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262 lines (222 loc) · 9.16 KB

File metadata and controls

262 lines (222 loc) · 9.16 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog][kac] and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning][semver].


## Unreleased

### Added

### Fixed

### Updated

### Removed

1.6.1 - 2023-09-19






1.5.1 - 2020-01-21


  • Added Adoptium (java) recipe for Linux
  • Added Dockefiles for ubuntu and centos
  • Added Github Actions
  • Added HS icon to all handbook pages
  • Added Publish Workflow
  • Added __hhs_hist_stats new command
  • Added which to Darwin hspm recipes
  • Added applications handbook - part2
  • Added badgen.gradle and README update
  • Added cleanup option to save_dir
  • Added colima recipe for Darwin
  • Added default args for ss, sf, sd
  • Added details about how to configure the service key
  • Added docker recipe for linux
  • Added env firebase cert file
  • Added fedora to docker and to supported os
  • Added gcc to docker agent
  • Added gradle, fix bats tests and install.bash
  • Added hhs clear function
  • Added hhs clear to clear logs , backups and caches
  • Added hhs welcome message to the containers
  • Added included HEAD to fetch
  • Added jenkins recipe for linux - fix - 5
  • Added log dir if it does not yet exist
  • Added master-unlock to .gitignore
  • Added multiple builds
  • Added new env about the os package manager
  • Added nginx configurations for HomeSetup
  • Added pull request template
  • Added setman integration
  • Added setman->settings
  • Added the ci-pipelines
  • Added the docker-agent Dockerfile
  • Added updateMinor to the publish action


  • Fixed .path not being exported
  • Fixed CentOs install since yum does not have python and pip but pip2/3 python2/3
  • Fixed Darwin installation scripts
  • Fixed Firebase fixes (also from hspylib)
  • Fixed Github Actions - 1
  • Fixed Give default value for $TEMP
  • Fixed HANDBOOK for mchoose and mselect
  • Fixed HandBook navigation
  • Fixed README docs
  • Fixed README links and hhs host-name
  • Fixed Readmes and docs
  • Fixed Uninstall script
  • Fixed __hhs_settings
  • Fixed about when the command is not aliased
  • Fixed aliases and paths
  • Fixed and improve hhs logs
  • Fixed bats tests
  • Fixed branch mismatch and use new mselect on all functions
  • Fixed default firebase config file
  • Fixed documentation and hhs app
  • Fixed duplicated paths and aa
  • Fixed encrypt/decrypt python lib
  • Fixed envs name=value separation
  • Fixed file_path problem due to pycharm refactoring
  • Fixed firebase app
  • Fixed firebase setup
  • Fixed fonts directory installation
  • Fixed installation script
  • Fixed git pull all not reading all selected indexes
  • Fixed godir when there's only one match
  • Fixed gradle publish
  • Fixed hhs funcs
  • Fixed hhs host-name
  • Fixed hhs host-name -> ised problems
  • Fixed hspm - 1
  • Fixed hspm default recipes and error
  • Fixed hspm not to use __hhs_open
  • Fixed install links
  • Fixed install/uninstall regarding hspylib
  • Fixed installation and tailor. Also, use tailor to get hhs logs
  • Fixed installation process. Fix an issue that was not updating the hspylib to latest version. New prompt icon
  • Fixed installation required tools
  • Fixed installation script -> hhs prefix - 1
  • Fixed installation script IFS
  • Fixed installation script to activate dotfiles
  • Fixed installation script to display the user:group
  • Fixed missing - , -r in tailor
  • Fixed now hspm drop breadcrumb based on my_os_release
  • Fixed os release info
  • Fixed paths and some other bugs
  • Fixed prompt icons
  • Fixed prompts
  • Fixed publish action
  • Fixed publish action -> install bumpver
  • Fixed publish gradle and action
  • Fixed punch -> tcalc issue
  • Fixed python scripts
  • Fixed removed debug echos
  • Fixed settings by allowing setting name to source
  • Fixed some firebase setup problems
  • Fixed terminal settings
  • Fixed test pipeline stage
  • Fixed the firebase without args
  • Fixed the publish action message
  • Fixed the publish action to allow select tagging and updating major
  • Fixed the settings hhs plugin
  • Fixed toc bullet
  • Fixed uninstallation script
  • Fixed various bugs: godir, plugin and hspylib
  • Fixed welcome message and README with the Terminal font config


  • Updated applications handbook.
  • Updated Install improvements and hspm improvements due to sudo.
  • Updated HomeSetup documents.
  • Updated hhsrc load. Improving hhsrc load, logs and compatibility.
  • Updated installation of python libs and scripts.
  • Updated python script into HSPyLib project.
  • Removed python apps docs, add vault and firebase to install/uninstall and alias fix for them.
  • Updated replacing .aliasdef for every installation.
  • Updated executables hspylib to clitt.
  • Updated HS logo.
  • Updated bash_prompts.
  • Updated documentation and hhs app.
  • Updated install script for docker build.
  • Updated Dockerfiles for ubuntu, centos and fedora.
  • Updated HomeSetup README sync. Pending hhs app handbook.


  • Removed and .last_update from being uploaded into Firebase
  • Removed .github folder. Moved contents to docs folder
  • Removed GREP_COLOR env set
  • Removed Jenkins pipelines
  • Removed TODO removed. Issue moved to GitHub issues board
  • Removed dev stuff from docker-agent
  • Removed git hook from installation
  • Removed gradle.bat
  • Removed old development images
  • Removed python apps and plugins (files) using hspylib now
  • Removed python apps docs, add vault and firebase to install/uninstall and alias fix for them
  • Removed unrelated font
  • Removed vault plugin and firebase init

1.4.1 - 2020-01-21


  • Added New vim recipe.
  • Added New function __hhs_minput based on __hhs_mselect.
  • Added New compatibility with semver from the next release.
  • Added New file and scratch.
  • Added New __hhs_ascof function.
  • Added New commit_msg git hook.
  • Added Deployer tool scratch.
  • Added Linux compatibility.
  • Added hhs python library.
  • Added a user handbook.


  • Fixed __hhs_git_pull_all from failing when the repository was not being tracked on remote.
  • Fixed HHS-App updater check when local version was greater than the repository version.
  • Fixed for ip-utils.bash and renaming it to check-ip.bash.
  • Fixed many IFS problems.
  • Fixed python scripts for versions 2.7 and 3.0.
  • Fixed and scripts.
  • Fixed a bug where the outfile was not being picked correctly (__hhs_mselect, __hhs_mchoose and __hhs_minput).
  • Fixed installation when git clone was not called before the dotfiles search and font copy.
  • Fixed prepared_commit_message git hook
  • Fixed __hhs_docker_kill_all stopping at first error.
  • Fixed all non-Linux compatible scripts, functions and aliases.
  • Fixes various bugfixes and improvements.


  • Updated to match latest changes of HomeSetup.
  • Updated Improved installation and compatibility.
  • Updated Hspm plugin now accepts multiple installs/uninstalls.
  • Updated Improved HHS-App. Separating local functions into a separate folder and 'plug-able' files.
  • Updated Moved the script git-pull-all.bash into an __hhs.
  • Updated Improved __hhs_mselect, __hhs_mchoose and __hhs_minput when reading arrays. Removing SC2206 disable.
  • Updated Moved hostname-change to a HHS-App function.
  • Updated Moved the file ~/.path into ~/.hhs .
  • Updated HHS-App hspm plugin now tries to install using brew if recipe was not found.
  • Updated Improved HHS-App firebase plugin configuration.
  • Updated Enforcing changelog words to commit messages.
  • Updated Prompt style PS1 from $> to $
  • Updated auto-completions: reformatting with 2 spaces.
  • Updated improved alias documentations. Added a tag @alias to be found later by the deployer tool.
  • Updated Improved firebase plugin: it's now python instead of bash.

1.3.1 - 2020-01-21


  • Added New auto-complete (menu_complete) to strokes.
  • Added Brew bash/zsh as options for __hhs_shell_select.
  • Added New function __hhs_mchoose based on __hhs_mselect.
  • Added New function __hhs_change_dir to replace the old cd command.
  • Added New HHS-App updater plug-in.
  • Added New PCF-Completion.
  • Added New docker lazy init function.
  • Added New vt100 code cheat sheet.


  • Fixed all references of `ised' without -E not finding anything.
  • Fixed __hhs_punch: Various bugfixes.
  • Fixed __hhs_search_string: Fix ss with spaces inside search string when hl the string.
  • Fixed Install/Uninstall script were not working properly.
  • Fixed __hhs_git_branch_select: Fixed the branch change when remote branch was selected.
  • Fixed __hhs_mselect: bugfixes and upgrade.
  • Fixed Important fixes to __hhs_alias, __hhs_save, __hhs_aliases, __hhs_paths and __hhs_command regarding the result arrays.


  • Updated Improved __hhs_punch with new balance field and visual.
  • Updated Improved HHS-App: Added local and hhs functions.
  • Updated Improved function and app helps.
  • Updated the HHS welcome message to be a MOTD file.
  • Updated Extending __hhs_sysinfo and moving IP aliases into a separate file.
  • Updated Rename all hspm recipes to *.recipe.
  • Updated Improved taylor to match some patterns correctly and color adjustments.


  • Removed HHS_MAXDEPTH from all functions and the env var.