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38 lines (29 loc) · 1.25 KB

Installation Guide


This SDK isn't available from maven central now. The latest release is 2.0.0 and is built against Scala 2.11.x, and 2.12.x.

Install from maven

This SDK has not been published to maven yet, Please install from binary release

If you use sbt, you can include this SDK in your project with

libraryDependencies += "com.qingstor" %%  "qingstor-sdk-scala" % "2.0.0"

Install from binary release

You can download jar from release page and put it into lib directory. qingstor-sdk-scala_xxx_fat.jar are packed with all dependencies, qingstor-sdk-scala_xxx.jar are packed without dependency. You should add dependencies below to your sbt file before use these packed without dependency.

libraryDependencies ++= {
  val akkaHttpVersion = "10.0.5"
  val circeVersion = "0.7.1"
    "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http-core" % akkaHttpVersion,
    "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http" % akkaHttpVersion,
    "io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % circeVersion,
    "io.circe" %% "circe-parser" % circeVersion,
    "org.yaml" % "snakeyaml" % "1.17",
    "de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-circe" % "1.15.0"