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ggtrace 0.7.x

  • Streamlined the behavior of ggtrace(use_names) for assigning names to the tracedump, where:

    • If a list of expression is provided in trace_exprs, uses the names of that list if TRUE, and uses deparsed expressions from the method steps as names if FALSE.

    • If trace_exprs is empty, uses deparsed expressions from the method steps as names if TRUE, and returns unnamed output if FALSE.

ggtrace 0.7.3

  • New special value ggtrace(trace_steps = "all") which evaluates to all steps in the method body.

  • Bug fix in the default behavior of ggtrace(trace_exprs) doubly-evaluating an existing step from the method body, which sometimes caused unexpected side effects. This behavior is now prevented by cloning the method environment in such cases.

ggtrace 0.7.2

  • New helper function layer_is(), primarily for internal use by sublayer data inspection functions (e.g., layer_before_stat()). These functions now become more robust to changes in the internals, by specifically targetting the downstream of by_layer().

  • Improved formatting of long-form calls generated by sublayer data functions when verbose = TRUE.

  • More visible documentation of shorthand aliases for workflow functions introduced in last release.

ggtrace 0.7.1

  • Exported shorthand aliases for all workflow functions. E.g., inspect_n() complement to ggtrace_inspect_n()

  • Cleaned up examples and tests to align with {ggplot2} version 3.5.0

ggtrace 0.7.0

Upkeep release for the JSM 2023 talk "Sub-layer modularity in the Grammar of Graphics".

New Features

  • layer_*() snapshot functions gain a verbose argument.

  • getOption("ggtrace.rethrow_error") To control re-printing of the error by workflow functions when error = TRUE. Set to FALSE on load.

ggtrace 0.6.x

ggtrace 0.6.1

Bug fixes

  • get_method_inheritance() now works correctly for top-level ggprotos - ex: get_method_inheritance(Geom) (#99; thanks @yjing14 for bug report).

ggtrace 0.6.0

Significant usability improvements, including {cli} integration.

New Features

  • Convenience functions layer_before_stat(), layer_after_stat(), layer_before_geom(), and layer_after_scale() that returns a snapshot of layer data in the internals. Inspired by ggplot2::layer_data() with a similar interface. (#97; thanks @JoFrhwld for suggestion)

  • Interactive debugging functions last_layer_errorcontext() and last_sublayer_errorcontext() which return the internal context of layer errors at the level of the Layer and sub-Layer (e.g., Stat or Geom) ggproto methods, respectively. last_sublayer_errorcontext() is still in experimental phase (error-prone, may be removed in future).

  • New catch-all Inspect workflow function ggtrace_inspect_on_error() which dumps information about the method that errors while rendering x.

ggtrace 0.5.x

ggtrace 0.5.3

New Features

  • Inspect workflow functions gain a error = TRUE argument, which allows inspection of an earlier intermediate step even when the ggplot rendering process fails down the line (#89)

Bug fixes

  • Internal is.ggtrace_placeholder() returns scalar logical (#94)

ggtrace 0.5.2

Breaking Changes

  • ggtrace_inspect_vars() simplifies the output when at is length 1.

Bug fixes

  • ggtrace_capture_env() removes ggtrace-internal variables before snapshotting the environment (#88)

ggtrace 0.5.1

New Features

  • cond argument of workflow functions now support integer shorthand for conditioning on the counter. E.g., cond = 1L is converted to cond = quote(._counter_ == 1L). Multi-length integer vector is supported for highjack workflows. (#84)

ggtrace 0.5.0

New Features

  • Added complements to the base::debug() family of functions that are compatible with ggproto methods - ggdebug(), ggdebugonce(), ggundebug()

  • get_method_inheritance() to get the list of methods from self and parent ggprotos

  • ggtrace_inspect_n() to get the number of times a method was called in the evaluation of a ggplot

  • ggtrace_inspect_which() to get the indices when a condition cond evaluated to true inside a method

  • ggtrace_inspect_vars() to get the value of variables at specified steps of a method's execution

  • ggtrace_inspect_args() to get the value of arguments passed to a method

  • ggtrace_highjack_args() to modify formals of a method at its execution

  • with_ggtrace() gets a out argument which can take 1 of three options:

    • "t" or "tracedump" (default): returns the local tracedump from triggering traces on the method as the ggplot x is evaluated
    • "g" or "gtable": Invisibly returns the <gtable> grob after evaluating x with injected expressions in method.
    • "b" or "both": returns the tracedump while rendering the gtable (with grid::grid.draw()) as a side effect.
  • Low-level functions ggtrace()/gguntrace() and wrapper with_ggtrace() can now take quosures in the method argument, which allows them to be used more programmatically.

Breaking Changes

  • ggtrace_capture_env() default value of at is changed to -1L, which captures a snapshot of the runtime environment right before the method returns. Only the first element is used if at is length > 1
  • "modify" workflows are renamed to "highjack" (starting with ggtrace_highjack_return()) to reflect the fact that they always return the graphical output (gtable grob) (#78)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a trace would fail to remove itself with ggtrace(once = TRUE) if it was triggered by a copy of the traced function (#59)

ggtrace 0.4.x

ggtrace 0.4.8

New Features

  • Added with_ggtrace() for a functional interface to ggtrace()
  • Added ggtrace_capture_fn() and ggtrace_capture_env(), which return a snapshot of the function/environment of the ggproto method at execution time
  • Added ggtrace_inspect_return() and ggtrace_modify_return() to grab and swap return values at method's execution


  • Added workflows section to docs/references

ggtrace 0.4.7

New Features

  • Added ggformals() which returns the formals() of functions and ggproto methods
  • ggbody() gains a as.list argument to control whether output of body() is turned into a list
  • Exported set_last_ggtrace() and set_global_ggtrace() for the tracedumps

Bug Fix

  • Fixed compatibility issues with {rlang} v1.0.0 new changes to the call and expression API

ggtrace 0.4.6

New Features

  • Added get_method() which returns ggproto methods as functions
  • Added wrappers for one-off workflows ggdebugonce() and ggtraceback()


  • The default value for the verbose argument of ggtrace() is changed to FALSE.

ggtrace 0.4.5


  • Deparsed expressions printed as messages are now wrapped in backticks (#57)
  • ggedit() now only works when isTRUE(interactive()) (#62)

New Features

  • Added global_ggtrace_on/off() which are aliases for global_ggtrace_state(TRUE/FALSE) (#63)


ggtrace 0.4.4


  • clear_(last|global)_ggtrace() functions now print a message saying that the trace dump has been cleared.
  • Better error handling for closures that aren't searchable from environments

Bug Fix

  • Fixed but where methods with class were being treated as bare functions. Now closures and methods outside of ggproto objects (e.g., R6 classes) can be traced too.


ggtrace 0.4.3

Breaking changes

  • Global tracedump is turned off by default (global_ggtrace_state() is FALSE on load) and must be explicitly activated with global_ggtrace_state(TRUE).


  • Improved messages for global_ggtrace_state()

ggtrace 0.4.2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where print_output = TRUE would evaluate the expression twice (problematic for Inject workflows and causing general slowdowns)

ggtrace 0.4.1

New Features

  • Global collection of tracedumps can be turned on/off with global_ggtrace_state(). It is still active by default but should memory become a concern, it can be turned off with global_ggtrace_state(state = FALSE).

ggtrace 0.4.0

New Features

  • All functions in the package now support the tracing/untracing of any arbitrary functions (exported, unexported, user-defined, etc.). This also includes S3/S4 methods like ggplo2:::ggplot_build.ggplot and ggplot2:::ggplot_add.Layer. Some other examples of what's now possible.


  • ggtrace() gains a ... for extensibility in future updates.
  • ggedit() gains a remove_trace argument. When TRUE, it untraces first before editing.
  • Improved error messages for invalid expressions passed to method argument of ggbody()

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug where ggtrace() fails to evaluate the first line when it's the only reachable line (#44)

ggtrace 0.3.x

ggtrace 0.3.7

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where incomplete traces due to early returns would not be logged without any special warning. ggtrace() now throws a warning when the actual number of traced steps does not match the expected number of traced steps (i.e., length of trace_steps) and logs incomplete tracedumps (#44)

ggtrace 0.3.6


  • ggtrace(..., once = TRUE) is less noisy about there being a persistent trace. It now only sends a line of message saying so when the persistent trace is created. When it's triggered, it'll tell you that there is a persistent trace on the methodbut will not remind you to untrace it later nor print the corresponding gguntrace() code to do so.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where trace_exprs evaluating to NULL would be removed from the tracedump (#38)

ggtrace 0.3.5

New features

  • New function is_traced() checks whether a method is currently being traced


  • ggtrace() now breaks early with a more informative message if the method is not a function (ex: Stat$extra_params, which is a 1-length character vector "na.rm")

  • ggbody() now warns if it's returning the body of a method that's currently being traced (#35)

  • ggedit() now informs you if you're editing on top of an existing trace/edit.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where trace_exprs would fail to be recycled if it is a list of length-1. Now a 1-length list of an expression as well as an expression by itself will get recycled to match the number of steps passed to trace_steps.

  • Fixed bug where ggtrace() wouldn't loop over trace_exprs after the first time it's triggered with persistent tracing on (once = TRUE). Issue was due to failing to reset the internal counter after each time the trace is triggered.

ggtrace 0.3.4

Breaking changes

  • The .print argument to ggtrace() is renamed to print_output to make its functionality more transparent.

New features

Several options for finer control over printing and formatting of output from ggtrace(), in addition to the existing .print argument:

  • ggtrace() gets a use_names argument. When TRUE, it uses the names of the list of expressions passed to trace_exprs as the names for the tracedump set to last_ggtrace() and added to global_ggtrace().

  • ggtrace() gets a verbose argument. When FALSE, it suppresses the display of all non-message() information, including information about which expression is evaluated where, as well as the output of those expressions when evaluated (which can be selectively suppressed with .print for finer control). verbose is TRUE by default.

  • Setting options(ggtrace.suppressMessages = TRUE) will also suppress messages()s about what method is being traced, whether a trace has been triggered on a method, whether there exists a persistent trace, etc. This information is very important so using this option is not recommended, but it has been made available. This option is set to FALSE on package load.

  • Setting options(ggtrace.as_tibble = TRUE) will return evaluated expressions as tibbles if the output is a data frame. Using this option may be convenient for interactive inspections but it is not recommended for testing or debugging (see related {ggplot2} Github issue). This option is set to FALSE on package load.


  • Tracedumps accumulated in global_ggtrace() are named after the method (+ hexadecimal ID) for ease of searching. (#31)

  • Triggering of a trace is now informed via message() instead of cat() (#29)

Bug Fixes

  • ggtrace() correctly throws an error when trace_steps is not ordered. This is checked after the negative index conversion, so something like trace_steps = c(1, -1) still works fine).

ggtrace 0.3.3

New features

  • New function global_ggtrace() which returns accumulated tracedumps from ggtrace(). This is useful in conjunction with ggtrace(once = FALSE) for tracing a method that you expect will be called multiple times (ex: Stat$compute_group gets triggered the same number of times as the number of groups in a panel).

  • New function clear_global_ggtrace() which clears global_ggtrace() by setting it to NULL.


  • Functions now pass around quosures instead of expressions (#29)

  • Testing setup (#28)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the number of expressions passed to trace_exprs were allowed to be different from the number of trace_steps, causing ggtrace() to silently fail. This now throws an error.

ggtrace 0.3.2


  • trace_exprs argument can now take a named list of expressions (#21)

  • Improved documentation for ggbody()

  • More informative messages for ggtrace() and gguntrace()

Bug fixes

  • No longer errors on exit when creating a persistence trace with once = FALSE

ggtrace 0.3.1


  • The unary functions ggedit() and gguntrace() gain dynamic dots ... as the second argument, which gets ignored. This now makes it easy to call these function by modifying the call to an earlier{ggtrace} function from the console or in other interactive contexts.

  • Significant re-write of ggbody() for better error handling (#23)

    • Aborts if method is not a call or is not of the accepted form, with specific error messages for each.

    • If a method doesn't exist in a parent, directs users to call ggbody(, inherit = TRUE)

    • If the recursive search with inherit = TRUE fails, directs users to load all relevant packages

    • Notifies if inherit = TRUE but method is defined for the object, not inherited

  • Better error handling for gguntrace() when the method is no longer being traced (#24)

    • Uses the re-written ggbody() to validate the method

    • Unlike base::untrace(), no longer errors if given a method not currently being traced. It now prints a message saying so instead

  • Standardization of messages printed by all {ggtrace} functions. Messages are now more informative and refer to the ggproto method in the callable format ggproto$method.

ggtrace 0.3.0

Breaking changes

  • The obj argument is completely removed from all functions in the package. The constraint on supplying methods as expressions forces users to be intentional about tracing ggproto methods by having to provide them as code. This also allows the functions to return more informative messages, which was the main motivation for this breaking change.

    • Because the `obj` argument was only designed for compatibility with the `get("method", ggproto)` syntax for retrieving the function body of ggproto methods, it should not affect interactive workflows. In fact, the shortform `method = ggproto$method` is more convenient and has always been recommended for passing a ggproto method to `{ggtrace}` functions.

  • As a reminder, all functions that take the ggproto method in the method argument expects an expression in the following forms (this part hasn't changed):

    • ggproto$method
    • namespace::ggproto$method
    • namespace:::ggproto$method


  • Accurate string conversion for ggproto objects (#9), made possible by the breaking change.

  • trace_steps argument can now take negative indices (#22) and has better error handling for out of range indices.

  • Better deparsing for the split_ggproto_method() internal.

  • Added a Tips & Tricks section to the documentation for ggtrace().

Bug fixes

  • Internal variable .store renamed to .ggtrace_storage to prevent overriding (#18)

ggtrace 0.2.x

ggtrace 0.2.0

Breaking changes

  • The ~line keyword for ggtrace() is renamed to ~step for consistency with the argument name trace_steps (#14)

  • For safety reasons, the ~step keyword will now only be substituted for the expression at the current step only if ~step is by itself (i.e., is an exact match) (#16, #11).

    • For example, `~step` will not be substituted if `quote(head(~step))` is passed to `trace_exprs`. Users are encouraged to return the method's environment with `quote(environment())` or interactively debug with `ggedit()` if they want to manipulate the expression.

  • The position of the obj argument of ggtrace() has been moved from second to fourth, to allow for shortcuts like ggtrace(method = ..., 2:3, quote(data)), which will evaluate and store the output of the data variable at the second and third steps of the method body. (#15)

New features

  • trace_exprs argument of ggtrace() is now optional. If not provided, defaults to ~step (#13)

  • You can now tell ggbody() to (recursively) search for the method from its parents with inherit = TRUE (#12)


  • Documentation for some of the functions now contain a Gotchas section for explanations of / solutions to common problems (#10)

ggtrace 0.1.x

ggtrace 0.1.2

New features

  • New function gguntrace() with the same syntax for specifying the ggproto method.

  • ggtrace() gains a once = TRUE argument, which can be set to FALSE for persistent tracing

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug in ggtrace() where step_deparsed was being returned as a multi-length vector

ggtrace 0.1.1

New features

  • New function ggedit() for interactive debugging via directly editing the source code.


  • Refactored ggtrace(). The package now only depends on {rlang}.

  • Significant re-write to the readme / documentation

ggtrace 0.1.0

Initial release

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