It's possible to store JavaScript in an attachment name, which will be executed by anyone trying to move the corresponding attachment.
This issue has been patched in XWiki 14.4RC1.
#set($titleToDisplay = $services.localization.render('attachment.move.title',
[$, $escapetool.xml($doc.plainTitle), $doc.getURL()]))
#set($titleToDisplay = $services.localization.render('attachment.move.title', [
It's possible to store JavaScript in an attachment name, which will be executed by anyone trying to move the corresponding attachment.
For example, an attachment with name
><img src=1 onerror=alert(1)>.jpg
will execute the alert.Patches
This issue has been patched in XWiki 14.4RC1.
It is possible to fix the vulnerability by copying moveStep1.vm to
and replaceby
See the corresponding patch.
For more information
If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: