import get_scan_history_command, Client
+ test_data = load_json('get_scan_history')
+ request = mocker.patch.object(
+ BaseClient, '_http_request', return_value=test_data['response_json'])
+ mock_demisto(mocker)
+ results = get_scan_history_command(test_data['args'], Client(**MOCK_CLIENT_ARGS))
+ assert results.outputs_prefix == 'TenableIO.ScanHistory'
+ assert results.outputs_key_field == 'id'
+ assert results.outputs == test_data['outputs']
+ assert results.readable_output == test_data['readable_output']
+ request.assert_called_with(
+ *test_data['called_with']['args'],
+ **test_data['called_with']['kwargs'])
+def test_initiate_export_scan(mocker):
+ '''
+ Given:
+ - A request to export a scan report.
+ When:
+ - Running the "export-scan" command.
+ Then:
+ - Initiate an export scan request.
+ '''
+ from Tenable_io import initiate_export_scan, Client
+ test_data = load_json('initiate_export_scan')
+ mock_demisto(mocker)
+ request = mocker.patch.object(
+ BaseClient, '_http_request', return_value=test_data['response_json'])
+ file = initiate_export_scan(test_data['args'], Client(**MOCK_CLIENT_ARGS))
+ assert file == test_data['expected_file']
+ request.assert_called_with(
+ *test_data['called_with']['args'],
+ **test_data['called_with']['kwargs'])
+def test_download_export_scan(mocker):
+ '''
+ Given:
+ - A request to export a scan report.
+ When:
+ - Running the "export-scan" command.
+ Then:
+ - Initiate an export scan request.
+ '''
+ from Tenable_io import Client
+ mock_demisto(mocker)
+ mocker.patch.object(ScheduledCommand, 'raise_error_if_not_supported')
+ request = mocker.patch.object(
+ BaseClient, '_http_request', return_value=b'')
+ result = Client(**MOCK_CLIENT_ARGS).download_export_scan('scan_id', 'file_id', 'HTML')
+ assert result == {
+ 'Contents': '',
+ 'ContentsFormat': 'text',
+ 'Type': 9,
+ 'File': 'scan_scan_id_file_id.html',
+ 'FileID': 'file',
+ }
+ request.assert_called_with(
+ 'GET', 'scans/scan_id/export/file_id/download', resp_type='content')
+ 'args, response_json, message',
+ [
+ ({'scanId': '', 'format': 'HTML', 'filterSearchType': ''}, {},
+ 'The "chapters" field must be provided for PDF or HTML formats.'),
+ ({'scanId': '', 'format': '', 'filterSearchType': ''}, {'status': 'error'},
+ 'Tenable IO encountered an error while exporting the scan report file.')
+ ]
+def test_export_scan_command_errors(mocker, args, response_json, message):
+ '''
+ Given:
+ - A request to export a scan report.
+ When:
+ - Running the "export-scan" command in any of the following cases:
+ - Case A: The "format" arg is HTML or PDF but "chapters" is not defined.
+ - Case B: An export scan request has been made and the report status is "error" or unrecognized.
+ Then:
+ - Return an error.
+ '''
+ from Tenable_io import export_scan_command, Client
+ mock_demisto(mocker)
+ mocker.patch.object(ScheduledCommand, 'raise_error_if_not_supported')
+ mocker.patch.object(BaseClient, '_http_request', return_value=response_json)
+ mocker.patch.object(Client, 'initiate_export_scan', return_value={'file': 'file_id'})
+ with pytest.raises(DemistoException, match=message):
+ export_scan_command(args, Client(**MOCK_CLIENT_ARGS))
+ 'args, expected_result',
+ (
+ (
+ {
+ 'page': '10',
+ 'pageSize': '5',
+ 'limit': '50'
+ },
+ {
+ 'limit': 5,
+ 'offset': 45
+ }
+ ),
+ (
+ {
+ 'limit': '50',
+ 'page': '23'
+ },
+ {
+ 'limit': '50',
+ 'offset': 0
+ }
+ )
+ )
+def test_scan_history_pagination_params(args, expected_result):
+ from Tenable_io import scan_history_pagination_params
+ result = scan_history_pagination_params(args)
+ assert result == expected_result
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/command_examples.txt b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/command_examples.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..82f0929a0016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/command_examples.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+!tenable-io-get-scan-history scanId=16 excludeRollover=true sortFields=end_date,status sortOrder=desc page=2 pageSize=30
+!tenable-io-export-scan scanId=16 format=HTML chapters="compliance_exec,remediations,vuln_by_plugin" historyId=19540157 historyUuid=f7eaad37-23bd-4aac-a979-baab0e9a465b filterSearchType=OR filter="port.protocol eq tcp, plugin_id eq 1234567" assetId=10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/get_scan_history.json b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/get_scan_history.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..132361671042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/get_scan_history.json
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ "response_json": {
+ "history": [
+ {
+ "time_end": 1545945607,
+ "scan_uuid": "fc9dc7c5-8eec-4d39-ad9c-20e833cca69b",
+ "id": 10535512,
+ "is_archived": true,
+ "time_start": 1545945482,
+ "visibility": "public",
+ "targets": {
+ "custom": false,
+ "default": null
+ },
+ "status": "canceled"
+ },
+ {
+ "time_end": 1545945457,
+ "scan_uuid": "9e3a89e5-f3d0-4708-9ec9-403a34e7cd5e",
+ "id": 10535505,
+ "is_archived": true,
+ "time_start": 1545945321,
+ "visibility": "public",
+ "targets": {
+ "custom": false,
+ "default": null
+ },
+ "status": "completed"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "time_end": 1545945607,
+ "scan_uuid": "fc9dc7c5-8eec-4d39-ad9c-20e833cca69b",
+ "id": 10535512,
+ "is_archived": true,
+ "time_start": 1545945482,
+ "visibility": "public",
+ "targets": {
+ "custom": false,
+ "default": null
+ },
+ "status": "canceled"
+ },
+ {
+ "time_end": 1545945457,
+ "scan_uuid": "9e3a89e5-f3d0-4708-9ec9-403a34e7cd5e",
+ "id": 10535505,
+ "is_archived": true,
+ "time_start": 1545945321,
+ "visibility": "public",
+ "targets": {
+ "custom": false,
+ "default": null
+ },
+ "status": "completed"
+ }
+ ],
+ "readable_output": "### Tenable IO Scan History\n|History id|History uuid|Status|Is archived|Targets custom|Visibility|Time start|Time end|\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| 10535512 | fc9dc7c5-8eec-4d39-ad9c-20e833cca69b | canceled | true | false | public | 1545945482 | 1545945607 |\n| 10535505 | 9e3a89e5-f3d0-4708-9ec9-403a34e7cd5e | completed | true | false | public | 1545945321 | 1545945457 |\n",
+ "args": {
+ "scanId": "16",
+ "excludeRollover": "true",
+ "sortFields": "end_date,status",
+ "sortOrder": "desc",
+ "page": "2",
+ "pageSize": "30"
+ },
+ "called_with": {
+ "args": [
+ "GET",
+ "scans/16/history"
+ ],
+ "kwargs": {
+ "params": {
+ "sort": "end_date:desc,status:desc",
+ "exclude_rollover": "true",
+ "limit": 30,
+ "offset": 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/initiate_export_scan.json b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/initiate_export_scan.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22233f8b11ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/initiate_export_scan.json
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ "args": {
+ "scanId": "16",
+ "format": "HTML",
+ "chapters": "compliance_exec,remediations,vuln_by_plugin",
+ "historyId": "19540157",
+ "historyUuid": "f7eaad37-23bd-4aac-a979-baab0e9a465b",
+ "filterSearchType": "or",
+ "filter": "port.protocol eq tcp, plugin_id eq 1234567, spaced\\sname comma\\,quality value",
+ "assetId": "10"
+ },
+ "response_json": {
+ "file": "123456789"
+ },
+ "expected_file": "123456789",
+ "called_with": {
+ "args": [
+ "POST",
+ "scans/16/export"
+ ],
+ "kwargs": {
+ "params": {
+ "history_id": "19540157",
+ "history_uuid": "f7eaad37-23bd-4aac-a979-baab0e9a465b"
+ },
+ "json_data": {
+ "format": "html",
+ "chapters": "compliance_exec;remediations;vuln_by_plugin",
+ "filter.search_type": "or",
+ "asset_id": "10",
+ "filter.0.filter": "port.protocol",
+ "filter.0.quality": "eq",
+ "filter.0.value": "tcp",
+ "filter.1.filter": "plugin_id",
+ "filter.1.quality": "eq",
+ "filter.1.value": "1234567",
+ "filter.2.filter": "spaced name",
+ "filter.2.quality": "comma,quality",
+ "filter.2.value": "value"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/list_scan_filters.json b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/list_scan_filters.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0321a72825b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/Integrations/Tenable_io/test_data/list_scan_filters.json
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ "response_json": {
+ "filters": [
+ {
+ "name": "host.id",
+ "readable_name": "Asset ID",
+ "control": {
+ "type": "entry",
+ "regex": "[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}(,[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})*",
+ "readable_regex": "a94fd560-f8d9-4ed1-9b46-cba00c21bcdb"
+ },
+ "operators": [
+ "eq",
+ "neq",
+ "match",
+ "nmatch"
+ ],
+ "group_name": null
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "plugin.attributes.exploit_framework_canvas",
+ "readable_name": "CANVAS Exploit Framework",
+ "control": {
+ "type": "dropdown",
+ "list": [
+ "true",
+ "false"
+ ]
+ },
+ "operators": [
+ "eq",
+ "neq"
+ ],
+ "group_name": null
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "host.id",
+ "readable_name": "Asset ID",
+ "control": {
+ "type": "entry",
+ "regex": "[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}(,[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})*",
+ "readable_regex": "a94fd560-f8d9-4ed1-9b46-cba00c21bcdb"
+ },
+ "operators": [
+ "eq",
+ "neq",
+ "match",
+ "nmatch"
+ ],
+ "group_name": null
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "plugin.attributes.exploit_framework_canvas",
+ "readable_name": "CANVAS Exploit Framework",
+ "control": {
+ "type": "dropdown",
+ "list": [
+ "true",
+ "false"
+ ]
+ },
+ "operators": [
+ "eq",
+ "neq"
+ ],
+ "group_name": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "readable_output": "### Tenable IO Scan Filters\n|Filter name|Filter Readable name|Filter Control type|Filter regex|Readable regex|Filter operators|\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| host.id | Asset ID | entry | [0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}(,[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})* | a94fd560-f8d9-4ed1-9b46-cba00c21bcdb | eq,
nmatch |\n| plugin.attributes.exploit_framework_canvas | CANVAS Exploit Framework | dropdown | | | eq,
neq |\n",
+ "called_with": {
+ "args": [
+ "GET",
+ "filters/scans/reports"
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/ReleaseNotes/2_1_12.md b/Packs/Tenable_io/ReleaseNotes/2_1_12.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28f2cf42a169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/ReleaseNotes/2_1_12.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#### Integrations
+##### Tenable.io
+- Added the following commands:
+ - ***tenable-io-list-scan-filters***
+ - ***tenable-io-get-scan-history***
+ - ***tenable-io-export-scan***
+- Updated the Docker image to: *demisto/python3:*.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/TestPlaybooks/playbook-Tenable.io_Scan_Test.yml b/Packs/Tenable_io/TestPlaybooks/playbook-Tenable.io_Scan_Test.yml
index 0bf91be74344..532a43bf3711 100644
--- a/Packs/Tenable_io/TestPlaybooks/playbook-Tenable.io_Scan_Test.yml
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/TestPlaybooks/playbook-Tenable.io_Scan_Test.yml
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ starttaskid: "0"
id: "0"
- taskid: e5bcdce1-05b5-40be-8a73-c38ae3dbee9f
+ taskid: cad70594-65e7-4983-8d68-7edf282b4c1f
type: start
- id: e5bcdce1-05b5-40be-8a73-c38ae3dbee9f
+ id: cad70594-65e7-4983-8d68-7edf282b4c1f
version: -1
name: ""
iscommand: false
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "2"
- taskid: ed65bc4b-8534-4ee5-8eb2-9be5a3cae6d7
+ taskid: b69f20c4-3994-45ef-8930-ed1404fd2dc0
type: regular
- id: ed65bc4b-8534-4ee5-8eb2-9be5a3cae6d7
+ id: b69f20c4-3994-45ef-8930-ed1404fd2dc0
version: -1
name: DeleteContext
description: Delete field from context
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 50,
- "y": 175
+ "y": 195
note: false
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "3"
- taskid: bc7d35a9-3cdc-4724-8bab-0a8dbe1648d3
+ taskid: f6fbf897-9776-43f0-833d-10ab0e329430
type: playbook
- id: bc7d35a9-3cdc-4724-8bab-0a8dbe1648d3
+ id: f6fbf897-9776-43f0-833d-10ab0e329430
version: -1
name: Tenable.io Scan
playbookName: Tenable.io Scan
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ tasks:
simple: "2"
- simple: "16"
+ simple: "55"
separatecontext: true
iscommand: false
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 50,
- "y": 650
+ "y": 720
note: false
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "4"
- taskid: 6174091e-cfc1-4fc4-87ea-115a501e6c53
+ taskid: 5d13467d-5039-4ceb-8d80-a11777c6c54f
type: playbook
- id: 6174091e-cfc1-4fc4-87ea-115a501e6c53
+ id: 5d13467d-5039-4ceb-8d80-a11777c6c54f
version: -1
name: GenericPolling
description: |-
@@ -132,17 +132,7 @@ tasks:
- "3"
- complex:
- root: TenableIO.Scan.Id
- filters:
- - - operator: containsGeneral
- left:
- value:
- simple: TenableIO.Scan.Id
- iscontext: true
- right:
- value:
- simple: "16"
+ simple: "55"
simple: "1"
@@ -150,9 +140,9 @@ tasks:
simple: tenable-io-get-scan-status
- simple: "10"
+ simple: "30"
- simple: TenableIO.Scan(val.Status == 'pending' || val.Status == 'running' || val.Status == 'publishing').Id
+ simple: TenableIO.Scan(val.Status != 'completed').Id
separatecontext: true
continueonerrortype: ""
@@ -164,7 +154,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 50,
- "y": 490
+ "y": 545
note: false
@@ -176,14 +166,14 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "5"
- taskid: 906f1daf-f844-4d7c-884a-8892b71ca63e
+ taskid: e1f6435c-3757-40d3-83c4-35ae1463ceea
type: regular
- id: 906f1daf-f844-4d7c-884a-8892b71ca63e
+ id: e1f6435c-3757-40d3-83c4-35ae1463ceea
version: -1
- name: 'tenable.io list scans '
- description: Retrieves scans from the Tenable platform.
- script: '|||tenable-io-list-scans'
+ name: 'Get scan status'
+ description: 'Checks the status of a specific scan using the scan ID. Possible values: "Running", "Completed", and "Empty" (Ready to run).'
+ script: '|||tenable-io-get-scan-status'
type: regular
iscommand: true
brand: ""
@@ -196,7 +186,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 50,
- "y": 340
+ "y": 370
note: false
@@ -206,12 +196,15 @@ tasks:
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ scriptarguments:
+ scanId:
+ simple: "55"
view: |-
"linkLabelsPosition": {},
"paper": {
"dimensions": {
- "height": 695,
+ "height": 765,
"width": 380,
"x": 50,
"y": 50
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/TestPlaybooks/playbook-Tenable.io_test.yml b/Packs/Tenable_io/TestPlaybooks/playbook-Tenable.io_test.yml
index 2e2d52e42838..b8202cbccc78 100644
--- a/Packs/Tenable_io/TestPlaybooks/playbook-Tenable.io_test.yml
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/TestPlaybooks/playbook-Tenable.io_test.yml
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ starttaskid: "0"
id: "0"
- taskid: f7932817-4391-4aa3-863d-73d83a011ecf
+ taskid: 2a8ea8d7-fc77-4104-8059-4de9874c0fe7
type: start
- id: f7932817-4391-4aa3-863d-73d83a011ecf
+ id: 2a8ea8d7-fc77-4104-8059-4de9874c0fe7
version: -1
name: ""
iscommand: false
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "1"
- taskid: 56c528de-0cec-449f-8506-afe329207973
+ taskid: e5b07211-3c08-4203-8828-b4a8449d948b
type: regular
- id: 56c528de-0cec-449f-8506-afe329207973
+ id: e5b07211-3c08-4203-8828-b4a8449d948b
version: -1
name: tenable-io-list-scans
description: Retrive scans from the Tenable platform.
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 50,
- "y": 360
+ "y": 370
note: false
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "2"
- taskid: 426ddd77-8f48-46a1-89e8-aa6d4782246a
+ taskid: 15756edb-296a-4c16-8459-6b8947f49f5a
type: regular
- id: 426ddd77-8f48-46a1-89e8-aa6d4782246a
+ id: 15756edb-296a-4c16-8459-6b8947f49f5a
version: -1
name: tenable-io-get-scan-status
description: 'Check the status of a specific scan using its ID. The status can hold following possible values : Running, Completed and Empty (Ready to run).'
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 50,
- "y": 540
+ "y": 545
note: false
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "3"
- taskid: 14a9feb3-a1f1-4464-8063-c83bb3fe4eef
+ taskid: e8e416e2-87d8-481c-81a1-7067f6ab1d71
type: regular
- id: 14a9feb3-a1f1-4464-8063-c83bb3fe4eef
+ id: e8e416e2-87d8-481c-81a1-7067f6ab1d71
version: -1
name: tenable-io-get-scan-report
description: Retrive scan-report for the given scan.
@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "4"
- taskid: 7139c144-e5bd-4840-8266-7f2cf0b0055c
+ taskid: ccd80e24-0b34-4387-8c14-a0439031f6b3
type: regular
- id: 7139c144-e5bd-4840-8266-7f2cf0b0055c
+ id: ccd80e24-0b34-4387-8c14-a0439031f6b3
version: -1
name: DeleteContext
description: Delete field from context
@@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "5"
- taskid: 23bbbd46-8773-4cf5-847f-ebe65b135f1c
+ taskid: 97d4cdbe-354d-4cf5-815e-526cc33af179
type: regular
- id: 23bbbd46-8773-4cf5-847f-ebe65b135f1c
+ id: 97d4cdbe-354d-4cf5-815e-526cc33af179
version: -1
name: tenable-io-get-vulnerability-details
description: Retrieve details for the given vulnerability.
@@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "6"
- taskid: d3cd8fc0-900f-480e-8e14-dea887416c2d
+ taskid: c3ea6b10-1adb-4539-85e1-f897d2a1ccfe
type: regular
- id: d3cd8fc0-900f-480e-8e14-dea887416c2d
+ id: c3ea6b10-1adb-4539-85e1-f897d2a1ccfe
version: -1
name: tenable-io-get-vulnerabilities-by-asset
description: Get a list of up to 5000 of the vulnerabilities recorded for a given asset. By default, this list is sorted by vulnerability count, descending.
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "7"
- taskid: 5a69fe6a-1c85-4736-84ad-ef961c1693c4
+ taskid: 8668f8d2-3007-4ee9-81fd-c1e8752d2c3e
type: regular
- id: 5a69fe6a-1c85-4736-84ad-ef961c1693c4
+ id: 8668f8d2-3007-4ee9-81fd-c1e8752d2c3e
version: -1
name: Tenable-io-export-assets
description: Retrieves details for the specified asset to include custom attributes.
@@ -275,9 +275,11 @@ tasks:
- "10"
- simple: "500"
+ simple: "100"
simple: "false"
+ retry-count:
+ simple: "5"
separatecontext: false
continueonerrortype: ""
view: |-
@@ -296,10 +298,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "8"
- taskid: 1f3807f7-1ab6-4d00-844c-9f7d6f1a056d
+ taskid: b0488d35-5a4b-4b3e-858d-43c54d28a888
type: regular
- id: 1f3807f7-1ab6-4d00-844c-9f7d6f1a056d
+ id: b0488d35-5a4b-4b3e-858d-43c54d28a888
version: -1
name: Tenable-io-export-vulnerability
description: Retrieves details for the specified asset to include custom attributes.
@@ -312,7 +314,9 @@ tasks:
- "9"
- simple: "500"
+ simple: "50"
+ timeOut:
+ simple: "120"
separatecontext: false
continueonerrortype: ""
view: |-
@@ -331,10 +335,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "9"
- taskid: 17027ae1-c221-4daf-8bb0-9081d50375d8
+ taskid: b1353dec-47ad-4833-8ae8-fd2942d5d376
type: condition
- id: 17027ae1-c221-4daf-8bb0-9081d50375d8
+ id: b1353dec-47ad-4833-8ae8-fd2942d5d376
version: -1
name: Verify vulnerabilities
type: condition
@@ -342,7 +346,7 @@ tasks:
brand: ""
- - "11"
+ - "13"
separatecontext: false
- label: "yes"
@@ -369,10 +373,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "10"
- taskid: 8115f6fa-a10f-4d84-87f4-ea8f4e059f66
+ taskid: e9b3a100-5e5b-428c-877a-26dd3fb8b942
type: condition
- id: 8115f6fa-a10f-4d84-87f4-ea8f4e059f66
+ id: e9b3a100-5e5b-428c-877a-26dd3fb8b942
version: -1
name: Verify assets
type: condition
@@ -407,10 +411,10 @@ tasks:
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "11"
- taskid: 10c45026-f73b-47fc-878a-26ed8b5ecab4
+ taskid: 1ce016d5-80af-4005-8dbf-8785b39c121e
type: title
- id: 10c45026-f73b-47fc-878a-26ed8b5ecab4
+ id: 1ce016d5-80af-4005-8dbf-8785b39c121e
version: -1
name: Done
type: title
@@ -423,7 +427,241 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 50,
- "y": 1920
+ "y": 2645
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "12":
+ id: "12"
+ taskid: e06b064b-c26d-4125-8ee3-c2111dc11878
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: e06b064b-c26d-4125-8ee3-c2111dc11878
+ version: -1
+ name: Run get-scan-history Command
+ description: Lists the individual runs of the specified scan.
+ script: Tenable.io|||tenable-io-get-scan-history
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: Tenable.io
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "14"
+ scriptarguments:
+ excludeRollover:
+ simple: "true"
+ limit:
+ simple: "20"
+ scanId:
+ complex:
+ root: TenableIO.Scan
+ filters:
+ - - operator: isEqualString
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: TenableIO.Scan.Status
+ iscontext: true
+ right:
+ value:
+ simple: completed
+ accessor: Id
+ transformers:
+ - operator: atIndex
+ args:
+ index:
+ value:
+ simple: "0"
+ sortFields:
+ simple: end_date,status
+ sortOrder:
+ simple: desc
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 2295
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "13":
+ id: "13"
+ taskid: 4d2d7fbd-eb29-42b7-84e6-b692d3e3ba4e
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: 4d2d7fbd-eb29-42b7-84e6-b692d3e3ba4e
+ version: -1
+ name: Run list-scan-filters Command
+ description: Lists the filtering, sorting, and pagination capabilities available for scan records on endpoints/commands that support them.
+ script: Tenable.io|||tenable-io-list-scan-filters
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: Tenable.io
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "15"
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 1945
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "14":
+ id: "14"
+ taskid: cc10f48a-204b-4a51-8e71-69ded5e54112
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: cc10f48a-204b-4a51-8e71-69ded5e54112
+ version: -1
+ name: Run export-scan Command
+ description: Export and download a scan report.
+ script: Tenable.io|||tenable-io-export-scan
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: Tenable.io
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "11"
+ scriptarguments:
+ chapters:
+ simple: vuln_hosts_summary,remediations,compliance_exec,vuln_by_host,compliance,vuln_by_plugin
+ format:
+ simple: CSV
+ historyId:
+ complex:
+ root: TenableIO.ScanHistory
+ filters:
+ - - operator: isEqualString
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: TenableIO.ScanHistory.status
+ iscontext: true
+ right:
+ value:
+ simple: completed
+ accessor: id
+ transformers:
+ - operator: atIndex
+ args:
+ index:
+ value:
+ simple: "0"
+ historyUuid:
+ complex:
+ root: TenableIO.ScanHistory
+ filters:
+ - - operator: isEqualString
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: TenableIO.ScanHistory.status
+ iscontext: true
+ right:
+ value:
+ simple: completed
+ accessor: scan_uuid
+ transformers:
+ - operator: atIndex
+ args:
+ index:
+ value:
+ simple: "0"
+ scanId:
+ complex:
+ root: TenableIO.Scan
+ filters:
+ - - operator: isEqualString
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: TenableIO.Scan.Status
+ iscontext: true
+ right:
+ value:
+ simple: completed
+ accessor: Id
+ transformers:
+ - operator: atIndex
+ args:
+ index:
+ value:
+ simple: "0"
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 2470
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "15":
+ id: "15"
+ taskid: 0679e8ba-cb2e-4050-8c24-39861f642962
+ type: condition
+ task:
+ id: 0679e8ba-cb2e-4050-8c24-39861f642962
+ version: -1
+ name: Verify list scan filters
+ type: condition
+ iscommand: false
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ "yes":
+ - "12"
+ separatecontext: false
+ conditions:
+ - label: "yes"
+ condition:
+ - - operator: isExists
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: TenableIO.ScanFilter.name
+ iscontext: true
+ - - operator: isExists
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: TenableIO.ScanFilter.control.readable_regex
+ iscontext: true
+ - - operator: isExists
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: TenableIO.ScanFilter.operators
+ iscontext: true
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 2120
note: false
@@ -438,7 +676,7 @@ view: |-
"linkLabelsPosition": {},
"paper": {
"dimensions": {
- "height": 1935,
+ "height": 2660,
"width": 380,
"x": 50,
"y": 50
diff --git a/Packs/Tenable_io/pack_metadata.json b/Packs/Tenable_io/pack_metadata.json
index bd318a50572c..08fd413709b1 100644
--- a/Packs/Tenable_io/pack_metadata.json
+++ b/Packs/Tenable_io/pack_metadata.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"name": "Tenable.io",
- "description": "A comprehensive asset centric solution to accurately track\u00a0resources while accommodating\u00a0dynamic assets such as cloud, mobile devices, containers and web applications.",
+ "description": "A comprehensive asset centric solution to accurately track resources while accommodating dynamic assets such as cloud, mobile devices, containers and web applications.",
"support": "xsoar",
- "currentVersion": "2.1.11",
+ "currentVersion": "2.1.12",
"author": "Cortex XSOAR",
"url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cortex",
"email": "",
diff --git a/Tests/conf.json b/Tests/conf.json
index 41d51647258f..b7ce4997444c 100644
--- a/Tests/conf.json
+++ b/Tests/conf.json
@@ -1208,7 +1208,8 @@
"integrations": "Tenable.io",
- "playbookID": "Tenable.io test"
+ "playbookID": "Tenable.io test",
+ "timeout": 3600
"playbookID": "URLDecode-Test"