Type | Contact |
Tel | +380958868917 |
3arabotaet@gmail.com | |
Skype | Skype profile |
Telegram | Telegram profile |
Linkedin profile | |
GitHub | GitHub profile |
Upwork | Upwork profile |
FL | FL profile |
- Russian: Native
- Ukrainian: Fluent
- English: Intermediate
- Spanish: Pre-Intermediate
- Excellent soft skills, and vast experience in communication between clients and teammates all over the world.
- Experience managing teams of up to 10 people.
- Teammate training skill (work in htmlacademy).
- Сreating a product from scratch and maintaining legacy projects.
- Develop front-end products with all kinds of complexity, doing deep research.
- Designing human-friendly interfaces.
Position | Senior Front End Developer / Team lead |
Company | ab-soft.net / ringcentral.com |
Type of work | remote / hybrid |
Project description | several admin portals and apps with a total of ~ 5 mloc |
Project stack | React, Jest, TypeScript, Webpack, rtl, several custom code generators |
Position | Senior Front End Developer |
Company | my.ua |
Type of work | remote |
Project description | news portal |
Project stack | React, Effector, NextJs, Jest, TypeScript, Webpack, custom fingerprint library |
Position | Senior Front End Developer |
Company | VTB |
Type of work | remote |
Project description | enterprise software |
Project stack | React, Effector, React Router, Formik, TypeScript, Webpack |
Position | Senior Front End Developer, team lead |
Company | easyEventHire |
Type of work | remote |
Project description | service portal, equipment rental in the UK |
Project stack | React, Effector, React Router, HookForm, cypress, Reakit, CRA |
Position | Middle Front End Developer |
Company | Stik |
Type of work | remote |
Project description | new generation issue tracker |
Project stack | Vue, Vuex, Vue Router, Electron |
Position | Junior (Middle) Front End Developer |
Company | intelaxy |
Type of work | remote |
Project description | corporate CRM system, service for car selection, service for bloggers |
Project stack | React, Apollo, React Router, Rff, wss, CRA, jest |
Position | Trainee Front End Developer, freelancer |
Company | FL.ru |
Type of work | remote |
Project description | making static layout for web stores and portals |
Project stack | HTML, CSS, gulp, SCSS, js, jquery |
Skills | Experience | Level | Last used |
Description | Years |
novice intermediate advanced expert |
Year |
JavaScript | 4 | expert | now |
TypeScript | 0.5 | intermediate | now |
Shell | 1 | novice | 2019 |
Python | 1 | novice | 2019 |
LISP | 0.5 | novice | 2020 |
HTML | 6 | expert | now |
CSS | 6 | expert | now |
Web API | 3 | expert | now |
Dev tools | 5 | expert | now |
React | 2 | expert | now |
Redux | 0.5 | intermediate | 2018 |
Apollo | 1 | advanced | 2019 |
Effector | 1 | expert | now |
Styled components | 1 | advanced | 2019 |
React router | 2 | expert | now |
Vue | 0.5 | intermediate | 2019 |
Vuex | 0.5 | intermediate | 2019 |
Nuxt | 0.5 | intermediate | 2019 |
Svelte | 1 | novice | 2020 |
VS Code | 2 | expert | now |
Cloud IDE | 1 | intermediate | now |
Sublime Text | 2 | advanced | 2018 |
Brackets | 4 | advanced | 2018 |
Windows | 20 | expert | now |
WSL | 2 | advanced | now |
Linux | 1 | intermediate | now |
JIRA | 2 | advanced | now |
Gitlab Issue Boards | 1 | intermediate | now |
Notion | 1 | intermediate | 2019 |
Node | 3 | advanced | now |
npm | 2 | expert | now |
yarn | 1.5 | advanced | now |
Webpack | 2 | advanced | now |
Babel | 2 | advanced | now |
Eslint | 1 | expert | now |
Rollup | 0.5 | novice | 2020 |
Parcel | 1 | novice | 2020 |
Snowpack | 0.5 | novice | now |
Gitlab CI | 1 | novice | now |
Bitbucket CI | 1.5 | intermediate | 2019 |
Git | 2.5 | expert | now |
Bash | 2 | advanced | now |
Zsh | 1 | advanced | now |
Figma | 3 | expert | now |
AdobeXd | 0.5 | novice | 2018 |
Invision | 0.5 | novice | 2020 |
Avacode | 0.5 | intermediate | 2018 |