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HCA DSS: The Human Cell Atlas Data Storage System

This repository contains design specs and prototypes for the replicated data storage system (aka the "blue box") of the Human Cell Atlas. We use this Google Drive folder for design docs and meeting notes, and this Zenhub board to track our GitHub work.

About this prototype

The prototype in this repository uses Swagger to specify the API in dss-api.yml, and Connexion to map the API specification to its implementation in Python.

You can use the Swagger Editor to review and edit the prototype API specification. When the prototype app is running, the Swagger spec is also available at /v1/swagger.json.

The prototype is deployed continuously from the master branch, with the resulting producer and consumer API available at

Installing dependencies for development on the prototype

The HCA DSS prototype development environment requires Python 3.6+ to run. Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt in this directory.

Installing dependencies for the prototype

The HCA DSS prototype requires Python 3.6+ to run. Run pip install -r requirements.txt in this directory.

Pull sample data bundles

Tests also use data from the data-bundle-examples subrepository. Run: git submodule update --init

Environment Variables

Environment variables are required for test and deployment. The required environment variables and their default values are in the file environment. To customize the values of these environment variables:

  1. Copy environment.local.example to environment.local
  2. Edit environment.local to add custom entries that override the default values in environment

Run source environment now and whenever these environment files are modified.

Configuring cloud-specific access credentials

  1. Follow the instructions in to get the aws command line utility.

  2. Create an S3 bucket that you want DSS to use and in environment.local, set the environment variable DSS_S3_BUCKET to the name of that bucket. Make sure the bucket region is consistent with AWS_DEFAULT_REGION in environment.local.

  3. Repeat the previous step for

  4. If you wish to run the unit tests, you must create two more S3 buckets, one for test data and another for test fixtures, and set the environment variables DSS_S3_BUCKET_TEST and DSS_S3_BUCKET_TEST_FIXTURES to the names of those buckets.

Hint: To create S3 buckets from the command line, use aws s3 mb --region REGION s3://BUCKET_NAME/.

  1. Follow the instructions in to get the gcloud command line utility.

  2. In the Google Cloud Console, select the correct Google user account on the top right and the correct GCP project in the drop down in the top center. Go to "IAM & Admin", then "Service accounts", then click "Create service account" and select "Furnish a new private key". Under "Roles" select "Project – Owner", "Service Accounts – Service Account User" and "Cloud Functions – Cloud Function Developer". Create the account and download the service account key JSON file.

  3. In environment.local, set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the service account key JSON file.

  4. Choose a region that has support for Cloud Functions and set GCP_DEFAULT_REGION to that region. See for a list of supported regions.

  5. Run gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/path/to/service-account.json.

  6. Run gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID where PROJECT_ID is the ID, not the name (!) of the GCP project you selected earlier.

  7. Enable required APIs: gcloud services enable; gcloud services enable

  8. Generate OAuth application secrets to be used for your instance:

    1. Go to (you may have to select Organization and Project again)

    2. Click Create Credentials and select OAuth client

    3. For Application type choose Other

    4. Under application name, use hca-dss- followed by the stage name i.e., the value of DSS_DEPLOYMENT_STAGE. This is a convention only and carries no technical significance.

    5. Click Create, don't worry about noting the client ID and secret, click OK

    6. Click the edit icon for the new credentials and click Download JSON

    7. Place the downloaded JSON file into the project root as application_secrets.json

  9. Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket and in environment.local, set the environment variable DSS_GS_BUCKET to the name of that bucket. Make sure the bucket region is consistent with GCP_DEFAULT_REGION in environment.local.

  10. Repeat the previous step for

  1. If you wish to run the unit tests, you must create two more buckets, one for test data and another for test fixtures, and set the environment variables DSS_GS_BUCKET_TEST and DSS_GS_BUCKET_TEST_FIXTURES to the names of those buckets.

Hint: To create GCS buckets from the command line, use gsutil mb -c regional -l REGION gs://BUCKET_NAME/.

  1. Set the environment variables AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME and AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY.

Running the DSS API locally

Run ./dss-api in the top-level data-store directory.

Check and install software required to test and deploy

Check that software packages required to test and deploy are available, and install them if necessary.

Run: make --dry-run

Populate test data

To run the tests, test fixture data must be set up using the following command. This command will completely empty the given buckets before populating them with test fixture data, please ensure the correct bucket names are provided.

tests/fixtures/ --s3-bucket $DSS_S3_BUCKET_TEST_FIXTURES --gs-bucket $DSS_GS_BUCKET_TEST_FIXTURES

Running tests

Set the environment variable DSS_TEST_ES_PATH to the path of the elasticsearch binary on your machine. Then to perform the data store tests:

Run make test in the top-level data-store directory.


Assuming the tests have passed above, the next step is to manually deploy. See the section below for information on CI/CD with Travis if continuous deployment is your goal.

The AWS Elasticsearch Service is used for metadata indexing. Currently, the AWS Elasticsearch Service must be configured manually. The AWS Elasticsearch Service domain name must either:

  • have the value dss-index-$DSS_DEPLOYMENT_STAGE

  • or, the environment variable DSS_ES_DOMAIN must be set to the domain name of the AWS Elasticsearch Service instance to be used.

For typical development deployments the t2.small.elasticsearch instance type is more than sufficient.

Now deploy using make:

make deploy

Set up AWS API Gateway. The gateway is automatically set up for you and associated with the Lambda. However, to get a friendly domain name, you need to follow the directions here. In summary:

  1. Generate a HTTPS certificate via AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). See note below on choosing a region for the certificate.

  2. Set up the custom domain name in the API gateway console. See note below on the DNS record type.

  3. In Amazon Route 53 point the domain to the API gateway

  4. In the API Gateway, fill in the endpoints for the custom domain name e.g. Path=/, Destination=dss and dev. These might be different based on the profile used (dev, stage, etc).

  5. Set the environment variable API_DOMAIN_NAME to your domain name in the environment.local file.

Note: The certificate should be in the same region as the API gateway or, if that's not possible, in us-east-1. If the ACM certificate's region is us-east-1 and the API gateway is in another region, the type of the custom domain name must be Edge Optimized. Provisioning such a domain name typically takes up to 40 minutes because the certificate needs to be replicated to all involved CloudFront edge servers. The corresponding record set in Route 53 needs to be an alias A record, not a CNAME or a regular A record, and it must point to the CloudFront host name associated with the edge-optimized domain name. Starting November 2017, API gateway supports regional certificates i.e., certificates in regions other than us-east-1. This makes it possible to match the certificate's region with that of the API gateway. and cuts the provisioning of the custom domain name down to seconds. Simply create the certificate in the same region as that of the API gateway, create a custom domain name of type Regional and in Route53 add a CNAME recordset that points to the gateway's canonical host name.

If successful, you should be able to see the Swagger API documentation at:


And you should be able to list bundles like this:

curl -X GET "https://<domain_name>/v1/bundles" -H  "accept: application/json"

Configure email notifications

Some daemons (dss-checkout-sfn for example) use Amazon SES to send emails. You must set DSS_NOTIFICATION_SENDER to your email address and then verify that address using the SES Console enabling SES to send notification emails from it.

Using the HCA Data Store CLI Client

Now that you have deployed the data store, the next step is to use the HCA Data Store CLI to upload and download data to the system. See data-store-cli for installation instructions. The client requires you change hca/api_spec.json to point to the correct host, schemes, and, possibly, basePath. Examples of CLI use:

# list bundles
hca get-bundles
# upload full bundle
hca upload --replica aws --staging-bucket staging_bucket_name data-bundle-examples/smartseq2/paired_ends

Checking Indexing

Now that you've uploaded data, the next step is to confirm the indexing is working properly and you can query the indexed metadata.

hca post-search --query '
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "files.sample_json.donor.species": "Homo sapiens"
            }, {
                "match": {
                    "files.assay_json.single_cell.method": "Fluidigm C1"
            }, {
                "match": {
                    "files.sample_json.ncbi_biosample": "SAMN04303778"

CI/CD with Travis CI

We use Travis CI for continuous integration testing and deployment. When make test succeeds, Travis CI deploys the application into the dev stage on AWS for every commit that goes on the master branch. This behavior is defined in the deploy section of .travis.yml.

Authorizing Travis CI to deploy

Encrypted environment variables give Travis CI the AWS credentials needed to run the tests and deploy the app. Run scripts/ IAM-PRINCIPAL-TYPE IAM-PRINCIPAL-NAME (e.g. group travis-ci) to give that principal the permissions needed to deploy the app. Because a group policy has a higher size limit (5,120 characters) than a user policy (2,048 characters), it is advisable to apply this to a group and add the principal to that group. Because this is a limited set of permissions, it does not have write access to IAM. To set up the IAM policies for resources in your account that the app will use, run make deploy using privileged account credentials once from your workstation. After this is done, Travis CI will be able to deploy on its own. You must repeat the make deploy step from a privileged account any time you change the IAM policies templates in iam/policy-templates/.

Authorizing the event relay

Environment variables provide the AWS credentials needed to relay events originating from supported cloud platforms outside of AWS. Run scripts/ to create an AWS IAM user with the appropriate restricted access policy. The access key id and secret access key are created and populated into AWS SSM parameters by running the script scripts/

Managing dependencies

The direct runtime dependencies of this project are defined in Direct development dependencies are defined in All dependencies, direct and transitive, are defined in the corresponding requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt files. The latter two can be generated using make requirements.txt or make requirements-dev.txt respectively. Modifications to any of these four files need to be committed. This process is aimed at making dependency handling more deterministic without accumulating the upgrade debt that would be incurred by simply pinning all direct and transitive dependencies. Avoid being overly restrictive when constraining the allowed version range of direct dependencies in and

If you need to modify or add a direct runtime dependency declaration, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure there are no pending changes to requirements.txt or requirements-dev.txt.
  2. Make the desired change to or
  3. Run make requirements.txt. Run make requirements-dev.txt if you have modified
  4. Visually check the changes to requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt.
  5. Commit them with a message like Bumping dependencies.

You now have two commits, one that catches up with updates to transitive dependencies, and one that tracks your explict change to a direct dependency. This process applies to development dependencies as well, except for requirements-dev.txt and respectively.

If you wish to re-pin all the dependencies, run make refresh_all_requirements. It is advisable to do a full test-deploy-test cycle after this (the test after the deploy is required to test the lambdas).

Logging conventions

  1. Always use a module-level logger, call it logger and initialize it as follows:

    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  2. Do not configure logging at module scope. It should be possible to import any module without side-effects on logging. The dss.logging module contains functions that configure logging for this application, its Lambda functions and unit tests.

  3. When logging a message, pass either

    • an f-string as the first and only positional argument or

    • a %-string as the first argument and substitution values as subsequent arguments. Do not mix the two string interpolation methods. If you mix them, any percent sign in a substituted value will raise an exception.

    # In other words, use"Foo is {foo} and bar is {bar}")
    # or"Foo is %s and bar is %s", foo, bar)
    # but not"Foo is {foo} and bar is %s", bar)
    # Keyword arguments can be used safely in conjunction with f-strings:"Foo is {foo}", exc_info=True)
  4. To enable verbose logging by application code, set the environment variable DSS_DEBUG to 1. To enable verbose logging by dependencies set DSS_DEBUG to 2. To disable verbose logging unset DSS_DEBUG or set it to 0.

  5. To assert in tests that certain messages were logged, use the dss logger or one of its children

    dss_logger = logging.getLogger('dss')
    with self.assertLogs(dss_logger) as log_monitor:
        # do stuff
    # or
    import dss
    with self.assertLogs(dss.logger) as log_monitor:
        # do stuff     

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