My Logseq dev machine is on Ubuntu 18.x and my production machine is running Windows 10, I needed a way to compile the Logseq desktop APP for Windows. I tried & failed to make the "build" run on my windows machine but I did, however, succeed in letting my Ubuntu machine make Windows x64 files
These are the steps I took to make it work on my Ubuntu machine, sharing them hoping it helps someone else. I assume you have all the basic pre-requisites for Logseq, if not you can find them at
- clone Logseq repo if you haven't already
git clone
- Install wine
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wine64 wine32
- Install winetricks & install dotnet using winetricks
sudo apt install winetricks
winetricks dotnet46
- Install nuget and mono (N.B. I had to install mono-complete for it to work)
sudo apt install nuget
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
- in
line 10"electron:make": "electron-forge make --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --asar",
- Compile using
cd logseq
yarn release
yarn release-electron
the executable should be in the static/out/make/