This project is no longer supported nor working due to Subscene being closed.
submpv is a python script to automate downloading and loading subtitle from subscence.
This lua script depend on python3 been already installed.
# for windows go to the official python website.
apt install python3 -y
Install the zip file from github and extract the folder in [Drive]:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\mpv\scripts\.
# to get python path run the following command:
where python
# open cmd in the directory of this script and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
mv ./submpv ~/.config/mpv/scripts/
cd ~/.config/mpv/scripts/submpv
pip install -r requirements.txt
change the /bin/python path inside [[]] in the main.lua file to your python path.
add this line to your input.conf [key] script-binding "submpv", where key is your key.
you can use as sperated script to download subtitle from subscence.
python3 submpv.lua ""
- support for movies
- renaming subtitle as the target name ( by ayghub ).
- config file