Momoka is simple bot, perform some simple task via messaging api
- Ask crypto currency price in THB and USD in realtime (via and cryptowatch)
- Ask for margin between Bx (TH) and Bitfinex (GLOBAL by cryptowatch)
- Ask for foreign currency price
- Subscribe price and alert
- Subscribe by margin diff and alert
- Price Data pool ( reduce API call load per request )
- User can create shortcut for any command
- User subscription
- Support Bitfinex API Directly ( current cryptowatch )
- Support Poloniex
- Support Bittrex
- Line
- Facebook Messenger
- Telegram
you can add friend with Momoka right now @nat4157k
Note: Due to maintenance cost this demo just run on cheapest tier on DigitalOcean, I recommended you to run Momoka by yourself for self usage
You can ask Momoka for price information like omgusd
, margin omg
please goto Command Guide document for more information
- Create Line bussiness account
- Create Line Bot account and setup webhook in Line management
- create .env file from .env.example
- run service
npm run start
Momoka bot create with a simple design pattern (see below)
OMG or ETH: 0x962B0F5AE1976A9ddE8880503d65088b25E0f1E3