Lightweight,High Performance,Cross Platform,MP4 Gift Player
- YYEVAPlayer is a lightweight animation library with a simple yet powerful API。Reference here can easily export animation resources
- YYEVA-iOS render with Metal library , providing you with a high-performance, low-cost animation experience.
我们在这里介绍 YYEVA-Android 的用法。想要知道如何导出动画,点击这里。
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.yylive.YYEVA-Android:yyeva:1.0.17'
// 2.0.0-beta
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.yylive.YYEVA-Android:yyeva:2.0.0-beta'
For SurfaceView can use EvaAnimView,For TextureView can useEvaAnimViewV3,demo show use EvaAnimViewV3
change property interface
interface IEvaFetchResource {
// 获取图片 (暂时不支持Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 主要是因为一些机型opengl兼容问题)
fun setImage(resource: EvaResource, result:(Bitmap?) -> Unit)
// 获取文字
fun setText(resource: EvaResource, result:(String?) -> Unit)
// 资源释放通知
fun releaseSrc(resources: List<EvaResource>)
You can find the example int the project in app module.
Play with IEvaAnimView interface.
interface IEvaAnimView {
fun startPlay(file: File)
fun startPlay(assetManager: AssetManager, assetsPath: String)
fun stopPlay()
fun isRunning(): Boolean
fun setLoop(playLoop: Int)
fun setBgImage(bg: Bitmap)
fun setVideoFps(fps: Int, speed: Float = 1.0f)
const val VIDEO_MODE_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL = 1 // 视频左右对齐(alpha左\rgb右)
const val VIDEO_MODE_SPLIT_VERTICAL = 2 // 视频上下对齐(alpha上\rgb下)
const val VIDEO_MODE_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL_REVERSE = 3 // 视频左右对齐(rgb左\alpha右)
const val VIDEO_MODE_SPLIT_VERTICAL_REVERSE = 4 // 视频上下对齐(rgb上\alpha下)
const val YYEVAColorRegion_AlphaMP4_alphaHalfRightTop = 5 // 视频上下对齐(rgb上\alpha下)1/4 elpha
fun setVideoMode(mode: Int)
//设置起始播放位置 毫秒
fun setStartPoint(startPoint: Long)
fun setMute(isMute: Boolean)
fun setNormalMp4(isNormalMp4: Boolean)
fun setLastFrame(isSetLastFrame: Boolean)
fun setLog(log: IELog)
2.0.0-beta use OptionParams to set
class OptionParams {
var frameRate = 30
var playCount = 1
var isMute = false
var isRemoteService = true //使用多进程
var mp4Address = ""
var scaleType = 1 // 1=>裁剪居中, 2=>全屏拉伸 3=>原资源大小
var filterType = "" //高清算法 hermite lagrange
- Thanks vap , our decoder module with good experiences of it.
Cangwang |