This repository contains a very short weak normalization (for closed and open terms) proof of Martin-Löf type theory in Coq (~ 1500 LoC excluding code produced by Autosubst 2). You need Autosubst2 (only if you plan to change syntax.sig), stdpp, Coq-Equations, and CoqHammer to build the project.
The repository is known to compile with Coq 8.18.0. It
won't compile with earlier versions because I'm using a feature
related to universe unification that wasn't introduced until
8.18.0. If you annotate terms whose type involves Prop
, then you
might be able to compile the code with an older Coq version.
The semantic interpretation is heavily inspired by However, we leverage impredicativity to define a countable universe hierarchy, rather than defining a single predicative universe, where impredicativity turns out to be unnecessary (see
See for an Agda implementation of the proof, which uses induction-recursion rather than impredicativity to encode the countable universe hierarchy. The logical relation from the linked repository currently can only be used to derive canonicity and consistency, but not weak normalization.
The syntactic typing rules can be found in typing.v.
In short, the system is most similar to the predicative part of
0 = 1 ∈ Nat
. Likewise, we can encode a singleton type as
0 = 0 ∈ Nat
Our subtyping relation is contravariant on the argument, unlike
The eta
though it's not yet merged to the main branch because we need some
minor clean-ups.
First, run opam update
in the shell to update the package repository
so your package manager knows where to fetch the dependencies.
Run the following commands:
opam repo add coq-released
opam update
opam install . --deps-only
The opam.switch file allows you to recreate an opam
switch that is identical to our environment. To create a switch named mltt
, run the following command when you have opam.switch available in your working directory:
opam switch import opam.switch --switch mltt --repositories=coq-released=,default=
Simply run the following command:
You can pass the -j[PROC]
flag to speed up the compilation by
spawning multiple Coq
processes at the same time to validate the
files. Replace [PROC]
with a positive integer that represents the
number of processes you want to spawn, though you might want to lower
that number to reduce the memory consumption.
Both syntactic and semantic soundness proofs rely on functional extensionality because it is required by the Autosubst 2 infrastructure.
The semantic soundness proof additionally requires propositional extensionality. Propositional extensionality is not neccesssary, but it makes automation more tractable.
The repository is otherwise free of axioms. Notably, manual
generalization is favored over the dependent induction
tactic to avoid
reliance on axioms related to proof irrelevance.
- syntax.sig: Syntax specification written in
higher-order abstract syntax. Used by the
executable to produce the Coq syntax file syntax.v - theories/Autosubst2: Header files/auto-generated syntax file from/by Autosubst 2
- join.v: Reduction and subtyping
- typing.v: Syntactic typing rules
- normalform.v: Properties related to normal and neutral terms
- semtyping.v: Definition of the logical relation and its properties
- soundness.v: Semantic typing, semantic soundness (i.e. the fundamental theorem), normalizaiton, and consistency