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yuki-antiDDoS - simple host-level protection against DDoS attacks.

📥 Ubuntu Installation

sudo apt update && sudo apt install iptables ipset netfilter-persistent ipset-persistent nftables git -y && git clone && cd antiddos && sudo bash antiddos-yuki && cd ..

🔽 Debian Installation (experimental)

Please note that the command needs to be run as "root"
apt update && apt install iptables ipset netfilter-persistent ipset-persistent nftables git -y && git clone && cd antiddos && bash antiddos-yuki && cd ..

📋 Requirements

  • Bash
  • Ubuntu 20.04+ / [BETA] Debian 11+
Requirements for optional (advanced) rules: ebtables, arptables, xtables-addons-common (it is needed for antiSpoof rules)

⛔ Mitigated attack types:

✨ Advanced RuleSet Features:

  • BitTorrent Amplification blocking
  • SIP Scanning blocking
  • SSLv2/SSLv3 HTTPS blocking
  • HTTP Trace method blocking
  • FTP SITE EXEC blocking
  • SQLi Blocking
  • Advanced Spoofing blocking
  • DNS/NTP Filtering
  • IP Option Filter
  • HTTP Filter
  • SSH Filter/Whitelist
  • OpenVPN Filter/Whitelist
  • IPtables proxying
  • SYN/ACK Challenge
  • Zero TTL Blocking
  • SourcePort 1 or 0 Blocking
  • STUN Blocking

🔄 Updating the script:

cd ~/antiddos && git pull && sudo bash antiddos-yuki && cd

🗑️ Uninstallation (experimental):

sudo iptables-nft -P INPUT ACCEPT && sudo nft flush ruleset && sudo ipset destroy blacklist

After this, restore the original sysctl.conf from a backup, and save changes: sudo netfilter-persistent save
Installed packages can be removed too if they won't be used.

💾 Saving the rules:

sudo netfilter-persistent save
Execute this, if after you ran the script you don't have any problems, so the rules will survive reboots. Currently, this needs to be done manually.

✅ Allowing needed ports:

sudo iptables-nft -I INPUT -p [tcp/udp] -m multiport --dports [port,port...] (max – 15 ports) -j ACCEPT

Example: sudo iptables-nft -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 1194 -j ACCEPT (this is how a rule will look that allows incoming TCP to port 1194)
(after adding custom rules, you need to test everything - if the rules work as expected, you can save them, so they won't be deleted after a reboot)
22/tcp (SSH default port) is already allowed so you won't lose connection to your server. Edit this in the config before running the script if you have SSH on a different port.

🚩 Common issues/questions

❃ Issue/Question ❃ Fix/Answer
Why does the script not help me? Not each attack can be patched on the host-level. If you think that the script don't help you but it still can be fixed on the host level, you can try the optional rules. To enable a optional rule, uncomment it. Also, it's not recommended to enable a rule if you don't know what does it do.
I allowed a needed port, but the service on it doesn't work. You probably chose the wrong protocol or the service needs both TCP and UDP. This can be done via two rules to allow both protocols on a port.
Can I view the statistics of the rules? Yes, you can. Use the following command: 'sudo nft list ruleset'. If you changed the $IP binary location to "iptables", you need to use 'sudo iptables -L -v -n', and the same for $IP6 if you have changed it too.
Does this script work with complicated routing? Nah, it's not (by default). But to fix it, set rp_filter to 2 in the sysctl tweaks. Makes your server more prone to spoofed attacks.
A VPN doesn't work with this script. How do I fix that? Try to determine all the needed protocols and allow them. Preferably, do this in the script itself.
How to tune the script? There is a config file '' in the repository, you can tune the config, and after all changes, re-apply the script.
I have another problem, what to do? Open an issue or contact me via Telegram (@mintyYuki).
My server has networking problems after applying the script. How to fix? If you started the script, it applied everything, and the SSH stopped working, or you have another problem, and you didn't explicitly save the rules, just restart the server. If you sure that nothing is wrong, and you didn't modify anything, the problem may be caused by the hoster or the server, or the software running on it. Try to resolve the possible conflicts. If the problem still persist, there may be a problem with your server's hoster.