Interlock runs as a Docker container. It is distributed as a Docker image and is released on the Docker Hub.
Consult the tags to find the newest version of Interlock and run docker pull ehazlett/interlock: (i.e. ehazlett/interlock:1.0.0
) to get it. The latest
tag currently points at the legacy version to allow for a transition period for existing deployments. It is strongly recommended to use the newest version as legacy is no longer maintained.
interlock - an event driven extension system for docker
interlock [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
@ehazlett <>
spec generate a configuration file
run run interlock
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug, -D Enable debug logging
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Interlock uses a configuration store (file/kv) to set options for Interlock and the extensions. See Configuration for full details.
Interlock has an extension system that interacts with other Docker containers. For this example, we will use Nginx. See Extensions for more details on extensions.
Interlock works by listening on the Docker event stream for container events
such as create
, start
, stop
, kill
, etc. When an event is received,
Interlock will reconfigure the extension and then reload it. In the Nginx
extension this will re-configure the Nginx configuration file and then signal
the Nginx container causing a reload. This happens in milliseconds with zero
This will get a quick Interlock + Nginx load balancer.
Note: It is recommended to use Swarm as Interlock will handle updating the configuration with the proper
Swarm node. If you do not use Swarm, you will need to set the BackendOverrideAddress
option to a resolvable IP address so Nginx knows which node to route the request. In the example below, we will use the Docker socket for simplicity.
Create the Interlock config config.toml
ListenAddr = ":8080"
DockerURL = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
Name = "nginx"
ConfigPath = "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
PidPath = "/var/run/"
BackendOverrideAddress = ""
docker run \
-P \
-d \
-ti \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $(pwd)/config.toml:/etc/interlock/config.toml \
ehazlett/interlock:1.0.0 \
-D run -c /etc/interlock/config.toml
docker run \
-ti \
-d \
--net=host \
--label \
nginx \
nginx -g "daemon off;" -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
You can now start some containers with exposed ports to see Interlock add them to Nginx and reload:
docker run -d -ti -p 80 --hostname foo.local nginx
INFO[0000] interlock 1.0.0
DEBU[0000] docker client: url=unix:///var/run/docker.sock
DEBU[0000] loading extension: name=nginx configpath=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
DEBU[0000] updating load balancers
INFO[0000] configuration updated ext=nginx
DEBU[0077] container start: id=bc9c4f2b9a8697406377191ade8a187c80ef37d9cb59391e1e14608e974 image=nginx
DEBU[0077] container start: id=bc9c4f2b9a8697406377191ade8a187c80ef37d9cb59391e1e14608e974 image=nginx
DEBU[0078] updating load balancers
DEBU[0078] websocket endpoints: [] ext=nginx
DEBU[0078] alias domains: [] ext=nginx
INFO[0078] foo.local: upstream= ext=nginx
INFO[0078] configuration updated ext=nginx
INFO[0078] restarted proxy container: id=cfb04b4d050d name=/distracted_goldstine ext=nginx
For detailed configuration, continue to Configuration.