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Rap Artists

The data this week comes from BBC Music by way of Simon Jockers at Datawrapper.

The raw data can be found on his Github. Album covers were retrived from Spotify, and you can access them via the Spotify API.

Earlier this year, BBC Music asked more than 100 critics, artists, and other music industry folks from 15 countries for their five favorite hip-hop tracks. Then they broke down the results of the poll into one definitive list. But BBC Music didn’t just publish a best-of list, they also published the complete poll results and a description of the simple algorithm they ranked the songs with. - Simon Jockers

We awarded 10 points for first ranked track, eight points for second ranked track, and so on down to two points for fifth place. The song with the most points won. We split ties by the total number of votes: songs with more votes ranked higher. Any ties remaining after this were split by first place votes, followed by second place votes and so on: songs with more critics placing them at higher up the lists up ranked higher. -- BBC Music

Get the data here

# Get the Data

polls <- readr::read_csv('')
rankings <- readr::read_csv('')

# Or read in with tidytuesdayR package (
# PLEASE NOTE TO USE 2020 DATA YOU NEED TO USE tidytuesdayR version from GitHub

# Either ISO-8601 date or year/week works!

# Install via devtools::install_github("thebioengineer/tidytuesdayR")

tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2020-04-14')
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2020, week = 16)

polls <- tuesdata$polls

Data Dictionary


variable class description
rank double Rank given by voter (1-5)
title character Title of song
artist character Artist
gender character Gender of artist
year double Year song released
critic_name character Name of critic
critic_rols character Critic's role
critic_country character Critic's primary country
critic_country2 character Critic's secondary country


variable class description
ID double ID of song
title character Title of song
artist character Artist's name
year double Year song released
gender character Gender of artist/group
points double Total points awarded
n double Total votes (regardless of position)
n1 double Number of votes as #1
n2 double Number of votes as #2
n3 double Number of votes as #3
n4 double Number of votes as #4
n5 double Number of votes as #5

Cleaning Script

Simon Jocker's GitHub