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209 lines (138 loc) · 5.15 KB


Vim / Neovim random colorscheme plugin.

spectrism is spectrum and prism.


This plugin change the colorscheme for Vim / Neovim.


If you use folke/lazy.nvim.

  lazy = false,
  dependencies = {

If you use yukimemi/dvpm.

dvpm.add({ url: "yukimemi/spectrism.vim" });



No special settings are required. By default it changes the colorscheme every 3,600 seconds.



Change the colorscheme.


Open the spectrism priority setting. colorschme setting is a toml file. Colorschemes with higher numerical priorities are preferred.


Remove the spectrism setting file. The configuration file will be automatically regenerated the next time you start Vim / Neovim.


Disable spectrism. Stop changing colorschme.


Enable spectrism.


Disable this colorscheme. (Set colorschmeme priority to 0.)

:LikeThisColorscheme [size]

Increase priority by g:spectrism_changesize. (default) If size is passed, increase priority according to size.

:HateThisColorscheme [size]

Decrease priority by g:spectrism_changesize. (default) If size is passed, decrease priority according to size.


No settings are required. However, the following settings can be made if necessary.


Enable debug messages. default is v:false


Whether to echo the modified colorscheme. default is v:true


Whether to vim.notify the modified colorscheme. (Neovim only) default is v:false


Interval to change colorscheme. default is 3600 (seconds)


Whether to retry change colorscheme when after changed colorschme is same before. default is v:true


Time to wait before checking g:colors_name after changing colorschme. g:colors_name may not be included immediately after changing colorschme. default is 3000 (milliseconds)


A list of colorschemes to be used for selection. If this list is set, only the changing colorschme that includes this list will be used. Not included colorscheme's priority are all set to 0. default is [] (Use all colorscheme)


A list of colorschemes to be not used for selection. If this list is set, only the changing colorschme that not includes this list will be used. Included colorscheme's priority are all set to 0. default is [] (Use all colorscheme)


A match pattern to be used for selection. (regexp) If this pattern is set, only the changing colorschme that match this pattern will be used. default is "" (Use all colorscheme)


A match pattern to be not used for selection. (regexp) If this pattern is set, only the changing colorschme that not match this pattern will be used. default is "" (Use all colorscheme)


A list of events to be used for selection. If this list is set, the colorscheme will be changed if the target event fires. default is []


"dark" or "light" If this option is set, the background option set after the colorscheme change is set default is ""


Priority size changed during LikeThisColorscheme and HatesThisColorscheme. default is 50


The path to the colorscheme config file. default is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/spectrism/colorschemes.toml


colorschme looks from runtimepath and, for Neovim, from stdpath("data"). If it is delayed by plugin manager etc., it may not be included in the runtimepath at the time of startup. If you still want to use spectrism, add it manually to g:spectrism_colors_path as a search path. This path will be searched recursively, and colors/*.vim or colors/*.lua files will be registered as colorscheme. default is []


The priority of the colorscheme. (readonly) You can use this value for statusline.


let g:spectrism_debug = v:false
let g:spectrism_echo = v:false
let g:spectrism_notify = v:true
let g:spectrism_interval = 60
let g:spectrism_enables = ["morning", "ron"]
let g:spectrism_disables = ["evening", "default"]
let g:spectrism_match = "base16"
let g:spectrism_notmatch = "light"
let g:spectrism_events = ["CursorHold", "FocusLost", "BufWritePost"]
let g:spectrism_background = "dark"
let g:spectrism_path = expand("~/.cache/colors.toml")
let g:spectrism_colors_path = [expand("~/.cache/vim/plugs")]

" Useful mappings
nnoremap <space>rc <cmd>ChangeColorscheme<cr>
nnoremap <space>rd <cmd>DisableThisColorscheme<cr>
nnoremap <space>rl <cmd>LikeThisColorscheme<cr>
nnoremap <space>rh <cmd>HateThisColorscheme<cr>


Licensed under MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2023 yukimemi