Filtering allc files using single node. Tue Aug 1 05:07:19 2023 Splitting allc files for chromosome 1 Tue Aug 1 05:07:19 2023 Running rms tests for chromosome 1 Tue Aug 1 05:07:20 2023 210 Command '['/share/anaconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.10/site-packages/methylpy-1.4.7-py3.10.egg/methylpy/run_rms_tests.out', 'results/DMR_P0_FBvsHT_filtered_allc_P0_FB_1.tsv_1_0.tsv,results/DMR_P0_FBvsHT_filtered_allc_P0_FB_2.tsv_1_0.tsv,results/DMR_P0_FBvsHT_filtered_allc_P0_HT_1.tsv_1_0.tsv,results/DMR_P0_FBvsHT_filtered_allc_P0_HT_2.tsv_1_0.tsv', 'results/DMR_P0_FBvsHT_rms_results_for_1_chunk_0.tsv', 'P0_FB_1,P0_FB_2,P0_HT_1,P0_HT_2', '0', '3000', '100', '-1']' died with . Begin FDR Correction Tue Aug 1 05:07:21 2023 Settings: Output files: "chrL/chrL_f.*.bt2" Line rate: 6 (line is 64 bytes) Lines per side: 1 (side is 64 bytes) Offset rate: 4 (one in 16) FTable chars: 10 Strings: unpacked Max bucket size: default Max bucket size, sqrt multiplier: default Max bucket size, len divisor: 4 Difference-cover sample period: 1024 Endianness: little Actual local endianness: little Sanity checking: disabled Assertions: disabled Random seed: 0 Sizeofs: void*:8, int:4, long:8, size_t:8 Input files DNA, FASTA: chrL/chrL_f.fasta Reading reference sizes Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:00 Calculating joined length Writing header Reserving space for joined string Joining reference sequences Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:00 bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: 12125 Using parameters --bmax 9094 --dcv 1024 Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test Passed! Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 9094 --dcv 1024 Constructing suffix-array element generator Building DifferenceCoverSample Building sPrime Building sPrimeOrder V-Sorting samples V-Sorting samples time: 00:00:00 Allocating rank array Ranking v-sort output Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:00 Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:00:00 Sanity-checking and returning Building samples Reserving space for 12 sample suffixes Generating random suffixes QSorting 12 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00 Multikey QSorting 12 samples (Using difference cover) Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00 Calculating bucket sizes Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Split 1, merged 5; iterating... Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Split 1, merged 1; iterating... Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Avg bucket size: 6061.88 (target: 9093) Converting suffix-array elements to index image Allocating ftab, absorbFtab Entering Ebwt loop Getting block 1 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 1 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 1 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 1: bucket 1: 10% bucket 1: 20% bucket 1: 30% bucket 1: 40% bucket 1: 50% bucket 1: 60% bucket 1: 70% bucket 1: 80% bucket 1: 90% bucket 1: 100% Sorting block of length 4329 for bucket 1 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 4330 for bucket 1 Getting block 2 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 2 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 2 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 2: bucket 2: 10% bucket 2: 20% bucket 2: 30% bucket 2: 40% bucket 2: 50% bucket 2: 60% bucket 2: 70% bucket 2: 80% bucket 2: 90% bucket 2: 100% Sorting block of length 5267 for bucket 2 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 5268 for bucket 2 Getting block 3 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 3 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 3 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 3: bucket 3: 10% bucket 3: 20% bucket 3: 30% bucket 3: 40% bucket 3: 50% bucket 3: 60% bucket 3: 70% bucket 3: 80% bucket 3: 90% bucket 3: 100% Sorting block of length 8733 for bucket 3 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 8734 for bucket 3 Getting block 4 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 4 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 4 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 4: bucket 4: 10% bucket 4: 20% bucket 4: 30% bucket 4: 40% bucket 4: 50% bucket 4: 60% bucket 4: 70% bucket 4: 80% bucket 4: 90% bucket 4: 100% Sorting block of length 2676 for bucket 4 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 2677 for bucket 4 Getting block 5 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 5 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 5 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 5: bucket 5: 10% bucket 5: 20% bucket 5: 30% bucket 5: 40% bucket 5: 50% bucket 5: 60% bucket 5: 70% bucket 5: 80% bucket 5: 90% bucket 5: 100% Sorting block of length 6996 for bucket 5 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 6997 for bucket 5 Getting block 6 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 6 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 6 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 6: bucket 6: 10% bucket 6: 20% bucket 6: 30% bucket 6: 40% bucket 6: 50% bucket 6: 60% bucket 6: 70% bucket 6: 80% bucket 6: 90% bucket 6: 100% Sorting block of length 7697 for bucket 6 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7698 for bucket 6 Getting block 7 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 7 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 7 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 7: bucket 7: 10% bucket 7: 20% bucket 7: 30% bucket 7: 40% bucket 7: 50% bucket 7: 60% bucket 7: 70% bucket 7: 80% bucket 7: 90% bucket 7: 100% Sorting block of length 8738 for bucket 7 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 8739 for bucket 7 Getting block 8 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 8 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 8 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 8: bucket 8: 10% bucket 8: 20% bucket 8: 30% bucket 8: 40% bucket 8: 50% bucket 8: 60% bucket 8: 70% bucket 8: 80% bucket 8: 90% bucket 8: 100% Sorting block of length 4059 for bucket 8 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 4060 for bucket 8 Exited Ebwt loop fchr[A]: 0 fchr[C]: 12334 fchr[G]: 12334 fchr[T]: 25154 fchr[$]: 48502 Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk() Returning from initFromVector Wrote 4210662 bytes to primary EBWT file: chrL/chrL_f.1.bt2.tmp Wrote 12132 bytes to secondary EBWT file: chrL/chrL_f.2.bt2.tmp Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams Returning from Ebwt constructor Headers: len: 48502 bwtLen: 48503 sz: 12126 bwtSz: 12126 lineRate: 6 offRate: 4 offMask: 0xfffffff0 ftabChars: 10 eftabLen: 20 eftabSz: 80 ftabLen: 1048577 ftabSz: 4194308 offsLen: 3032 offsSz: 12128 lineSz: 64 sideSz: 64 sideBwtSz: 48 sideBwtLen: 192 numSides: 253 numLines: 253 ebwtTotLen: 16192 ebwtTotSz: 16192 color: 0 reverse: 0 Total time for call to driver() for forward index: 00:00:00 Reading reference sizes Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:00 Calculating joined length Writing header Reserving space for joined string Joining reference sequences Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:00 Time to reverse reference sequence: 00:00:00 bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: 12125 Using parameters --bmax 9094 --dcv 1024 Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test Passed! Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 9094 --dcv 1024 Constructing suffix-array element generator Building DifferenceCoverSample Building sPrime Building sPrimeOrder V-Sorting samples V-Sorting samples time: 00:00:00 Allocating rank array Ranking v-sort output Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:00 Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:00:00 Sanity-checking and returning Building samples Reserving space for 12 sample suffixes Generating random suffixes QSorting 12 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00 Multikey QSorting 12 samples (Using difference cover) Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00 Calculating bucket sizes Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Split 1, merged 7; iterating... Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Avg bucket size: 6928 (target: 9093) Converting suffix-array elements to index image Allocating ftab, absorbFtab Entering Ebwt loop Getting block 1 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 1 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 1 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 1: bucket 1: 10% bucket 1: 20% bucket 1: 30% bucket 1: 40% bucket 1: 50% bucket 1: 60% bucket 1: 70% bucket 1: 80% bucket 1: 90% bucket 1: 100% Sorting block of length 7554 for bucket 1 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7555 for bucket 1 Getting block 2 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 2 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 2 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 2: bucket 2: 10% bucket 2: 20% bucket 2: 30% bucket 2: 40% bucket 2: 50% bucket 2: 60% bucket 2: 70% bucket 2: 80% bucket 2: 90% bucket 2: 100% Sorting block of length 8294 for bucket 2 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 8295 for bucket 2 Getting block 3 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 3 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 3 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 3: bucket 3: 10% bucket 3: 20% bucket 3: 30% bucket 3: 40% bucket 3: 50% bucket 3: 60% bucket 3: 70% bucket 3: 80% bucket 3: 90% bucket 3: 100% Sorting block of length 8971 for bucket 3 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 8972 for bucket 3 Getting block 4 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 4 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 4 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 4: bucket 4: 10% bucket 4: 20% bucket 4: 30% bucket 4: 40% bucket 4: 50% bucket 4: 60% bucket 4: 70% bucket 4: 80% bucket 4: 90% bucket 4: 100% Sorting block of length 1840 for bucket 4 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 1841 for bucket 4 Getting block 5 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 5 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 5 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 5: bucket 5: 10% bucket 5: 20% bucket 5: 30% bucket 5: 40% bucket 5: 50% bucket 5: 60% bucket 5: 70% bucket 5: 80% bucket 5: 90% bucket 5: 100% Sorting block of length 8616 for bucket 5 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 8617 for bucket 5 Getting block 6 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 6 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 6 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 6: bucket 6: 10% bucket 6: 20% bucket 6: 30% bucket 6: 40% bucket 6: 50% bucket 6: 60% bucket 6: 70% bucket 6: 80% bucket 6: 90% bucket 6: 100% Sorting block of length 7565 for bucket 6 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7566 for bucket 6 Getting block 7 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 7 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 7 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 7: bucket 7: 10% bucket 7: 20% bucket 7: 30% bucket 7: 40% bucket 7: 50% bucket 7: 60% bucket 7: 70% bucket 7: 80% bucket 7: 90% bucket 7: 100% Sorting block of length 5656 for bucket 7 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 5657 for bucket 7 Exited Ebwt loop fchr[A]: 0 fchr[C]: 12334 fchr[G]: 12334 fchr[T]: 25154 fchr[$]: 48502 Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk() Returning from initFromVector Wrote 4210662 bytes to primary EBWT file: chrL/chrL_f.rev.1.bt2.tmp Wrote 12132 bytes to secondary EBWT file: chrL/chrL_f.rev.2.bt2.tmp Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams Returning from Ebwt constructor Headers: len: 48502 bwtLen: 48503 sz: 12126 bwtSz: 12126 lineRate: 6 offRate: 4 offMask: 0xfffffff0 ftabChars: 10 eftabLen: 20 eftabSz: 80 ftabLen: 1048577 ftabSz: 4194308 offsLen: 3032 offsSz: 12128 lineSz: 64 sideSz: 64 sideBwtSz: 48 sideBwtLen: 192 numSides: 253 numLines: 253 ebwtTotLen: 16192 ebwtTotSz: 16192 color: 0 reverse: 1 Total time for backward call to driver() for mirror index: 00:00:00 Settings: Output files: "chrL/chrL_r.*.bt2" Line rate: 6 (line is 64 bytes) Lines per side: 1 (side is 64 bytes) Offset rate: 4 (one in 16) FTable chars: 10 Strings: unpacked Max bucket size: default Max bucket size, sqrt multiplier: default Max bucket size, len divisor: 4 Difference-cover sample period: 1024 Endianness: little Actual local endianness: little Sanity checking: disabled Assertions: disabled Random seed: 0 Sizeofs: void*:8, int:4, long:8, size_t:8 Input files DNA, FASTA: chrL/chrL_r.fasta Reading reference sizes Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:00 Calculating joined length Writing header Reserving space for joined string Joining reference sequences Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:00 bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: 12125 Using parameters --bmax 9094 --dcv 1024 Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test Passed! Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 9094 --dcv 1024 Constructing suffix-array element generator Building DifferenceCoverSample Building sPrime Building sPrimeOrder V-Sorting samples V-Sorting samples time: 00:00:00 Allocating rank array Ranking v-sort output Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:00 Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:00:00 Sanity-checking and returning Building samples Reserving space for 12 sample suffixes Generating random suffixes QSorting 12 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00 Multikey QSorting 12 samples (Using difference cover) Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00 Calculating bucket sizes Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Avg bucket size: 6061.88 (target: 9093) Converting suffix-array elements to index image Allocating ftab, absorbFtab Entering Ebwt loop Getting block 1 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 1 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 1 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 1: bucket 1: 10% bucket 1: 20% bucket 1: 30% bucket 1: 40% bucket 1: 50% bucket 1: 60% bucket 1: 70% bucket 1: 80% bucket 1: 90% bucket 1: 100% Sorting block of length 7266 for bucket 1 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7267 for bucket 1 Getting block 2 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 2 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 2 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 2: bucket 2: 10% bucket 2: 20% bucket 2: 30% bucket 2: 40% bucket 2: 50% bucket 2: 60% bucket 2: 70% bucket 2: 80% bucket 2: 90% bucket 2: 100% Sorting block of length 4918 for bucket 2 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 4919 for bucket 2 Getting block 3 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 3 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 3 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 3: bucket 3: 10% bucket 3: 20% bucket 3: 30% bucket 3: 40% bucket 3: 50% bucket 3: 60% bucket 3: 70% bucket 3: 80% bucket 3: 90% bucket 3: 100% Sorting block of length 7408 for bucket 3 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7409 for bucket 3 Getting block 4 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 4 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 4 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 4: bucket 4: 10% bucket 4: 20% bucket 4: 30% bucket 4: 40% bucket 4: 50% bucket 4: 60% bucket 4: 70% bucket 4: 80% bucket 4: 90% bucket 4: 100% Sorting block of length 2907 for bucket 4 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 2908 for bucket 4 Getting block 5 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 5 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 5 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 5: bucket 5: 10% bucket 5: 20% bucket 5: 30% bucket 5: 40% bucket 5: 50% bucket 5: 60% bucket 5: 70% bucket 5: 80% bucket 5: 90% bucket 5: 100% Sorting block of length 8141 for bucket 5 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 8142 for bucket 5 Getting block 6 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 6 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 6 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 6: bucket 6: 10% bucket 6: 20% bucket 6: 30% bucket 6: 40% bucket 6: 50% bucket 6: 60% bucket 6: 70% bucket 6: 80% bucket 6: 90% bucket 6: 100% Sorting block of length 3098 for bucket 6 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 3099 for bucket 6 Getting block 7 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 7 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 7 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 7: bucket 7: 10% bucket 7: 20% bucket 7: 30% bucket 7: 40% bucket 7: 50% bucket 7: 60% bucket 7: 70% bucket 7: 80% bucket 7: 90% bucket 7: 100% Sorting block of length 7280 for bucket 7 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7281 for bucket 7 Getting block 8 of 8 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 8 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 8 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 8: bucket 8: 10% bucket 8: 20% bucket 8: 30% bucket 8: 40% bucket 8: 50% bucket 8: 60% bucket 8: 70% bucket 8: 80% bucket 8: 90% bucket 8: 100% Sorting block of length 7477 for bucket 8 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7478 for bucket 8 Exited Ebwt loop fchr[A]: 0 fchr[C]: 25154 fchr[G]: 36516 fchr[T]: 36516 fchr[$]: 48502 Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk() Returning from initFromVector Wrote 4210662 bytes to primary EBWT file: chrL/chrL_r.1.bt2.tmp Wrote 12132 bytes to secondary EBWT file: chrL/chrL_r.2.bt2.tmp Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams Returning from Ebwt constructor Headers: len: 48502 bwtLen: 48503 sz: 12126 bwtSz: 12126 lineRate: 6 offRate: 4 offMask: 0xfffffff0 ftabChars: 10 eftabLen: 20 eftabSz: 80 ftabLen: 1048577 ftabSz: 4194308 offsLen: 3032 offsSz: 12128 lineSz: 64 sideSz: 64 sideBwtSz: 48 sideBwtLen: 192 numSides: 253 numLines: 253 ebwtTotLen: 16192 ebwtTotSz: 16192 color: 0 reverse: 0 Total time for call to driver() for forward index: 00:00:01 Reading reference sizes Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:00 Calculating joined length Writing header Reserving space for joined string Joining reference sequences Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:00 Time to reverse reference sequence: 00:00:00 bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: 12125 Using parameters --bmax 9094 --dcv 1024 Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test Passed! Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 9094 --dcv 1024 Constructing suffix-array element generator Building DifferenceCoverSample Building sPrime Building sPrimeOrder V-Sorting samples V-Sorting samples time: 00:00:00 Allocating rank array Ranking v-sort output Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:00 Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:00:00 Sanity-checking and returning Building samples Reserving space for 12 sample suffixes Generating random suffixes QSorting 12 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00 Multikey QSorting 12 samples (Using difference cover) Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00 Calculating bucket sizes Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Split 2, merged 6; iterating... Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Split 1, merged 1; iterating... Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Avg bucket size: 6928 (target: 9093) Converting suffix-array elements to index image Allocating ftab, absorbFtab Entering Ebwt loop Getting block 1 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 1 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 1 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 1: bucket 1: 10% bucket 1: 20% bucket 1: 30% bucket 1: 40% bucket 1: 50% bucket 1: 60% bucket 1: 70% bucket 1: 80% bucket 1: 90% bucket 1: 100% Sorting block of length 6225 for bucket 1 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 6226 for bucket 1 Getting block 2 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 2 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 2 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 2: bucket 2: 10% bucket 2: 20% bucket 2: 30% bucket 2: 40% bucket 2: 50% bucket 2: 60% bucket 2: 70% bucket 2: 80% bucket 2: 90% bucket 2: 100% Sorting block of length 8401 for bucket 2 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 8402 for bucket 2 Getting block 3 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 3 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 3 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 3: bucket 3: 10% bucket 3: 20% bucket 3: 30% bucket 3: 40% bucket 3: 50% bucket 3: 60% bucket 3: 70% bucket 3: 80% bucket 3: 90% bucket 3: 100% Sorting block of length 8958 for bucket 3 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 8959 for bucket 3 Getting block 4 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 4 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 4 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 4: bucket 4: 10% bucket 4: 20% bucket 4: 30% bucket 4: 40% bucket 4: 50% bucket 4: 60% bucket 4: 70% bucket 4: 80% bucket 4: 90% bucket 4: 100% Sorting block of length 5521 for bucket 4 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 5522 for bucket 4 Getting block 5 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 5 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 5 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 5: bucket 5: 10% bucket 5: 20% bucket 5: 30% bucket 5: 40% bucket 5: 50% bucket 5: 60% bucket 5: 70% bucket 5: 80% bucket 5: 90% bucket 5: 100% Sorting block of length 7630 for bucket 5 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7631 for bucket 5 Getting block 6 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 6 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 6 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 6: bucket 6: 10% bucket 6: 20% bucket 6: 30% bucket 6: 40% bucket 6: 50% bucket 6: 60% bucket 6: 70% bucket 6: 80% bucket 6: 90% bucket 6: 100% Sorting block of length 4248 for bucket 6 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 4249 for bucket 6 Getting block 7 of 7 Reserving size (9094) for bucket 7 Calculating Z arrays for bucket 7 Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 7: bucket 7: 10% bucket 7: 20% bucket 7: 30% bucket 7: 40% bucket 7: 50% bucket 7: 60% bucket 7: 70% bucket 7: 80% bucket 7: 90% bucket 7: 100% Sorting block of length 7513 for bucket 7 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 7514 for bucket 7 Exited Ebwt loop fchr[A]: 0 fchr[C]: 25154 fchr[G]: 36516 fchr[T]: 36516 fchr[$]: 48502 Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk() Returning from initFromVector Wrote 4210662 bytes to primary EBWT file: chrL/chrL_r.rev.1.bt2.tmp Wrote 12132 bytes to secondary EBWT file: chrL/chrL_r.rev.2.bt2.tmp Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams Returning from Ebwt constructor Headers: len: 48502 bwtLen: 48503 sz: 12126 bwtSz: 12126 lineRate: 6 offRate: 4 offMask: 0xfffffff0 ftabChars: 10 eftabLen: 20 eftabSz: 80 ftabLen: 1048577 ftabSz: 4194308 offsLen: 3032 offsSz: 12128 lineSz: 64 sideSz: 64 sideBwtSz: 48 sideBwtLen: 192 numSides: 253 numLines: 253 ebwtTotLen: 16192 ebwtTotSz: 16192 color: 0 reverse: 1 Total time for backward call to driver() for mirror index: 00:00:00 Begin splitting reads for se_bt2_libA Tue Aug 1 05:07:24 2023 No trimming on reads Tue Aug 1 05:07:25 2023 Begin converting reads for se_bt2_libA Tue Aug 1 05:07:25 2023 Begin Running Bowtie2 for libA Tue Aug 1 05:07:25 2023 Processing forward strand hits Tue Aug 1 05:07:29 2023 Processing reverse strand hits Tue Aug 1 05:07:33 2023 Finding multimappers Tue Aug 1 05:07:35 2023 There are 93996 total input reads Tue Aug 1 05:07:39 2023 There are 93474 uniquely mapping reads, 99.44465721945615 percent remaining Tue Aug 1 05:07:39 2023 Begin calling mCs Tue Aug 1 05:07:39 2023 Perform binomial test Tue Aug 1 05:07:41 2023 The non-conversion rate is 0.5% Tue Aug 1 05:07:41 2023 The closest p-value cutoff for CCT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGG at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CCG at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTG at your desired FDR is 0.0016158268396469439 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.00996024604140579 The closest p-value cutoff for CTT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CCA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAG at your desired FDR is 0.000916711260924766 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.009871253143001467 The closest p-value cutoff for CAT at your desired FDR is 3.3091078397219e-05 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.008702953618468597 The closest p-value cutoff for CCC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 Begin sorting file by position Tue Aug 1 05:07:41 2023 Done Tue Aug 1 05:07:42 2023 Begin splitting reads for libA Tue Aug 1 05:07:43 2023 No trimming applied on reads Tue Aug 1 05:07:45 2023 Begin converting reads for libA Tue Aug 1 05:07:45 2023 Begin Running Bowtie2 for libA Tue Aug 1 05:07:46 2023 Processing forward strand hits Tue Aug 1 05:07:59 2023 Processing reverse strand hits Tue Aug 1 05:08:13 2023 Finding multimappers Tue Aug 1 05:08:16 2023 There are 93996 total input read pairs Tue Aug 1 05:08:24 2023 There are 93162 uniquely mapping read pairs, 99.11272820120006 percent remaining Tue Aug 1 05:08:24 2023 Begin calling mCs Tue Aug 1 05:08:24 2023 Begin flipping the strand of read 2 Tue Aug 1 05:08:24 2023 Input not indexed. Indexing... Tue Aug 1 05:08:27 2023 Perform binomial test Tue Aug 1 05:08:30 2023 The non-conversion rate is 0.5% Tue Aug 1 05:08:30 2023 The closest p-value cutoff for CCG at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CCT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGG at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTG at your desired FDR is 0.0002615969581882085 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.0023126687607943073 The closest p-value cutoff for CTT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CCA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAG at your desired FDR is 0.0003039244401727639 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.004470772561961672 The closest p-value cutoff for CCC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 Begin sorting file by position Tue Aug 1 05:08:31 2023 Done Tue Aug 1 05:08:32 2023 Perform binomial test Tue Aug 1 05:08:39 2023 The non-conversion rate is 0.5% Tue Aug 1 05:08:39 2023 The closest p-value cutoff for CCT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGG at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CCG at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTG at your desired FDR is 0.0016158268396469439 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.00996024604140579 The closest p-value cutoff for CTT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CCA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAG at your desired FDR is 0.000916711260924766 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.009871253143001467 The closest p-value cutoff for CAT at your desired FDR is 3.3091078397219e-05 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.008702953618468597 The closest p-value cutoff for CCC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 Begin sorting file by position Tue Aug 1 05:08:40 2023 Begin flipping the strand of read 2 Tue Aug 1 05:08:41 2023 Input not indexed. Indexing... Tue Aug 1 05:08:44 2023 Perform binomial test Tue Aug 1 05:08:48 2023 The non-conversion rate is 0.5% Tue Aug 1 05:08:48 2023 The closest p-value cutoff for CCG at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CCT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGG at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTG at your desired FDR is 0.0002615969581882085 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.0023126687607943073 The closest p-value cutoff for CTT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CGT at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CCA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CAG at your desired FDR is 0.0003039244401727639 which corresponds to an FDR of 0.004470772561961672 The closest p-value cutoff for CCC at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 The closest p-value cutoff for CTA at your desired FDR is 0 which corresponds to an FDR of 1 Begin sorting file by position Tue Aug 1 05:08:48 2023 Start merging Tue Aug 1 05:08:50 2023 Filtering allc files using single node. Tue Aug 1 05:08:52 2023