Releases: xuelongqy/flutter_easy_refresh
Fix: BezierCircleHeader progress bar is occasionally not hidden
Update: TaurusHeader add backgroundColor parameter issues#269
Add: key and EasyRefresh.custom listKey issues#273
Fix: After using firstRefreshWidget, pull down refresh does not take effect issues#250,issues#256
Fix: EmptyView size does not change after ScrollView size changes issues#241
Fix: Animation throws exception when dispose issues#233
Fix: Flare animation throws exception issues#245
Add: Header and Footer display independently
Fix: When the list is empty, infinite loading has no effect
Fix: 5 ball cross-border issues#156
Fix: The background color of the ball pulse does not take effect pull#202
Fix: MaterialHeader, animation error after dispose issues#199
Add: Notifier Header and Footer issues#177,issues#186
Add: Custom style support gesture issues#207
Fix: List height is not greater than indicator height, Footer reverse issues#160
Fix: Quick rebound after list refresh or load issues#130
Fix: ClassicalFooter set bgColor is invalid issues#138
Fix: success is not reset when reset state
Fix: When onRefresh is null, empty attempt to report error issues#140
Fix: When no more, the icon still loading issues # 137, issues # 142