#!/bin/bash set -x # TODO: # It seems I have to manually restart the services if when I install the packages # sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x4121/ripgrep -y # ripgrep 不靠这个安装了 sudo apt-get update # several lines of packages # 1) Essential # 2) Optional (the installation of these softwares may fail due to different system versions) # this line is for common use for p in git build-essential cmake python-dev htop zsh autossh exuberant-ctags \ tmux clang software-properties-common silversearcher-ag moreutils ack-grep cloc jq; do # in case of lacking specific package result in failing of all packages. So we just install them one by one sudo apt-get install -y $p done # Explain the necessity of the above packages # jq: enhance the experience of json # sudo apt-get install -y gnupg2 # ruby和 rvm 后面都选择在 ./deploy_apps/install_tmuxinator.sh 中在个人账户安装 # sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common # sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:rael-gc/rvm # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get install -y rvm # this is for installing latest # sudo su - $USER -c 'rvm install ruby' # sudo su - $USER -c 'gem install tmuxinator' # sudo apt-get install -y tmuxinator # this will be installed by gem # clang is for YCM # python-flake8 is needed by vim-flake8 # dpkg-reconfigure locales # 配置成 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 就可以了