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Different Ways To Package A Simple Scala App

1. Introduction

In this small article, let's look at different ways in which we can package our simple Scala application.

2. Assumption

For this to work, I am assuming the below conditions are met:

  • JDK is installed
  • Scala version above 2.12 is installed. (For this specific example, I am using Scala 3.1.0)
  • Probably an IDE like VS Code(with Metals) or IntelliJ IDEA or any other editor is installed

3. SBT Assembly

SBT is the most commonly used build tool for scala applications. And an executable jar file is the most simplest packaging we can create to run on multiple platforms. The only requirement is to have a jre.

sbt-assembly is a very simple plugin that can be used to create jar files for your scala application. Let's look at it with an example.

First of all, we need to create a simple sbt project.

In the plugins.sbt, add the sbt-assembly dependency as:

addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "1.1.0")

After the re-importing the sbt build, let's add the required configurations in build.sbt.

assembly / assemblyJarName := "assemblyApp.jar"

Let's add a dependency for the project. This is just to show that the dependencies are also packaged within the jar and we can run the assembly jar without any additional configurations for classpath. In this particular example, I am using os-lib librarby as a dependency.

Now, we can create our sample scala class:


@main def mainMethod() =
  val osName = System.getProperty("")
  val path = os.pwd.toString
    | Hello from the packaged app! 
    | Current Path: ${path}

That's it. We are now ready to create a packaged jar with just a few configuraitons in build.sbt.

To create the package, we need to run the sbt command: sbt assembly

This will create the jar file under the path target/scala-3.1.0/app-packaging-assembly-1.0.2.jar from the projecrt root. Since I am using scala-3.1.0, this is created under the above folder structure. For other scala versions, the path will change accordingly.

We can now execute the jar file from the directory as: java -jar app-packaging-assembly-1.0.2.jar

By default sbt-assembly uses the project name and the version number to generate the jar file name.

Sbt-assembly also provides advanced configuration options. We can set a name for the jar file using:

assembly / assemblyJarName := "assemblyApp.jar"

Now, the jar file will be named as assemblyApp.jar.

Similarly, a lot more configuration options are available. More details are given in the sbt-assembly github page.

4. SBT Native Packager

SBT Assembly is a good plugin to create a jar file. But if there project is getting bigger, sbt-assembly might be a bit of difficult to manage. Especially, we might need to provide a lot of rules to handle deduplication. Also, it is not possible to create any other packaging formats using sbt-assembly. Here comes the use of sbt-native-packager.

SBT Native Packager allows us to create a wide variety of native packging formats like exe, zip, msi, docker, etc.

Let's first add the plugin dependency to the plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.9.7")

After importing the build, now we can add the relevant configurations in build.sbt:


Now we can run the sbt command:

sbt universal:packageBin

This will create a zip package under <project_root>/target/universal which can then be copied to anywhere and unzipped. It will contain two scripts (windows and unix based scripts) under the directory bin. We can just execute this script to run our application.

Instead of universal, we can also execute platform specific commands to generate the package. For example, to generate a debian package, we can run:


For windows:

sbt windows:packageBin

Similarly, we can create rpn package, mac package, graalvm native image etc.

However, please not that there may be pre-requisites to generate these platform specific packages. For example, to generate msi package for windows, the the system should have WIX toolkit installed. Similarly, for debian packaging, there should be relevant dpkg tools already installed

We can add more configurations in the build.sbt to customise the package.

maintainer := "Yadukrishnan <>"
Compile / mainClass := Some("")

More such configuration options are available in the sbt-native-packager documentation.

We can also use jlink based packaging in sbt-native-packager. jlink is a java tool which can identify and embed a minimal jre to the application. That means, the target system doesn't need to jave JRE/Java installed. To enable it, we can add this line to build.sbt:


jlinkIgnoreMissingDependency := JlinkIgnore.only(
  "scala.quoted" -> "scala",
  "scala.quoted.runtime" -> "scala"

While building, there is a chance that you might be getting some errors due to unresolved dependencies. This can be manually suppressed by adding the ignore configurations for those which are not really needed for the runtime. In the previous example, the jlink was not able to find the library for scala.quoted package. Since we don't need it at runtime, we can ignore it. This might become tricky if the project gets bigger or if it uses some specific libraries which can't be packaged.

The jlink plugin now will copy all the dependencies and the jre libraries to a specific path, then packages the app using the universal plugin. So, we can now execute the command:

sbt universal:packageBin

The generated zip file will have the jre libraries within. This can be now copied and run in another system even without JRE installed.

NOTE: However, currently the generating system and the target system should be same. That means, if the app needs to be run in a windows machine, the jlink packaging also should be done in another windows machine.

5. SBT Proguard

Proguard is a tool to optimise, obfuscate and package a java app. This is very useful in creating a shrinked application. sbt-proguard is a SBT plugin that can be used to package the scala application using proguard.

First, we need to add the plugin to the plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-proguard" % "0.5.0")

Now we need to enable it in build.sbt and add the relevent configurations:

Proguard / proguardOptions ++= Seq("-dontoptimize","-dontnote", "-dontwarn", "-ignorewarnings")
Proguard / proguardOptions += ProguardOptions.keepMain("")
Proguard / proguardInputs := (Compile / dependencyClasspath).value.files
Proguard / proguardFilteredInputs ++= ProguardOptions.noFilter((Compile / packageBin).value)

Please note the proguard options. These options are used by the proguard to optimise and obfuscate the code. In this case, the flag dontoptimize is used since proguard was corrupting the scala code while rewriting. More information regarding the proguard options are available here

Now, let's run the sbt command:

sbt proguard

This will generate the executable jar file under tha path <project_root>/target/scala-3.1.0/proguard. We can now run the app like any other jar file, using the java -jar <jarname.jar>.

Please note the jar file size generated by the proguard plugin. In my case, it is just 1MB, whereas the jar file generated by assembly plugin is 7MB.

6. Scala-cli

Scala-cli is a new command line tool which can be used to write and run scala programs. It can be used as a replacement for scala repl and ammonite repl/script. However, we can also use scala-cli to package small applications and make them executables. The advantage with scala-cli is that, it doesn't need sbt or any other plugins to create the packaging.

First, let's install the scala-cli. The installation instructions are available here. After installed, let's verify it be running the command scala-cli.

Now, let's create the class:

using scala "3.1.0"
package com.yadavan88.scalacli
import $dep.`com.lihaoyi::os-lib:0.7.8`
import os._

object ScalaCliApp {
  @main def app() = {
    val osName = System.getProperty("")
    val path = os.pwd.toString
                | Hello from the scala-cli packaged app!
                | Current Path: ${path}

This sample code is placed outside the src directory to avoid sbt compile issue since the scala-cli syntax is not compatible with sbt. The file is available under the path <project_root>/scalacli_app

The line starting with using has a special meaning in scala-cli. It is called as directives, which are like configurations. In this example, it tells the scala-cli to use scala version 3.1.0 to compile and build the application. For additional dependecies, scala-cli uses the ammonite style ivy syntax using the keyword $dep.

Note that, we can use any supported scala versions. Scala-cli internally uses coursier to manage the dependencies.

Now, let's package our small app using the package task of scala-cli:

scala-cli package ScalaCliApp.scala -o cliapp --assembly

--assembly flag informs scala-cli to package all the dependencies along with our code. We can specify the app name using -o flag. The above command when executed will generate the app cliapp. We can execute the app using ./cliapp.

Note: scala-cli might not be a good option if there are many files and dependencies are involved.

7. Conclusion

We have seen different ways in which we can package our scala application as executable packages. If you face any issues, feel free to create an issue here in github. I will try to help/solve the issue if I can.