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Creating custom sequences

This document gives instructions to preprocess custom video sequences.

⚠️ We require several dependencies to create a custom sequence. See the setup page for details before moving on from here.

Pipeline overview

Overall, the preprocessing pipeline is as follows:

  1. Create dataset
  2. Image segmentation
  3. Hand pose estimation
  4. Object pose estimation
  5. Hand-object alignment
  6. Build dataset

This is the same for single-hand and two-hand cases. This preprocessing pipeline yields different artifacts. The created files and folders are explained in the data documentation page.

Dataset folder

Lets use this sequence hold_bottle1_itw as an example. First, we create a copy of the input images:

mkdir -p data/$seq_name
cp -r data/hold_bottle1_itw/build/image data/$seq_name/images
cd data/$seq_name
zip -r images
cd ../..
mkdir -p ./data/$seq_name/processed/sam/object
mkdir -p ./data/$seq_name/processed/sam/right
mkdir -p ./data/$seq_name/processed/sam/left

We will be using images from this folder hold_bottle1_example:

find data/hold_bottle1_example/ -maxdepth 1

(Optional) If you want to create this folder struture from a video instead, you can run:

mkdir -p ./data/$seq_name
cp my/video/path/video.mp4 ./data/$seq_name/video.mp4
python scripts/ --video_path ./data/$seq_name/video.mp4 --skip_every 2 # extract every 2 frames

However, we strongly encourage to use the hold_bottle1_example to get started.


The goal of this step is to extract hand and object masks for the input video. In particular, we use SAM-Track by first selecting the entity of interest in the first video frame. Then SAM-Track will annotate the rest of the video.

Launch SAM-track server to label segmentation for starting frame:

cdroot; cd Segment-and-Track-Anything

Label the object:

  • Open the server page.
  • Click Image-Seq type input
  • Upload the zip version of ./data/$seq_name/images
  • Click extract
  • Select Click and Positive to label the object.
  • Select Click and Negative to label region to avoid.
  • Click Start Tracking
  • After the tracking is complete, you can copy the files under ./generator/Segment-and-Track-Anything/tracking_results/images/* to the desination path unde ./data/$seq_name/processed/sam/*.

After copying the segmentation files, we expect file structure like this:

cd ./data/$seq_name/processed/sam/object; ls

Now we repeat the same process to label the hand(s) and save results to the corresponding folder. After you have all masks, the command below will merge them and create object-only images:

cdroot; pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name

Hand pose estimation

Using METRO hand tracker (right-hand only; CVPR paper method)

We used METRO in our CVPR paper. The METRO pipeline only support a single right hand. In details, we first use 100DoH detector to find hand bounding boxes:

cdroot; cd hand_detector.d2
pydoh --scale 1.5 --seq_name $seq_name --min_size 256 --max_size 700

3D hand pose estimation via METRO (used in HOLD CVPR'24):

cdroot; cd MeshTransformer
pymetro ./metro/tools/  --resume_checkpoint ./models/metro_release/metro_hand_state_dict.bin --image_file_or_path ../data/$seq_name/processed/crop_image

Since METRO is non-parametric, we need to register MANO model to it. Then we replace METRO frames that have noisy prediction with SLERP results:

pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name --save_mesh --use_beta_loss # in CVPR, we didn't use --use_beta_loss, but we found it converges faster.
pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name

Using HAMER hand tracker (two-handed case)

Since HAMER has hand detection, we can directly estimate 3D left and right hand poses. Overall, qualitatively METRO has better hand surface reconstruction with HOLD; With HAMER, HOLD has a bit hand artifacts, I think this is because HAMER is trained on MANO parameters annotated from 2D annotation. Run the commands below to estimate hand meshes and register MANO to them:

cdroot; cd hamer
pyhamer --seq_name $seq_name --batch_size=2  --full_frame --body_detector regnety

Register MANO model to predicted meshes:

pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name --save_mesh --use_beta_loss #--hand_type right

Note: If your video has only 1 hand, you can use --hand_type right or --hand_type left to register the corresponding hand; If not specified, this option will default to registering left and right hands. The rest of the code will behave differently based on the number of hand types registered in this step. The flag --use_beta_loss encourages the hand shape to be near zero and often has faster convergence.

After registeration, run this to linearly interpolate missing frames:

pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name

Object pose estimation

Run HLoc to obtain object pose and point cloud:

cdroot; pycolmap scripts/ --num_pairs 40 --seq_name $seq_name

Hand-object alignment

Since HLoc (SfM) reconstructs object up to a scale, we need to estimate the object scale and align the hand and object in the same space through a fitting process below. Using HLoc intrinsics, we fit the hands such that their 2D projection is consistent with the new intrinsics --mode h; We freeze the hand and find the object scale and translations to encourage hand-object contact --mode o; Now that object is to scale, we jointly optimize both --mode ho.

pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name --colmap_k --mode h
pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name --colmap_k --mode o
pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name --colmap_k --mode ho

You can visualize the results at each stage with our custom viewer to debug any fitting issue:

pyait scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name

In our CVPR experiments, we use the same loss weights for all sequences, but you can adjust the fitting weights here (confs/generic.yaml) if your sequence does not work out of the box.

Warning⚠️: This visualization is usually the final step for quality assurance. Ideally, you will expect perfect object point cloud 2D reprojection, a reasonable scale of the object point cloud in side view, hand location is roughly near the object. If they all look good, it is good to build the dataset for training.

Build dataset

Finally, we have all the artifacts needed. We can compile them into a dataset:

cdroot; pyhold scripts/ --seq_name $seq_name --rebuild --no_fixed_shift

This "compilation" creates a "build" of the dataset under ./data/$seq_name/build/. Files within "build" is all you need for HOLD to train. It also packs all needed data into a zip file, which you can transfer to your remote cluster to train HOLD on.

Start training

Now you can start the training process:

python --case $seq_name --num_epoch 100 --shape_init 5c09be8ac

Tips for good quality capture

  • Closer hand and object to the camera in the video (better RGB pixel quality for reconstruction) but not too close as we do not model lens distortion.
  • At each preprocessing step, we have visualization artifacts. This gives a general idea of off-the-shelf pose estimation. In general, the more accurate hand and object poses are, the better the surface reconstructions.
  • High framerate

For any issues related to create custom video dataset, please refer to here. If there is no solution, create an issue and label it custom-dataset for help.