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394 lines (299 loc) · 8.07 KB

File metadata and controls

394 lines (299 loc) · 8.07 KB

openupm GitHub issues


Static structured database for Unity. I create this project inspired by CastleDB.

How to use

First Install FDB. Create your database class DB.cs:

using FDB;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

[FuryDB("Assets/Resources/DB.json.txt", "Assets/Kinds.cs")]
public class DB

Create folder Editor and then create class Editor/DBWindow.cs

using UnityEditor;
using FDB.Editor;

public class DBWindow : DBInspector<DB>
    public static void Open()
        var window = GetWindow<DBWindow>("DB");

Then open menu Game -> DB and look at window. Now you have empty database.

New window

Now lets reach DB.cs with few types

using FDB;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

[FuryDB("Assets/Resources/DB.json.txt", "Assets/Kinds.cs")]
public class DB
    public Index<UnitConfig> Units;
    public Index<WeaponConfig> Weapons;
    public Index<TextConfig> Texts;

public class UnitConfig
    public Kind<UnitConfig> Kind;
    public Ref<TextConfig> Name;
    public int Str;
    public int Dex;
    public int Int;
    public int Chr;
    public Ref<WeaponConfig> Weapon;

public enum WeaponType

public class WeaponConfig
    public Kind<WeaponConfig> Kind;
    public Ref<TextConfig> Name;
    public WeaponType Type;
    public int Damage;
    public int DamageVar;

public class TextConfig
    public Kind<TextConfig> Kind;
    public string En;
    public string Ru;

We have main DB class with three pubic fields

    public Index<UnitConfig> Units;
    public Index<WeaponConfig> Weapons;
    public Index<TextConfig> Texts;

This is three tables you can to edit. Every table have types: UnitConfig WeaponConfig or TextConfig


Every class in Index must contains field Kind

Look to class UserConfig it have following fields

  • Kind<UnitConfig> Kind - this is unique name of config. If it possible this kind exports to file Kinds.cs. If kind not possible to export it mark little darkness and eye icon
  • Ref<TextConfig> Name - this mean that unit refered to config from Index<TextConfig> you first need goto to page Texts add line and after select this line in Unit.Name field
  • Str Dex Int Chr are int. This just number
  • Ref<WeaponConfig> Weapon - this is reference again but to table Weapons }

Fill database with data.

Units Weapons Text

Now you can load database in your code

class Boot {
    public static DB DB { get; private set; }
    void Awake() {
        DB = DBResolver.Load<DB>();
        foreach (var unit in DB.Units.All()) {

You also can access for db items using Kinds.cs:

class Boot {
    public static DB DB { get; private set; }
    void Awake() {
        DB = DBResolver.Load<DB>();
        var rogue = DB.Units.Get(Kinds.Units.Rogue);

Get prefab from config

If you need attach prefab MonoBehaviour(Prefab) or ScriptableObject to your config you need Addressables and types AssetReference or AssetReferenceT<>

Well you have prefab


Browse prefab in hierarchy window and turn on toggle Addressable


Add field Prefab in UnitConfig

public class UnitConfig
    public Kind<UnitConfig> Kind;
    public Ref<TextConfig> Name;
    public AssetReference Prefab; // <<<<

    public int Str;
    public int Dex;
    public int Int;
    public int Chr;

    public Ref<WeaponConfig> Weapon;

And drag prefab into unit field


Add code for load prefab int Boot

class Boot : MonoBehaviour
    public static DB DB { get; private set; }

    private async void Awake()
        DB = DBResolver.Load<DB>();
        var warrior = DB.Units[Kinds.Units.Warrior];
        var prefab = await warrior.Prefab.InstantiateAsync().Task;

Run game and look to result.


Read more about addressable and resource management in Internet.

Editor tools

For read and edit database from editor use EditorDB<DB>.DB


EditorDB available only in UNITY_EDITOR

When you modify some data from EditorDB<DB> call EditorDB<DB>.SetDirty()

Supported types

  • bool
  • int
  • float
  • string
  • enum
  • Color
  • AnimationCurve
  • List<>
  • Ref<>
  • AssetReference
  • AssetReferenceT<>

Space Attribute

UnityEngine.SpaceAttribyte add vertical space between columns

public class UnitConfig
    public Kind<UnitConfig> Kind;
    public Ref<TextConfig> Name;

    public int Str;
    public int Dex;
    public int Int;
    public int Chr;

    public Ref<WeaponConfig> Weapon;


GroupBy Attribute

Separete lines using regexp

public class DB
    [GroupBy("Kind", @"(.+?)_")]
    public Index<TextConfig> Texts;


Aggregate Attribute

public class UnitConfig
    public List<int> Levelups;

    private static int Sum(int a, int b)
        return a + b;


public class DB
    [GroupBy("Kind", @"(.+?)_")]
    [Aggregate(nameof(CalcTextChars), typeof(TextAgg))]
    public Index<TextConfig> Texts;

    private static TextAgg CalcTextChars(TextAgg agg, TextConfig config)
        agg.EnChars += config.En.Length;
        agg.RuChars += config.Ru.Length;
        return agg;

    private class TextAgg
        public int EnChars;
        public int RuChars;
        public override string ToString()
            return $"EN chars = {EnChars}\nRU chars = {RuChars}";


MultilineText Attribute

public class TextConfig
    public Kind<TextConfig> Kind;
    [MultilineText(MinLines = 3, Condition = "IsMultiline")]
    public string En;
    [MultilineText(MinLines = 3, Condition = "IsMultiline")]
    public string Ru;

    static bool IsMultiline(TextConfig config)
        var kind = config.Kind.Value;
        if (kind == null)
            return false;
        return kind.Contains("Description_");


AutoRef Attribute

You have a way to quickly create links to other tables an attribute AutoRef:

public class UnitConfig
    public Kind<UnitConfig> Kind;
    [AutoRef(Prefix ="UnitName_")]
    public Ref<TextConfig> Name;



Press "Create" and start edit TextConfg-record


New line insert in the end of group of same lines


__GUID field

You can declare filed __GUID in any object.

class UserConfig {
    public string __GUID; // Not visible in DBWindow but work!
    public Kind<UserConfig> Kind;

Field automatic fill GUID values

In the plans

See projects with opened issues

FuryDB Components

Use FuryDB Components package for integrate database with unity