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Intuitive large model application (based on llama.cpp & qt5)

Video Introduction


  • Intuitive 👁️

    • Clearly show the process of the llm predicting the next word
  • Compatibility 🚀

    • Support Windows & Linux
  • Multifunctional 🦾

    local model chat, online model chat, API services, WEB services, agent, multimodal, knowledge base QA, code interpreter, software control, text2img, speech2text, model quantize, model evaluation

Quick start

  1. Download eva

        The 64bit version uses CPU inference for the best compatibility; The cuda version uses an NVIDIA graphics card for acceleration and requires cuda to be installed on the computer; The Vulkan version uses any graphics card for acceleration and requires the computer to have a graphics card installed
  2. Download gguf model

  3. Load!

    • Click the load button, select a gguf model to load into memory
  4. Send!

    • Enter the chat content in the input area and click send
  5. Accelerate!

    • Click Settings to set gpu offload. Recommended setting to maximum, but if the VRAM occupies more than 95%, it will be too laggy

    • If running SD simultaneously, make sure to leave enough VRAM for SD

Foundation function

Two mode
  1. Local mode: you left clicks the load button to interact by loading the local model

  2. Link mode: you right clicks the load button and inputs the API endpoint of a certain model service for interaction (the service is required to provide a default model and not set API-KEY)

Three state
  1. Chat state

    • The default state, where chat content is entered in the input area and the model responds

    • You can set prompt templatee in date button

    • You can mount tools for the model, but they may affect the model's intelligence

    • You can upload a CSV format question bank for testing

    • You can take a screenshot by pressing f1 and record speech by pressing f2. The screenshot and recording will be sent to the multimodal or whisper for corresponding processing

  2. Completion state

    • Typing any text in the output area and the model completing it
  3. Service state

    • eva becomes an open API port service and can also chat on web pages
Six tool

In local mode and chat state, you can click on the date button to mount the tool

    The principle is to add an additional instruction in the system instruction to guide the model to call the corresponding tool
    After each model prediction is completed, eva will automatically detects whether it contains the JSON field of the calling tool. If it does, the corresponding tool is called. After the tool is executed, the result is sent to the model for further prediction
  1. calculator

    • Model output the calculation formula to the calculator tool, and the tool will return the calculation result

    • Example: Calculate 888 * 999

    • Difficulty of calling: ⭐

  2. controller

    • Model output the control number to the controller tool, and the tool will return the execution result

    • Example: playing music

    • Difficulty of calling: ⭐

  3. terminal

    • Model output terminal instructions to the terminal tool, which will return the execution result of the instructions

    • Example: what is the IP address of my computer

    • Difficulty of calling: ⭐⭐⭐

  4. interpreter

    • Model output complete Python code to the interpreter tool, which will return the execution result

    • Example: please use matplotlib to draw a heart

    • Difficulty of calling: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  5. knowledge

    • Model output query text to the knowledge tool, which will return the three most relevant embedded knowledge items

    • Requirement: you need to upload documents and build a knowledge base in the proliferation window first

    • Example: What are the functions of the EVA?

    • Difficulty of calling: ⭐⭐

  6. stablediffusion

    • Model output drawing prompt words to the stablediffusion tool, which will return the drawn

    • Requirement: you need to first configure the model path of the text2image in the proliferation window

    • Example: drawing a girl

    • Difficulty of calling: ⭐⭐


  • Introduction: In Local Mode + Conversation State, you can mount visual models. Visual models typically have "mmproj" in their name and are usually compatible with specific models. Once successfully mounted, users can select an image for pre-decoding, which will serve as the context for the model.

  • Activation: Right-click on the "load mmproj" input box in the settings and select the mmproj model. You can pre-decode an image by dragging it into the input box, right-clicking the input box to click, or pressing F1 to take a screenshot. Then, click the send button to pre-decode the image, and after decoding, you can proceed with the Q&A.

  • Introduction: With the help of the whisper.cpp project, the user's speech can be converted to text.

  • Activation: Right-click the status area to open the expansion window, select the speech2text tab, and choose the path where the whisper model is located. Return to the main interface, press the F2 shortcut to start recording, press F2 again to end the recording, and it will automatically convert to text and fill into the input area.

  • Introduction: Using the speech function of the Windows system, the model's output text can be converted to speech and automatically played.

  • Activation: Right-click the status area to open the expansion window, select the text2speech tab, and enable the system sound source.

Auxiliary functions

Model quantification
  • You can right-click on the status area to pop up a proliferation window, and quantify the unquantized gguf models of fp32, fp16, and bf16 in the model quantization tab
Debug output
  • To better demonstrate the process of the model predicting the next word, you can pull the status area up and click to open the debug tab in the local mode

  • After enabling, the prediction of the next word is manually controlled by the you, which can obtain more information about the model's operation

Eva sync rate test
  • In local mode and chat state, the model can be tested for sync rate. Right click on the input area and select <Eva sync rate test>

  • The main test model's instruction following ability, the higher the sync rate, the stronger the model 😊


  1. Configure the environment

  2. Clone source code

    git clone
  3. Build

    cd eva
    cmake --build build --config Release
    • BODY_PACK: Flag indicating whether packaging is required. If enabled, all components will be packaged as a self extracting program in Windows, and all components will be packaged as an AppImage file in Linux

    • GGML_CUDA: Flag indicating whether cuda acceleration needs to be enabled

    • GGML_VULKAN: Flag indicating whether vulkan acceleration needs to be enabled


  • Load process

    • [ui] -> you clicks on load -> Select path -> Send setting parameters -> [bot] -> Processing parameters -> Send overload signal -> [ui] -> Pre load -> Loading interface status -> Send loading signal -> [bot] -> Start loading -> Send loading animation signal -> After loading reset -> Send loading completion signal -> [ui] -> Accelerate loading animation -> Loading animation end -> Rolling animation start -> Animation end -> Force unlocking -> Trigger sending -> Send pre decoding (only decoding but not sampling output) instruction -> [bot] -> Pre decoding system instruction -> Send decoding completion signal -> [ui] -> Normal interface status -> END
  • Send process

    -[ui] -> you clicks send -> Mode/tag/content analysis -> Conversation mode -> Inference interface state -> Send input parameters -> Send inference signal -> [bot] -> Preprocess you input -> Streaming loop output -> Loop termination -> Send inference end signal -> [ui] -> Normal interface state -> END

  • Date process

    • [ui] -> you click on agreement -> Display last configuration -> Click confirm -> Record you configuration -> Send agreement parameters -> [bot] -> Record you configuration -> Send agreement reset signal -> [ui] -> Trigger interface reset -> Send reset signal -> [bot] -> Initialize required components for model operation -> Send reset completion signal -> [ui] -> Pre decode if system instructions change -> END
  • Set process

    • [ui] -> you clicks on settings -> Display last configuration -> Click confirm -> Record you configuration -> Send setting parameters -> [bot] -> Record you configuration -> Analyze configuration changes -> END/Send overload signal/Send setting reset signal -> [ui] -> Pre load/trigger interface reset -> END
  • Predecoding image process

    • [ui] -> you uploads image/presses F1 screenshot -> Trigger send -> Inference interface state -> Send pre decoded image command -> [bot] -> Pre decoded image -> Occupy 1024 tokens -> Send decoding completion signal -> [ui] -> Normal interface state -> END
  • Recording to text process

    • [ui] -> you presses f2 for the first time -> Need to specify the Whisper model path -> Send expend interface display signal -> [expend] -> Pop up sound reproduction interface -> Select path -> Send Whisper model path -> [ui] -> you presses f2 again -> Recording interface status -> Start recording -> you presses f2 again -> End recording -> Save WAV file to local -> Resample WAV file to 16khz -> Send WAV file path -> [expend] -> Call Whisperexe for decoding -> After decoding is completed, save txt result to local -> Send text result -> [ui] -> Normal interface status -> Display to input area -> END
  • Tool call process

    • [ui] -> you click to send -> Mode/tag/content analysis -> Dialogue mode situation -> Inference interface status -> Send input parameters -> Send inference signal -> [bot] -> Preprocess you input -> Streaming loop output -> Loop termination -> Send inference end signal -> [ui] -> Extract JSON field from the current output of the model -> Send JSON field -> Send tool inference signal -> [tool] -> Execute corresponding function based on JSON field -> Return result after execution -> [ui] -> Use the returned result as the sending content and add observation prefix -> Trigger sending -> ·· -> No reasonable JSON field -> Normal interface state -> END
  • Building a knowledge base process

    • 【expend】 -> yous enter the knowledge base tab -> yous click to select models -> Select embedded models -> Start server. exe -> Start complete -> Automatically write the v1/embeddings endpoint of the server into the address bar -> yous click to upload and select a txt text -> Text segmentation -> yous can modify the content of the text segment to be embedded as needed -> yous click to embed the text segment -> Send each text segment to the endpoint address and receive the calculated word vector -> Display embedded text segments in the table -> Send embedded text segment data -> 【tool】 -> END
  • Knowledge base Q&A process

    • [ui] -> Tool invocation process -> JSON field contains knowledge keyword -> Send JSON field -> Send tool inference signal -> [tool] -> Execute knowledge function -> Send query field to embedded endpoint -> [server] -> Return calculated word vector -> [tool] -> Calculate cosine similarity between query segment word vector and each embedded text segment word vector -> Return the three most similar text segments -> [ui] -> Use the returned result as the sending content and add observation prefix -> Trigger sending -> ··· -> No reasonable JSON field -> Normal interface state -> END
  • Link process

    • [ui] -> you right-click load -> Configure IP and endpoints -> Click confirm -> Lock interface -> Record configuration -> Connection test -> Test passed -> Unlock interface -> END

    • The other processes in the linked state are similar to the above, replacing [bot] with [net]

  • Debug process

    • [ui] -> The you can pull up the status area to pop up a debug button -> the you can open the debug button -> click send -> enter the debugging state ->send process, only decode and sample once -> click Next -> send process, only decode and sample once -> ··· -> exit the debugging state when a stop flag is detected/the maximum output length is reached/manual stop is reached -> END


  • model: Composed of a formula and a set of parameters

  • token: The number of words, for example, hello token=123, my token=14, his token=3249, different model numbers are different

  • vocab: The tokens for all words set during the training of this model are different for different model word lists

  • kv cache: The keys and values of the previously calculated model's attention mechanism are equivalent to the model's memory

  • decoding: The model calculates a vector table based on the context cache and the incoming new token, and obtains a new context cache

  • sampling: Calculate the probability table based on the vector table and select the next word

  • predict: (Decoding + Sampling) Loop

  • predecode: Decode only without sampling, used to cache context such as system instructions

  • n_ctx_train: The maximum number of tokens that can be decoded during model training

  • n_ctx: The maximum number of tokens that the model can accept during decoding set by the you cannot exceed n_ctx_train, which is equivalent to memory capacity

  • temperature: During sampling, the vector table will be converted into a probability table based on the temperature value, and the higher the temperature, the greater the randomness

  • vecb: The probability distribution of all tokens in the word list during this decoding

  • prob: The final selection probability of all tokens in the vocabulary in this sampling

To do

  • Auto State (EVA autonomously controls the screen, mouse, and keyboard to complete user-preset tasks)

  • Adapt to Linux (completed)

  • English version (completed)


  • There is a memory leak in model inference, located in the stream function of xbot.cpp, to be fixed

  • In link mode, it is not possible to send continuously without intervals. It is alleviated by triggering after a timed 100ms. The QNetworkAccess Manager located in xnet.cpp cannot be released in a timely manner and needs to be fixed -Multimodal model output abnormality, needs to be aligned with llava.cpp, to be fixed

  • Truncate once after reaching the maximum context length and then reach it again. Decoding will fail and can be alleviated by temporarily placing empty memory. The llama_decode located in xbot.cpp returns 1 (unable to find the kv slot), which has not been fixed (in fact, after truncation, the number of tokens sent and the reserved part still exceed the maximum context length, and needs to be truncated again)

  • Some UTF-8 characters have parsing issues and have been fixed (incomplete UTF-8 characters in model output need to be manually concatenated into one)

  • Memory leakage during model switching, fixed (not using MMP when using CUDA)

  • The version compiled by Mingw cannot recognize the Chinese path during loading, and is located in the fp=std:: fopen (fname, mode); of llama.cpp;, Fixed (using QTextCodec:: codecForName ("GB2312") to transcode characters)

  • CSV files cannot be parsed correctly when there are special symbols, located in the readCsvFile function of utils.cpp, fixed (using an improved parsing method that relies on a simple state machine to track whether text segments are inside quotation marks and correctly handle line breaks within fields)