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105 lines (68 loc) · 3.47 KB

Equinusocio's material theme for Neovim/Vim


This theme was ported from equinusocio/vsc-material-theme.

Try this theme if others don't meet your needs.





Note that syntax highlighting for brackets/parentheses in screenshots was enhanced by luochen1990/rainbow, you may like to install it manully.

How to use

IMPORTANT: True colors are required for vim in terminal

  • vim-plug
Plug 'yunlingz/equinusocio-material.vim'

" true colors are required for vim in terminal
set termguicolors

" use a different style
" valid values: 'default' (default), 'darker', 'pure'
let g:equinusocio_material_style = 'pure'

" less bright
" which means some colors will be modified by this formula:
" (r, g, b) -> ( max(r - less, 0), max(g - less, 0), max(b - less, 0) )
let g:equinusocio_material_less = 50

" make vertsplit invisible (visible by default) (default 0)
" if style == 'pure', then the vertsplit is always visible
let g:equinusocio_material_hide_vertsplit = 1

" parentheses improved (default 0)
" enabling this option with 'luochen1990/rainbow' installed is not encouraged
" because this option and 'luochen1990/rainbow' will registry conflicting events
" in summary:
" 1. no 'luochen1990/rainbow' installed, no parentheses improved: nothing to do (default 0)
" 2. no 'luochen1990/rainbow' installed, want built-in parentheses improved: set to 1
" 3. 'luochen1990/rainbow' installed: nothing to do (default 0)
let g:equinusocio_material_bracket_improved = 1

" use a better vertsplit char
set fillchars+=vert:│

colorscheme equinusocio_material

" this theme has a buildin lightline/airline theme
let g:airline_theme = 'equinusocio_material'
let g:lightline = {
  \ 'colorscheme': 'equinusocio_material',
  \ }
Fix problem while updating

IMPORTANT: This repo has been reformed to reduce the size, and you might find problem (like fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories) while runing plugin update command such as PlugUpdate. To solve this problem (for vim-plug users), first run PlugClean to detect the problem and delete the directory, then re-run PlugUpdate or PlugInstall.

Related issue


If experiencing problems with tmux you are, please make sure that tmux is configured properly to support true color. For example, if the $TERM variable equals xterm-256color, these lines should be added into ~/.tmux.conf:

set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"
set -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"


set -g default-terminal "${TERM}"
set -ga terminal-overrides ",${TERM}:Tc"


If using iterm you are, please try this color preset yunlingz/iterm2-equinusocio-material.

It's also available here: term

An alacritty config for the pure theme is available here: pure_alacritty.yml

