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97 lines (92 loc) · 3.89 KB

questions for potential employers


  • General Questions:
    • How do you define front end development?
    • What tools do you use for internal communication? (email,chat,irc)
    • What is your telecommuting policy?
    • How many employees are in the company?
    • What department does the position report to?
      • How many people work in that department?
    • How many hours do you expect in a typical day/week?
    • What are standard business hours?
    • What is the value of this position to your company?
    • What equipment is provided with the position?
    • Do you have a dress code?
    • How many hours a week does a typical FED spend in meetings?
  • Project Management:
    • Can you describe a typical project life cycle?
    • What is an average project size in terms of days/weeks/team members?
    • How do you organize project teams?
    • Do you use any project management software?
    • Do you have dedicated project managers?
      • If so, how many?
      • Are they certified / what certification?
    • What is your development methodology?
      • If Agile, what is your sprint length?
    • How often do you push code live?
    • Do you use a bug tracking/ticketing system?
    • What kind of seating arrangement do you have? (teams vs departments)
  • Clients:
    • What percentage of clients are internal vs external?
    • How often are clients in the office?
    • Who is the primary POC for client interactions?
    • Are FEDs expected to meet with clients?
    • Do you send FEDs on sales calls?
    • How do you handle difficult clients, in particular:
      • feature creep / design changes
      • "Make the logo bigger"
    • Do you track hours?
      • What tools do you use?
      • How many client-billable hours do you expect per week?
  • Bonus Questions
    • What do you think about Google's 20% policy?
    • Do you send employees to tech conferences?
      • Do you let them spend working hours creating talks to give at said conferences?
    • Do you ever bring in lunch/dinner during crunch times?
    • Do you believe an employee should ever "stay as late as it takes to get the job done?"

dev team

  • Coding Standards
    • Do you have coding style guide?
      • Spaces or tabs?
    • What do you use for version control?
    • What is the oldest version of IE that you support?
    • Do you have a preferred CMS or development platform?
    • What is your standard development toolkit?
    • Macs or PCs?
    • Do you do code reviews?
    • Do you have a coder blog?
    • Do you publish your code?
    • Do you allow employees to publish code?
  • Markup:
    • HTML5 or XHTML Strict?
    • Semantics fanatic or divs and spans as necessary?
    • Accessibility
      • Do you use WAI-ARIA?
      • Is accessible AJAX a priority?
      • Do you ever test for accessibility with screen reader software or a testing service?
  • CSS:
    • What, if any preprocessor do you use? (Sass, LESS, Stylus)
    • Do you subscribe to any particular CSS structure? (SMACSS, OOCSS)
  • JavaScript:
    • What JavaScript libraries do you use, if any?
    • Do you prioritize building interactions that work without JS enabled, or do you accept that all users will or should have JS?
  • UX
    • Do you have a UX team?
      • if yes, can you give me an overview of your UX process?
    • Do you do user testing?
    • What's your current approach to mobile?
  • Design
    • Are FEDs involved in the design process?
      • if so, at what point?
    • How many design comps are created for a typical project?
    • What format do you use for design comps?
  • Programming
    • What are the primary programming languages used?
    • How many dedicated programmers do you have?
    • How much time are programmers allowed to spend mentoring?
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Do you have any dedicated QA software or hardware?
    • How do you determine browsers/devices for testing?
    • Do you collect metrics on site visitors and user agents?
    • What percentage of a build is dedicated to QA?
    • At what point in the build do you begin QA? (bonus for continuous or unit testing)