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Access your 1Password login items within tmux!


This plugin allows you to access you 1Password items within tmux, using 1Password's CLI. It works for personal 1Password accounts, as well as teams accounts.


This plugin relies on the following:

Key bindings

In any tmux mode:

  • prefix + u - list login items in a bottom pane.


Using Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)

  1. Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

    set -g @plugin 'yardnsm/tmux-1password'
  2. Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it. You should now be able to use the plugin.

Manual Installation

  1. Clone this repo:

    $ git clone ~/some/path
  2. Source the plugin in your .tmux.conf by adding the following to the bottom of the file:

    run-shell ~/some/path/plugin.tmux
  3. Reload the environment by running:

    $ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Using older versions of 1Password's CLI

If you're using an older version of the CLI (< 2.0), you can use this plugin via the legacy branch. For example, using TPM:

set -g @plugin 'yardnsm/tmux-1password#legacy'


Initiate the plugin by using the keybind (prefix + u by default). If you haven't added an account to the 1Password's CLI, the plugin will prompt you to add one. You can also manage your connected accounts manually using the op account command.

Once you have an account, while initiating the plugin a new pane will be opened in the bottom, listing the appropriate login items. Press <Enter> to choose a login item, and its password will automatically be filled.

You can also press Ctrl+u while hovering an item to fill a One-Time Password.

You may be required to perform a re-login (directly in the opened pane) since the 1Password CLI's sessions expires automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Biometric Unlock

For supported systems, you can enable signing in with biometric unlock. When biometric unlock is enabled, you'll be prompted to authorize using it when then plugin is being initiated.


Customize this plugin by setting these options in your .tmux.conf file. Make sure to reload the environment afterwards.

Changing the default key-binding for this plugin

set -g @1password-key 'x'

Default: 'u'

Setting the sign-in account

1Password's CLI allows signing in with multiple accounts, while this plugin is able to work against a single one. You can specify which account to use using this option.

As per the documentation, you can use the shorthand, sign-in address, or account ID to refer to a specific account.

set -g @1password-account 'acme'

Default: 'my'

Setting the default vault

set -g @1password-vault 'work'

Default: '' (all vaults)

Copy the password to clipboard

By default, the plugin will use send-keys to send the selected password to the targeted pane. By setting the following, the password will be copied to the system's clipboard, which will be cleared after 30 seconds.

set -g @1password-copy-to-clipboard 'on'

Default: 'off'

Filter items via tags

By default, all of the items will be shown. You can use this option (comma-separated) if you want to list items that has specific tags.

set -g @1password-filter-tags 'development,servers'

Default: '' (no tag filtering)

Debug mode

If you're having any trouble with the plugin and would like to debug it's output in a more convenient way, this option will prevent the pane from being closed.

set -g @1password-debug 'on'

# Or running the following withing tmux:
tmux set-option -g @1password-debug "on"

Prior art

Also see:


MIT © Yarden Sod-Moriah