Some improvements of BGA’s Carcassonne UI.
- Highlight discard messages in the log.
- Show discarded tiles permanently.
- Fix distorted tiles in the log (and if desired align them to the right).
- Border width and colors for last placed tiles.
- Starting player icon (not limited to Carcassonne!).
- Replace second edition tiles everywhere with the original tiles.
- Shrink playerboards on mobile devices or smaller windows (<= 960 px). (With 640 px wide windows you can watch all duels of a WTCOC match on 2 screens. ;) )
- keyboard support for replays
- decluttered game logs (say goodbye to friends’ status spam …)
Violentmonkey or the like for .user.js-files. highlight-discards.user.js has a tiny config section. Please edit the discard string according to the language you use on BGA. Stylus or some other way to apply .user.styl-files. Config is done within Stylus:
All scripts were designed and tested for 2p-Carcassonne without expansions. They should work fine with more players and expansions, though. Some edges might still be rough (cf. version numbers ;) ). So if you encounter any problems please let me know. Either open an issue or contact me on BGA. Same goes if you’d like to see specific improvements.