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🌎 Prscd

The open source backend for Presencejs v2.0

🎯 Roadmap

  • Websocket arraybuffer support
  • Zero-copy upgrade to WebSocket
  • SO_REUSEPORT on Darwin and Linux
  • Implement WebSocket native Ping/Pong frame to keep alive
  • reuse goroutine
  • WebTransport Datagram support, unreliable but fast communication
  • WebTransport Stream support, reliable
  • pprof
  • Prscd Clusters by YoMo
  • Geo-distributed System / Distributed Cloud arch by YoMo

🥷🏻 Development

  1. Start prscd service in terminal-2:make dev
  2. Open webtransport.html by Chrome with Dev Tools
  3. Open websocket.html by Chrome with Dev Tools


🦸🏻 Self-hosting


make dist

The docker way:

docker run --rm -it --network host --env-file prscd/env.example yomorun/prscd:latest

☝🏻 Host on Single Cloud Region

TODO: how to deploy prscd on digitalocean

TODO: introducing, lighthouse for realtime applications.

🌍 Host as Geo-distributed System

DNS improvements explaination

by Vercel edge functions

Redirect end-user connect to node close to them.

by AWS Global Accelarator

Anycast IP

by Azure Traffic Manager


☕️ FAQ

$ openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in prscd/
notAfter=May 22 07:40:45 2023 GMT

how to generate SSL for your own domain

  1. brew install certbot
  2. sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d
  3. create a TXT record followed the instruction by certbot
  4. nslookup -type=TXT to verify the process
  5. sudo chown -Rv "$(whoami)":staff /etc/letsencrypt/ set permission
  6. cert and key: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{fullchain, privkey}.pem
  7. verify the expiratioin time: openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in

if you are behind a proxy on Mac

Most of proxy applications drop WebTransport or HTTP/3, so if you are a macos user, this bash script can helped bypass * domain to proxy.

networksetup -setproxybypassdomains "Wi-Fi" $(networksetup -getproxybypassdomains "Wi-Fi" | awk '{ printf "\"%s\" ", $0 }') "*"

Integrate to your own Auth system

Currently, provide public_key for authentication, the endpoint looks like: /v1?app_id=<USER_CLIENT_ID>&public_key=<PUBLIC_KEY>

Live inspection

Execute make dev in terminal-1:

$ make dev
go run -race main.go
pid: 20079

Open terminal-2, execute:

$ kill -SIGUSR1 20079
$ kill -SIGUSR2 20079

The output of terminal-1 will looks like:

$ make dev
go run -race main.go
pid: 20079
Received signal: user defined signal 1
Dump start --------
Peers: 1
Dump doen --------
Received signal: user defined signal 2
	NumGC = 0

Configure Firewall of Cloud Provider

TCP and UDP on the PORT shall has to be allowed in security rules.

.env File

  • DEBUG=true: debug mode

  • PORT=443: indicate the PORT used to listen, both WebSocket and WebTransport

  • MESH_ID=MID_EAST: indicate nodes in distributed cloud archtecture

  • YOMO_SNDR_NAME: the name of YoMo Source

  • YOMO_RCVR_NAME: the name of YoMo Stream Function

  • CERT_FILE: The SSL cert file path of prscd

  • YOMO_TRACE_JAEGER_ENDPOINT: Jaeger collector endpoint, e.g., http://localhost:14268/api/traces

  • KEY_FILE: The SSL key file path of prscd