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This repository is a fork of Evmos v9.1.0. We expand on version v9.1.0 by adding functionalities that allow smart contracts to compute on encrypted data.

Evmos is a scalable, high-throughput Proof-of-Stake blockchain that is fully compatible and interoperable with Ethereum. It's built using the Cosmos SDK which runs on top of Tendermint Core consensus engine.

Note: Requires Go 1.18+

What is the last version

Please check the CHANGELOG to get the last version of the published (ready-to-use) docker image and check all the related dependencies.

Where to start as a developer

Based on your objectives, here are some helpful suggestions.

  • I just want to run fhEVM and see the node's logs.

So check this section please with a self-sufficient docker image.

  • I want to run without building anything and see the node's configuration, how the FHE keys are generated and a few more details.

In this case, this section will help you to run the node, see the setup phase.

  • I want to build the FhEVM from source using docker.

In this case, this section will help you to build the node and run it. This build take a few time to complete.

  • I am a core developer 😎, I need to add some prints 😁 in the code

In this case, this following section is for you, good luck!

Local build

Prepare tfhe-rs C API


To build automatically the C library one can use the following commands:

make build_c_api_tfhe

This will clone tfhe-rs repository in work_dir folder and build the C api in work_dir/tfhe-rs/target/release.

If the developer has its own tfhe-rs repository the TFHE_RS_PATH env variable could be set in .env file.

Copy tfhe header file and C library

Go-ethereum needs the tfhe.h header file located in go-ethereum/core/vm and the (linux) or libtfhe.dylib for (Mac) in go-ethereum/core/vm/lib.

cp work_dir/tfhe-rs/target/release/tfhe.h ../go-ethereum/core/vm
mkdir -p ../go-ethereum/core/vm/lib
# Mac
cp work_dir/tfhe-rs/target/release/libtfhe.dylib ../go-ethereum/core/vm/lib
# Linux
cp work_dir/tfhe-rs/target/release/ ../go-ethereum/core/vm/lib
# For linux set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to also
Why do we need to copy the header file and libtfhe?

In order to extend geth, we give access to all tfhe operations gathered in the lib c through pre-compiled smart contracts. One can check the file called tfhe.go in go-ethereum/core/vm to go deeper.

Prepare custom go-ethereum and ethermint repositories

To use custom go-ethereum and ethermint repositories, clone them at the same level as evmos, make your changes and update the go.mod file accordingly:

-replace v1.10.19 => v0.1.10
+replace v1.10.19 => ../go-ethereum
-replace v0.19.3 => v0.1.2
+replace v0.19.3 => ../ethermint

Here is the hierarchy of folders:

├── evmos
│   └── work_dir
│       └── tfhe-rs
├── go-ethereum
├── ethermint

Build evmosd binary

To build evmosd binary directly in your system.

make install

The binary is installed in your system go binary path (e.g. $HOME/go/bin). If needed update your PATH env variable to be able to run evmosd binary from anywhere.

Run the node

Prepare FHE keys

LOCAL_BUILD_KEY_PATH="$HOME/.evmosd/zama/keys/network-fhe-keys" ./scripts/ v0.2.0

This script generates fhe keys and copy them to evmos HOME folder in $HOME/.evmosd/zama/keys/network-fhe-keys.

Setup the node

# jq is required

Start the node

# in a new terminal run the fhevm-decryption-db
docker run -p 8001:8001

Reset state

make clean-local-evmos
# must run ./ after


Use the faucet
# In evmos root folder
# Replace with your ethereum address
python3 0xa5e1defb98EFe38EBb2D958CEe052410247F4c80
Check if evmosd is linked with the right tfhe-rs C libray - Linux
ldd $HOME/go/bin/evmosd (0x00007ffdb6d73000) => /PATH_TO/tfhe-rs/target/release/ (0x00007fa87c3a7000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa87c185000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa87c165000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa87c087000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007fa87c9e5000)

If the user get:

evmosd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

For linux one solution is to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the compiled in tfhe-rs


Name Type Variable name where it is defined
go-ethereum repository - directly in go.mod
ethermint repository - directly in go.mod
tfhe-rs repository TFHE_RS_VERSION Makefile/.env

Local build through docker and e2e test

From sources

If the developer wants to build everything locally from sources, and run the e2e test, this build is the more adapted.


Name Type Variable name where it is defined
evmos repository LOCAL_BUILD .env (set to true)
go-ethereum repository - directly in go.mod
ethermint repository - directly in go.mod
tfhe-rs repository TFHE_RS_VERSION Makefile/.env
make build-docker

Here are the steps executed automatically
  • Build a base image (or retrieve it from called zama-zbc-build.
  • Check tfhe-rs is available in TFHE_RS_PATH (default is work_dir/tfhe-rs)
  • In any case the custom version or the cloned (TFHE_RS_VERSION) one is copied into work_dir/tfhe-rs
  • Clone go-ethereum and ethermint to work_dir (version are parsed from go.mod)
  • Update go.mod to force use local repositories (related to the just above changes)
  • Build a container called evmosnodelocal.

To only init and run the node:

make init-evmos-node
make run_evmos
# make stop_evmos

Docker ps output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     NAMES
0bc6ae374153   evmosnodelocal            evmosnodelocal0
422f83a0ea73   docker-compose_oracledb   zbcoracledb

To execute the e2e test, here are the dependencies:

Name Type Variable name where it is defined
evmos repository LOCAL_BUILD .env (set to true)
fhevm-solidity repository FHEVM_SOLIDITY_VERSION Makefile/.env
fhevm-tfhe-cli repository FHEVM_TFHE_CLI_VERSION Makefile/.env
fhevm-decryptions-db repository FHEVM_DECRYPTIONS_DB_VERSION Makefile/.env
# without the previous init
make e2e-test
# or if evmos is already initialized.
make run_evmos 
make run_e2e_test
make stop_evmos

Here are the steps executed automatically
  • check you have all the needed repositories
    • fhevm-tfhe-cli
    • fhevm-solidity
    • fhevm-decryptions-db
  • init evmos node by calling /config/ file
  • generate fhe keys using fhevm-tfhe-cli based on scripts/ script
  • copy them at the right folder using scripts/ script
  • start evmosnodelocal0 and oracledb (local build) using docker-compose/docker-compose.local.yml file
  • run the e2e test
    • start the test from fhevm-solidity

From github package registry

The fast way to run the e2e test locally using ready to use docker images


Name Type Variable name where it is defined
evmos repository LOCAL_BUILD .env (set to false) docker image name hard-coded docker-compose.validator.yml

Init evmos and run it:

make init-evmos-node
make run_evmos
# make stop_evmos

Docker ps output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                       NAMES
02b40fb0bdf7           evmosnode0
ac2073c0d6fc zbcoracledb

To execute the e2e test, here are the dependencies:

# if evmos is already initialized.
make run_evmos 
make run_e2e_test
make stop_evmos
Name Type Variable name where it is defined
evmos evmos LOCAL_BUILD .env docker image name hard-coded docker-compose.validator.yml
oracle-db-service docker image name hard-coded docker-compose.validator.yml
fhevm-solidity repository FHEVM_SOLIDITY_VERSION Makefile/.env
fhevm-tfhe-cli repository FHEVM_TFHE_CLI_VERSION Makefile/.env
fhevm-decryptions-db repository FHEVM_DECRYPTIONS_DB_VERSION Makefile/.env


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