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198 lines (139 loc) · 7.05 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (139 loc) · 7.05 KB


Carthage compatible Platform Swift



Install Carthage if need be.

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

Add Expander in your Cartfile.

github "yutingLei/Expander" "master"

Run carthage to build the framework and drag the built Expander.framework into your Xcode project.


Copy Expander folder to your project. That's it.

Note: If you encounter issues while uploading the app to iTunes Connect, remove the Info.plist file in Expander.


Firstly, import Expaner.

import Expander


Then, there is only one way you can create EView:

/// The view is the EView's superview
/// Don't care about memory leak. We used `weak` refrencens when using `view`.
let eView = EView.serialization(in: view)

Custom config EView

If you don't like to configure this view, you can skip it directly.

Instance a config object. you should know that the type EViewConfig is struct.

var config = EViewConfig()

Configuration properties:

Property name Type Description Default value
size CGSize The original size of EView 80x80
expandSize CGSize The expanded size of EView Optional
expandCornerRadius CGFloat The corner radius when EView expanded 10
distanceToTop CGFloat The distance to parent view Optional
padding EViewPadding Padding to parent view EViewPadding(0, 8)
expandType EViewExpandType How style will be used while expanding .center
located EViewLocated Arrange EView at it's parent view's left/right .left
stateFlag Touple The text that decide state ("Expand", "Fold")
isViscosity Bool If true, The EView can be moved and return back original position when released Optional

After configuration, you must call the applyConfig function once.



I want to control the Expand and Fold actions myself?

There are two methods that can control EView's actions.

/// Expand action
/// rect: if you set, replace it with `expandSize`
public func expand(to rect: CGRect? = nil)
/// Fold action
/// rect: if you set, replace it with `size`
public func fold(to rect: CGRect? = nil)

I want to add some views into EView

When created EView, a property named contentView that you can get it.
Then, you can add any view into contentView.

Is there a quick way to display data?

Of course, just a little code.
Firstly, Suppose array data as follow:

let datas = [["title": "Gemany", "image": "GM.png"],
            ["title": "India", "image": "IN.png"],
            ["title": "Japan", "image": "JP.png"],
            ["title": "Netherlands", "image": "NL.png"],
            ["title": "UK", "image": "UK.png"],
            ["title": "US", "image": "US.png"],
            ["title": "Canada", "image": "CA.png"],
            ["title": "Singapore", "image": "SP.png"]]

Init configuration using EViewCellConfig:

/// Init config
/// Note: the first key must be title's key, the second key must be image's key
let cellConfig = EViewCellConfig(keys: ["title", "image"])

Set others properties. also you can skip it directly.

Property name Type Description Default value
mode EViewCellMode Decide display style .default, other is .classic
isMultiSelect Bool multiple select false
sureTitle String isMultiSelect = true, The sure button's title Sure
multiSelectedHandler Closure Call back when sure button touched, applied when isMultiSelect = true Optional
backgroundColor UIColor The cell's backgroundColor .white
selectedBackgroundColor UIColor The cell's backgroundColor when selected Optional
selectedImage UIImage Add an image to cell when selected, applied when isMultiSelect = true Optional
layout UICollectionViewFlowLayout The layout for cells Optional

Show datas.

eView.showDatas(datas, with: config) { idx in print("Current select: \(idx)")}

I have multiple EViews, what should i do?

Don't worry! The class named EViewGroup might be helpful to you.

(we are sure that you have some information about EView.)

Firstly, Suppose we have some EView instances named eView1, eView2, eView3...

Then, create an instance of EViewGroup

let eGroup = EViewGroup.init(layout: .center, mode: .one, with: eView1, eView2, eView3)

ended!?, Indeed, if you don't want to know more.

goes on, How to initialize EViewGroup and what parameters are passed in?

/// Initializing EVeiwGroup requires three parameters, but two of them can use the default parameters.
/// First. use two default params to init
let eGroup = EViewGroup.init(with: eView1, eView2, eView3)

/// Second. Use one default params to init
let eGroup = EViewGroup.init(layout: .center, with: eView1, eView2, eView3)
// or
let eGroup = EViewGroup.init(mode: .one, with: eView1, eView2, eView3)

/// Third. Use nothing default params to init
let eGroup = EViewGroup.init(layout: .center, mode: .one, with: eView1, eView2, eView3) 

What does these parameters mean?

name type description
layout EViewGroupLayout Views arrangement, all the arrangement will be calculated according to the order of the array. defautl is '.start'
mode EViewGroupExpande Whether EViews can exist simultaneously when expanded

Is there any property that can be introduced?

name type description
interItemSpacing CGFloat Spacing between each view. only supports layouts of .start, .end, and .center


Simple EView and Configurations

EView with datas



  • Basic functions
  • Add dynamic behaviors?
  • Multiple EViews EViewGroup