You have to use Ruby version 3.2 with installed bundler.
It is strongly recommended to use PostgreSQL version 13. The easiest way to install it - is to use Debian Linux and follow official PostgreSQL instruction
You need to install:
curl | sudo apt-key add -
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb unstable main"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb buster main buster non-free"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb buster-pgdg main"
sudo apt-get install postgresql-13 postgresql-contrib-13 postgresql-13-prefix postgresql-13-pgq3 postgresql-13-pgq-ext postgresql-13-yeti postgresql-13-pllua
sudo apt-get install -t buster-pgdg libpq-dev
In addition you need to compile or install from .deb package Yeti PostgreSQL extension postgresql-13-yeti
Fork and clone yeti-web repository and run:
bundle install
Then create config/database.yml
, example is config/database.yml.development
. Notice this project uses two databases main "yeti" and second database "cdr"
Then create config/yeti_web.yml
, example is config/yeti_web.yml.development
Then create config/secrets.yml
, example is config/secrets.yml.distr
To disable the creation of new versions via paper_trail for some model please fill the array under key versioning_disable_for_models
in the config/yeti_web.yml
Сreate config/policy_roles.yml
, example is config/policy_roles.yml.distr
or disable policy feature by changing following lines in config/yeti_web.yml
when_no_config: allow
when_no_policy_class: allow
And run command to create development database:
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load db:migrate db:seed
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake custom_seeds[network_prefixes]
You can skip custom_seeds[network_prefixes]
is you want to use your own network prefixes.
Then start rails server bundle exec rails s
and login to http://localhost:3000/ with
login admin
and password 111111
Then prepare test database(do not use db:test:prepare).
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate db:seed
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake custom_seeds[network_prefixes]
This project has CDR-database, configured as cdr see And all commands should be run explicitly by calling "db:*:cdr" commands.
NOTICE: Test DB needs seeds, actually only PGQ seed.
And run tests:
bundle exec rspec
When you run several migrations in a row, you may wish to stop at some point. In this case you should add stop_step
method to the migration:
# example /db/migrate/20171105085529_one.rb
def change
# do something
def stop_step
In this case all migrations after this one will no be performed. To continue migration process you should run rake db:migrate
command again.
If you do not want to migrate with stops, use env-variable IGNORE_STOPS=true
IGNORE_STOPS=true bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load db:seed
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake custom_seeds[network_prefixes]
# create migration inside db/migrations
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate
# SCHEMA_NAME - schema of table into which you've inserted row(s)
# YETI_TEST_DB_NAME - yeti test database name on local machine
pg_dump --column-inserts --data-only --schema=SCHEMA_NAME --file=db/seeds/main/SCHEMA_NAME.sql YETI_TEST_DB_NAME
If you want to use network prefixes from yaml you need to exclude them from db/seeds/main/sys.sql
pg_dump --column-inserts --data-only --schema=sys --file=db/seeds/main/sys.sql --exclude-table=countries --exclude-table=networks --exclude-table=network_prefixes --exclude-table=network_types YETI_TEST_DB_NAME
nt_keys = %w[id name uuid]
network_types = System::NetworkType.order(id: :asc).pluck(*nt_keys).map { |values| Hash[] }
File.write('db/network_types.yml', network_types.to_yaml)
network_keys = %w[id name uuid type_id]
networks = System::Network.order(id: :asc).pluck(*network_keys).map { |values| Hash[] }
File.write('db/networks.yml', networks.to_yaml)
country_keys = %w[id iso2 name]
countries = System::Country.order(id: :asc).pluck(*country_keys).map { |values| Hash[] }
File.write('db/countries.yml', countries.to_yaml)
np_keys = %w[id number_max_length number_min_length prefix uuid country_id network_id]
network_prefixes = System::NetworkPrefix.order(id: :asc).pluck(*np_keys).map { |values| Hash[] }
File.write('db/network_prefixes.yml', network_prefixes.to_yaml)
For development purpouse it is convinient to use PostgreSQL from Docker image. Here is the instruction how to set it up-and-running:
Install Docker(Ubuntu example)
Run following commands in terminal from
projects directorysudo docker build -t yeti_postgres -f ci/pg13.Dockerfile .
Start the Postgres Server using docker image, with remapped port to 3010 and volume "yetiPgData" to persist data after docker container stops:
sudo docker run -p 3010:5432 --volume yetiPgData:/var/lib/postgresql yeti_postgres
withusername: postgres password: port: 3010
Initialize database with instructions described in Contributing, Development setup section(db:create, db:schema:load, etc.)