nest.js in egg.
$ npm i egg-pig --save
// app/config/plugin.js
eggpig: {
enable: true,
package: 'egg-pig'
import { IService, EggAppConfig, Application, Context } from 'egg';
import { Controller, Get, Post } from 'egg-pig';
@Controller('cats') // => /cats
export class CatsController {
private ctx: Context,
private app: Application,
private config: EggAppConfig,
private service: IService,
) { }
@Get() // => router.get('/cats', index)
async index() {
this.ctx.body = 'index';
// or return 'index'
@Get('get') // => router.get('/cats/get', foo)
async foo() {
return 'add'
// or this.ctx.body = 'add';
@Post('/add') // =>'/cats/add', bar)
async bar(@Body() body) {
return body;
// or this.ctx.body = body;
another way
import { BaseContextClass } from 'egg';
import { Controller, Get, Post } from 'egg-pig';
@Controller('cats') // => /cats
export class CatsController extends BaseContextClass{
async foo() {
return await;
export class CatsController {
@Get('/add') // router.get('/cats/add', foo)
async foo() {
return 'zjl'; // this.ctx.body = 'zjl;
@Get('bar') // router.get('/cats/foo', bar)
async bar() {
return await; // this.ctx.body = '';
use return value replace ctx.body;
import { Context, Request, Response, Param, Query, Body, Session, Headers, Res, Req, UploadedFile, UploadedFiles, UploadedFileStream, UploadedFilesStream } from 'egg-pig';
export class CatsController {
public async foo(
@Request() req,
@Response() res,
@Req() req, // alias
@Res() res,// alias
@Param() param,
@Query() query,
@Body() body,
@Session() session,
@Headers() headers,
@UploadedFile() file,
@UploadedFiles() fils,
@UploadedFileStream() stream,
@UploadedFilesStream() parts
) {
// req= this.ctx.request;
// res = this.ctx.response;
// param = this.ctx.params;
// query = this.ctx.query;
// body = this.ctx.request.body;
// session = this.ctx.session;
// headers = this.ctx.headers;
// file = this.ctx.request.files[0]
// files = this.ctx.request.files;
// stream = await this.ctx.getFileStream();
// parts = this.ctx.multipart();
import { Controller, Get, Param } from 'egg-pig';
export class CatsController {
@Get(':id',{ routerName: 'cats'}) // router.get('cats', '/cats/:id', foo)
async foo(@Param('id') param) {
return param;
import { Resources, Get } from 'egg-pig';
@Resources('cats') // => router.resources(''cats', /cats', CastController)
// or @Restful('cats')
export class CatsController {
async index() {
return 'index';
async new() {
return 'new';
@Get('/add') // router.get('/cats/add', add)
async add() {
return 'add';
You can also use @Restful()
Decorator, the same as Resources;
- use decorator router options
@Controller('/', {middleware: ['homeMiddleware']}) //['homeMiddleware']
export class Test {
@Get('/', {middleware: ['apiMiddleware']}) //['apiMiddleware']
async index() {
const ctx = this.ctx;
return ctx.home + ctx.api;
- use koa-router feature
// router.ts
export default (app:Application) => {
const { router } = app;
router.get('/cats/add', async (_,next) => {
console.log('this is middleware');
return next();
// cats.ts
export class CatsController {
async foo(){
this.ctx.body = 'add';
import { Render,Controller, Get, Header } from 'egg-pig';
export class HomeController {
@Get() // /home
async foo() {
const dataList = {
list: [
{ id: 1, title: 'this is news 1', url: '/news/1' },
{ id: 2, title: 'this is news 2', url: '/news/2' }
return dataList;
async bar() {
'Etag': '1234',
'Last-Modified': new Date(),
async baz() {
you can see nest.js.
import { Injectable, CanActivate, ExecutionContext, UseGuards } from 'egg-pig';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
class XXGuard extends CanActivate{
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext)
: boolean | Promise<boolean> | Observable<boolean> {
return true;
export class HomeController {
// @UseGuards(XXGuard)
public async foo() {
// some logic
import { PipeTransform, Injectable, ArgumentMetadata, UsePipes, Param, Query, Body } from 'egg-pig';
class XXPipe extends PipeTransform{
async transform(value: any, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) {
return value;
export class HomeController {
// @UsePipes(XXPipe)
async foo(@Param('xx', XXPipe) param; @Body('xx', XXPipe) body, @Query(XXPipe) quey) {
// some logic
import { ParseIntPipe, ValidationPipe } from 'egg-pig';
import { IsInt, IsString, Length } from "class-validator";
class User {
age: number;
@Length(2, 10)
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
getName() {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
export class PipetestController {
async foo(@Query('id', ParseIntPipe) id) {
return id;
async bar(@Body(new ValidationPipe({ transform: true })) user: User) {
return user.getName();
Notice You may find more information about the class-validator/ class-transformer
import { EggInterceptor, UseInterceptors, Interceptor} from 'egg-pig';
import { Injectable, EggInterceptor, ExecutionContext, CallHandler } from 'egg-pig';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
class LoggingInterceptor extends EggInterceptor {
context: ExecutionContext,
call$: CallHandler,
): Observable<any> {
const now =;
return call$.handle().pipe(
tap(() => console.log(`After... ${ - now}ms`)),
export class HomeController {
public async foo() {
// some login
import { UseInterceptors, ClassSerializerInterceptor } from 'egg-pig';
class RoleEntity {
id: number;
name: string;
constructor(partial: Partial<RoleEntity>) {
Object.assign(this, partial);
class UserEntity {
id: number;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
password: string;
get fullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
@Transform(role =>
role: RoleEntity
constructor(partial: Partial<UserEntity>) {
Object.assign(this, partial);
@UseInterceptors(new ClassSerializerInterceptor())
export class SerializerController {
async foo() {
return [new UserEntity({
id: 1,
firstName: 'jay',
lastName: 'chou',
password: '123456',
role: new RoleEntity({ id: 1, name: 'admin' })
}), new UserEntity({
id: 2,
firstName: 'kamic',
lastName: 'xxxla',
password: '45678',
role: new RoleEntity({ id: 2, name: 'user01' })
import { Controller, Get } from 'egg-pig';
export class CatsController {
async foo(){
throw new Error('some ..')
When the client calls this endpoint,the eggjs will hanlde.
import {
} from 'egg-pig';
export class CatsController {
async foo(){
throw new HttpException('Forbidden', HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);
When the client calls this endpoint, the response would look like this:
"statusCode": 403,
"message": "Forbidden"
another way
async foo(){
throw new HttpException({
status: HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN,
error: 'This is a custom message',
}, 403);
class ForbiddenException extends HttpException {
constructor() {
super('Forbidden', HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);
async foo(){
throw new ForbiddenException()
import { Controller, Get, HttpException, HttpStatus, ExceptionFilter, UseFilters, Catch } from 'egg-pig';
class HttpExceptionFilter extends ExceptionFilter {
catch(exception) {
this.ctx.status = HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN;
this.ctx.body = {
statusCode: exception.getStatus(),
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
path: ctx.req.url
class ForbiddenException extends HttpException {
constructor() {
super('Forbidden', HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);
export class CatsController {
async foo(){
throw new ForbiddenException();
CanActivate, EgggInterceptor, PipeTransform, ExceptionFilter are all abstract class which extends egg/BaseContextClass
, it means you can use this on methods . such as
class XXPipe extends PipeTransform{
async transform(value, metadata){
return value;
// logic
global prefix/guards/pipes/interceptors/filters
// config.defalut.js
export default (appInfo: EggAppConfig) => {
config.globalPrefix = '/api/v1';
config.globalGuards = [new FooGuard(), FooGuard];
config.globalPipes = [new FooPipe(), FooPipe];
config.globalInterceptors = [new FooIn(), FooIn];
config.globalFilters = [new FooFilter(), FooFilter]
return config;
import { BaseContextClass } from 'egg';
import { Controller, Get, PipeTransform, Pipe, createParamDecorator } from 'egg-pig';
const User = createParamDecorator((data, ctx) => {
// data = 'test' => @User('test')
return ctx.user;
class APipe extends PipeTransform {
transform(val, metadata) {
// val => ctx.user;
val && metadata;
return val;
export class HomeController {
public async index(@User('test', APipe) user){
return user;