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Export to S3 using Iceberg Table Format

Setup Yugabyte

Follow instructions in Quick Start to start up a YugabyteDB cluster.

Setup Tables and CDCSDK Stream

The dataset emulates a simple IOT workload. The workload consists of two tables:

    id int PRIMARY KEY,
	host_name TEXT,
    LOCATION jsonb

CREATE TABLE host_data (
    date timestamptz NOT NULL,
	host_id int NOT NULL,
    cpu double PRECISION,
	tempc int,
    status TEXT	

Use ysqlsh to setup the tables

# Store YugabyteDB Master IP addresses in an env variable
export MASTER_ADDRESSES=<list of addresses>

# Save the IP address of a Yugabyte master in an env variable

# Drop if required.
ysqlsh -f drop_schema.sql

# Create tables and functions.
ysqlsh -f create_schema.sql

# Setup CDCSDK Stream
yb-admin create_change_data_stream ysql.yugabyte --master_addresses $MASTER_ADDRESSES

# Save the output of the previous command in an env variable.
export CDC_SDK_STREAM_ID=<id from previous command>

Setup Kafka/Confluent Cloud

Use an existing installation of Apache Kafka or use Confluent Cloud.


Follow instructions in Quick Start to start up the Confluent Platform using Docker and Docker Compose.

Create Kafka Topics

In Confluent Center, create two Kafka Topics:

  • iceberg.public.host_data

Start Kafka Connect using Docker

# Store parameters in env variables:
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=<Kafka Bootstrap Server IP Addresses>
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS Access Key ID>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<AWS Secret Access Key>
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<AWS Session Token>
export AWS_REGION=<AWS Region of the S3 Bucket>

docker compose -f connect.yaml up -d

Setup AWS Glue & Athena

In this example, Apache Iceberg uses AWS Glue as the table catalog. Install and configure AWS CLI


Use AWS Console to setup AWS S3, AWS Glue and AWS Athena.

# Create a database
aws glue create-database --database-input "{\"Name\":\"yb_cdc\"}" --endpoint https://${AWS_REGION}

export S3_PATH=<Path to a S3 directory e.g. s3://example/iceberg/>

Setup Source and Sink Connectors

Iceberg Sink Connectors

The script sets up two connectors:

  • replicate: Replicates the tables in Yugabyte by applying inserts, updates and deletes.
  • trace: Adds a row for inserts, updates and deletes and does not apply them.

Replicate tables are named:

  • public_host
  • public_host_data

Trace tables are named:

  • trace_public_host

  • trace_public_host_data


Yugabyte Source Connector
