The library has a built-in RouteStore
that needs to be registered to your application:
// app.js
var Fluxible = require('fluxible');
var RouteStore = require('fluxible-router').RouteStore;
var routes = require('./configs/routes');
var app = new Fluxible({
component: require('./components/App.jsx')
var MyRouteStore = RouteStore.withStaticRoutes(routes);
module.exports = app;
Route paths follow the same rules as path-to-regexp library.
// configs/routes.js
module.exports = {
home: {
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: require('../components/Home.jsx'),
// Executed on route match
action: require('../actions/loadHome')
about: {
method: 'GET',
path: '/about',
handler: require('../components/About.jsx')
user: {
method: 'GET',
path: '/user/:id',
handler: require('../components/User.jsx')
On the server (or client in client-only apps) where you handle the initial request, call the navigate action with the request url:
// server.js
var app = require('./app');
var navigateAction = require('fluxible-router').navigateAction;
// ...
var context = app.createContext();
context.executeAction(navigateAction, {
url: url // e.g. req.url
}, function (err) {
var html = React.renderToString(context.createElement());
// ...
// components/App.jsx
var provideContext = require('fluxible').provideContext;
var handleHistory = require('fluxible-router').handleHistory;
var NavLink = require('fluxible-router').NavLink;
var AppComponent = React.createClass({
render: function () {
// Get the handler from the current route which is passed in as prop by the history handler
var Handler = this.props.currentRoute.get('handler');
return (
// Create client handled links using NavLink anywhere in your application
// activeStyle will apply the styles when it's the current route
<li><NavLink href='/home' activeStyle={{backgroundColor: '#ccc'}}>Home</NavLink></li>
// RouteName will build the href from the route with the same name
// Active class will apply the class when it's the current route
<li><NavLink routeName='about' activeClass='selected'>About</NavLink></li>
// You can also add parameters to your route if it's a dynamic route
<li><NavLink routeName='user' navParams={{id: 1}}>User 1</NavLink></li>
<Handler />
// wrap with history handler
AppComponent = handleHistory(AppComponent);
// and wrap that with context
AppComponent = provideContext(AppComponent);
module.exports = AppComponent;