Neko is a small collection of case tranformation functions for PHP. They are as simple as possible with no external dependencies.
I wrote this library because I was tired of the other libraries out there not working like I expected. Neko can handle input in Title case, lower case, PascalCase, camelCase, kebab-case, SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE, snake_case, and SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
You can see how Neko stacks up against other case transformation libraries in the throwdown over here.
Neko can be installed using composer.
$ composer require yuloh/neko
use function Yuloh\Neko\snake_case;
echo snake_case('Hello World'); // hello_world
use function Yuloh\Neko\kebab_case;
echo kebab_case('Hello World'); // hello-world
use function Yuloh\Neko\pascal_case;
echo pascal_case('Hello World'); // HelloWorld
use function Yuloh\Neko\camel_case;
echo camel_case('Hello World'); //helloWorld