For building a knowledge graph, we need to integrate different public databases. In this repository, we provide a framework to build a knowledge graph with different public databases. If you want to integrate a new database, you only need to write a new parser for the database. The framework will automatically parse the new database and generate a file which contains formatted relations. Then, you can use all formatted relations and related entities to build a knowledge graph.
mkdir graph_database
cd graph_database
virtualenv -p python3 .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install git+
(.env) ➜ graph-builder git:(main) ✗ graph-builder --help
Usage: graph-builder [OPTIONS]
Parse databases and make the related graph files.
-d, --db-file-or-dir TEXT If it's a directory, it will be saved the downloaded database files.
Otherwise, it will be used as a custom database file in the BioMedGPS format.
In this case, you should specify the --database customdb option.
-o, --output-dir TEXT The directory which saved the graph files.
--database [drkg|ctd|hsdn|primekg|customdb]
Which databases (you can specify the
--database argument multiple times)?
-f, --ontology-file FILE The ontology file which saved the formatted
entities. We will use this file to format
the relations in your database. [required]
-n, --n-jobs INTEGER Hom many jobs?
--download / --no-download Whether download the source file(s)?
--skip / --no-skip Whether skip the existing file(s)?
-l, --log-file TEXT The log file.
--debug / --no-debug Whether enable the debug mode?
--help Show this message and exit.
Download the HDSN database and build the graph files. We assume that you want to save the results in the ~/Downloads/Development/biomedgps_output/hsdn
directory, and downloaded files into the ~/Downloads/Development/biomedgps/hsdn
directory. So you can run the following command:
In the command, you need to specify a entity file which contains the formatted entities. We will use this file to format the relations in your database. You can build the entity file by using the ontology-matcher and biomedgps-data repositories. In the most cases, you don't need to build the entity file by yourself, so you can download the entity file from the biomedgps-data repository.
After ran the command, you can find the log file in the ~/Downloads/Development/biomedgps_output/hsdn/log.txt
file and the graph files in the ~/Downloads/Development/biomedgps_output/hsdn
directory. You may get four tsv files: duplicated_hsdn.tsv, formatted_hsdn.tsv, hsdn.entity_id_map.json, invalid_hsdn.tsv. The formatted_hsdn.tsv
file contains the formatted relations, and the hsdn.entity_id_map.json
file contains the mapping between the original entity id and the formatted entity id. The invalid_hsdn.tsv
file contains the invalid relations which cannot be formatted by the entity file. The duplicated_hsdn.tsv
file contains the duplicated relations which have the same relation type, source id, target id, and pmid.
graph-builder --database hsdn -d ~/Downloads/Development/biomedgps -o ~/Downloads/Development/biomedgps_output -f /Volumes/ProjectData/Current/Datasets/biomedgps/graph_data/entities.tsv -n 20 --download --skip -l ~/Downloads/Development/biomedgps_output/hsdn/log.txt --debug
Now, we have integrated four public databases: DRKG, CTD, HSDN, and PrimeKG. The following table shows the statistics of these databases.
Database | Entities | Relations | PMIDs |
DRKG | 1,000,000 | 100,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
CTD | 1,000,000 | 100,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
HSDN | 1,000,000 | 100,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
PrimeKG | 1,000,000 | 100,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
More databases will be integrated in the future. If you have any databases which you want to integrate, please feel free to open an issue or pull request on BioMedical Knowledgebases or this repository.