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Releases: zebrunner/community-edition

1.5 (2021-02-16)

10 Feb 12:45
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  • [#405] Added information about templates updates for AWS S3 storage use-case
  • [#397] Added the default minio setup if user disable AWS S3 integration


  • [#406][#392] Shutdown procedure should remove all ".disabled" files
  • [#403] Mail service doesn't work. Failed to process message MailDataMessage

Known Issues

  • [#2243][#409] AWS S3 Templates sync up needed
    Apply workarounds manually for AWS S3 templates based on the tickets

Components Updates

Migration Steps

Note: It is possible to migrate from 1.0+ versions automatically!

Current steps describe migration from 1.4 release.

  1. it is recommended to make a "golden" backup running backup task and making a copy of zebrunner folder
./ backup
cp -r ../zebrunner ../zebrunner.bak
  1. start services and make sure everything is up&running!
./ start
  1. pull recursively latest changes and verify that sub-modules are valid
git pull --recurse-submodules
  1. Important! Verify that submodules have below versions:
git submodule status
 ... jenkins (1.4-4-g74f61db)
 ... mcloud (1.4)
 ... reporting (1.20)
 ... selenoid (1.2-2-g6d64b13)
 ... sonarqube (1.2-2-gcd35598)

There is no sense to continue if any sub-module has older version! Ask for the assistance in telegram

  1. run "upgrade" task
./ upgrade
// Answer "y" to start an upgrade and restart services.
  1. [Optional] If you use your AWS S3 bucket, please, upload manually new minio test_run_results.ftl template into the s3://your-bucket/templates/
cd zebrunner
aws s3 cp reporting/minio-storage/configuration/minio/data/templates/test_run_results.ftl s3://your-bucket/templates/

1.4 (2021-01-25)

25 Jan 12:35
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  • [#381][#353] Simplified setup process removing 8 questions and making reporting an obligatory component
  • [#382] Enabled an easy way to manage Live VNC sessions including custom ones
  • [#378] Configured external S3 storage for mcloud and selenoid if reporting is disabled
  • [#352][#268] Improved default README documentation steps
  • [#371] Limited nginx logs by size (512Mb)
  • [#351] Disabled 3rd party integration with browserstack/saucelabs, etc.
  • [#329] Setup tools order in case of disabled reporting
  • [#291] provided sample skeleton and default folders for SSL setup on NGiNX


  • [#383] Don't put to NOTICE.txt information about empty integrations
  • [#376] Reviewed and updated references to selenium-hub container name using mcloud-grid
  • [#268] Zebrunner doc contained out-of-date image of structure

Known Issues

  • #2243 AWS S3: Providers not available in Test Launchers
    Apply workaround manually for AWS S3 templates based on the ticket

Components Updates

Migration Steps

Note: It is possible to migrate from 1.0+ versions automatically!

Current steps describe migration from 1.3 release.

  1. it is recommended to make a "golden" backup running backup task and making a copy of zebrunner folder
./ backup
cp -r ../zebrunner ../zebrunner.bak
  1. start services and make sure everything is up&running!
./ start
  1. pull recursively latest changes and verify that sub-modules are valid
git pull --recurse-submodules
  1. Important! Verify that submodules have below versions:
git submodule status
 ... jenkins (1.4)
 ... mcloud (1.3)
 ... reporting (1.19)
 ... selenoid (1.2)
 ... sonarqube (1.2)

There is no sense to continue if any sub-module has older version! Ask for the assistance in telegram

  1. run "upgrade" task
./ upgrade
// Answer "y" to start an upgrade and restart services.

For MCloud upgrade one extra question should appear:
Do you want to remove MCloud FTP data volume? You might lose old video recordings!
-> Answer "n" to keep FTP artifacts.

  1. Login to Jenkins, edit <your_organization>/RegisterRepository job(s) updating pipeline library version:
  1. Reregister all your test repositories using updated above RegisterRepository job(s).
    Important! To be in sync with reporting changes minimal carina-core versions are 6.5.47 and 7.0.0

with 6.5.46 and lower versions video recording will be corrupted

  1. [Optional] Remove aws-jacoco-token jenkins creds

1.3 (2020-12-04)

04 Dec 11:42
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  • Bump to new jenkins-master and slaves.
  • Produced jnpl jenkins-slave images for ECS/Fargate integration
  • Bump to 1.16 reporting
  • Bump up to the 1.3 pipeline release
  • [#366] Removed reporting/db-migration-tool
  • [#359] Replaced several system jobs during the upgrade


  • [#365] Mail service did not work. Failed to process message MailDataMessage
  • [#362] Repo was empty after scanning it via Launchers
  • [#358] jenkins/variables.env contained changes and were regenerated during the upgrade

Known Issues

  • #2243 AWS S3: Providers not available in Test Launchers
    Apply workaround manually for AWS S3 templates based on the ticket

Components Updates

Migration Steps

Note: It is possible to migrate from 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 versions automatically!

Current steps describe migration from 1.2 release.

  1. it is recommended to make a "golden" backup running backup task and making a copy of zebrunner folder
./ backup
cp -r ../zebrunner ../zebrunner.bak
  1. start services and make sure everything is up&running!
./ start
  1. pull recursively latest changes and verify that sub-modules are valid
git pull --recurse-submodules
  1. Important! Verify that submodules have below versions:
git submodule status
 ... jenkins (1.3)
 ... mcloud (1.2)
 ... reporting (1.16)
 ... selenoid (1.1-2-g8a510df)
 ... sonarqube (1.2)

There is no sense to continue if any sub-module has older version! Ask for the assistance in telegram

  1. run "upgrade" task
./ upgrade
// Answer "y" to start an upgrade and restart services.

1.2 (2020-11-09)

04 Nov 22:48
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  • Bump up Java 8 -> 11 on jenkins-slave
  • [#276][#234] Certified integration with github/gitlab and bitbucket repositories
  • [#324] Selenium video recording pushed to S3 compatible storage (by default into embedded minio)
  • [#319] Automated jenkins upgrade tasks
  • [#335][#334][#322][#316] Improved warn/info messages and guide for the next steps like start/restart etc
  • [#314][#280] Added support for special symbols except quotas and ambiguous characters


  • [#336] Backup/restore should not be started for disabled components
  • [#331] Fixed the issue when it was impossible to create a new widget
  • [#326] Public filters did not work in the Zebrunner UI tool
  • [#321] Automatic services startup are not started
  • [#264] Updated User Guide .xml file configuration parameters list

Known Issues

  • [#347] reporting can't be started after upgrade to 1.2: function update_modified_at() does not exist
  • #2243 AWS S3: Providers not available in Test Launchers
    Apply workaround manually for AWS S3 templates based on the ticket
  • Some conflicts might appear for manually installed jenkins plugins. It is recommended to upgrade all compatible to the latest versions in such case.



Note: It is possible to migrate from 1.0 and/or 1.1 versions automatically!

  1. it is recommended to make a "golden" backup running backup task and making a copy of zebrunner folder
./ backup
cp -r ../zebrunner ../zebrunner.bak
  1. start services and make sure everything is up&running!
./ start
  1. pull recursively latest changes and verify that sub-modules are valid
git pull --recurse-submodules
  1. Important! Verify that submodules have below versions:
git submodule status
 ... jenkins (1.2-4-gd9ea800)
 ... mcloud (1.2)
 ... reporting (1.14)
 ... selenoid (1.1-2-g8a510df)
 ... sonarqube (1.2)

There is no sense to continue if any sub-module has older version! Ask for the assistance in telegram

  1. run "upgrade" task
./ upgrade
// Answer "y" to start an upgrade, provide "n" replies if you don't use custom pipeline libraries and global choices and restart services.
  1. Login to Jenkins
  2. Re-register again Organization via Management_Jobs/RegisterOrganization job
    Note: hopefully last time when organization should be re-registered :)
  3. Re-register again all your repositories using <ORG_NAME>/RegisterRepository jobs
    Note: make sure to provide scmType and repoUrl in new way using https or ssh url!
  4. Obligatory remove in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System GITHUB_* global variables:
  1. [Optional] Remove in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System deprecated global variables:
  1. In case of using AWS S3 as a storage manually update ./selenoid/.env parameters using valid S3 data for

1.1 (2020-10-09)

02 Oct 21:03
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  • [#305] Automated the upgrade scenario for all sub-components using ./ upgrade For details, take a look at Migration Steps
  • [#308][#311] Organized automatic services startup after the setup process
  • [#302] Simplified integrations settings configuration
  • [#273] Added a warning and extra confirmation for the shutdown operation
  • [#281] Redirected NGiNX stdout/stderr logs into the container stdout/etderr
  • [#182] Provided the possibility to run headless web tests from scratch


  • [#312] A warning is displayed for any Zebrunner command if the setup wasn't executed
  • [#309] The basic zebrunner folder title is shown before the shutdown starts
  • [#307] Updated the confirmation method to show the valid "y/n" variant
  • [#288][#285] Increased proxy_connect_timeout for all selenium/appium hubs from 10 to 60 by default
  • [#212] "Reporting service" contained additional spaces
  • [#310][#304][#303][#282] Set of regressions during new features development

Known Issues

  • #2243 AWS S3: Providers not available in Test Launchers
    Apply workaround manually for AWS S3 templates based on the ticket
  • Some conflicts might appear for manually installed jenkins plugins. So analyze and upgrade such plugins to make them compatible with latest changes



  1. it is recommended to make a "golden" backup running backup task and making a copy of zebrunner folder
./ backup
cp -r ../zebrunner ../zebrunner.bak
  1. start services and make sure everything is up&running
./ start
  1. pull recursively latest changes and verify that sub-modules are valid
git pull --recurse-submodules
  1. Important! Verify that submodules have below versions:
git submodule status
 ... jenkins (1.1)
 ... mcloud (3.3)
 ... reporting (1.12.1)
 ... selenoid (remotes/origin/master)
 ... sonarqube (1.1)

There is no sense to continue if any sub-module has older version!

  1. run "upgrade" task
./ upgrade
// answer "y" to make an upgrade and restart services
  1. remove orphan container manually
docker rm -f stf-auth-mock
  1. Login to jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System

1.0 (2020-08-24); 5.2-qps

24 Aug 09:52
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  1. Moved qaprosoft/qps-infra into the new organization zebrunner/zebrunner.

    Starting from now it is called "Zebrunner Community Edition".

  2. Moved each sub-module into the Zebrunner organization as well
  3. Upgraded Reporting Tool from 1.3 to 1.9
  4. Reset release numbering of all sub-components starting with 1.0 (5.2 in term of qaprosoft org).

    Next 1-2 releases we are going to release both versions for each organization

  5. Introduced single script to manage deployed components
  6. Delivered backup/restore feature for all sub-components
  7. Default jenkins-master are delivered with jdk11:
    • zebrunner/jenkins-master:1.0
    • qaprosoft/jenkins-master:5.2
    • jdk8 images:
    • zebrunner/jenkins-master:1.0-jdk8
    • qaprosoft/jenkins-master:5.2-jdk8
  • [#246][#245][#244][#240][#235][#227] registered reporting, jenkins, sonarqube, mcloud and selenoid as independent sub-modules
  • [#262][#261] Introduced interactive bash installer to configure sub-modules and their properties
  • [#162] Secured https protocol is configurable using interactive installer (actual WebServer or ELB https configuration should be done by IT)
  • [#228] Integrated local s3 compatible minio storage for screenshots etc with ability to setup minio or AWS S3 during setup
  • [#233] provided easy way to enable/disable sub-module for the infrastructure
  • [#237][#230] Updated documentation based on recent changes
  • [#249][#241] Standardized messaging and services manipulation using shell script
./zebrunner setup
./ start
./ stop
./ restart
./ down
./ shutdown
  • [#229][#39] NGiNX WebServer static content updated as reporting Tool is the main page


  • [#267] Integration with AWS S3 did not work right after the setup
  • [#255] Fixed the ability to see real-time VNC sessions for web tests
  • [#254] Sonarqube value was not set up for Sonar URL in Jenkins after the default setup
  • [#253] Selenoid submodule contained untracked files
  • [#252] Content was not displayed correctly on UI for http://demo:demo@hostname/mcloud/grid/console
  • [#251] Fixed documentation deployment process
  • [#247] Changed the wrong branches for sub-modules in recursive cloning of Community Edition
  • [#232] Fixed Register Organization issues
  • [#211] After job scanning, the Console log contained errors
  • [#195] The old URL was shown on adding GitHub enterprise via DB insert query when running via a test launcher scan
  • [#151] Zafira logo in Safari and Firefox were displayed incorrectly on the pin tab menu

Known Issues

  • [#249] Scanner is not working properly in Zafira



That's a valid steps for upgrading from 5.1 and 5.2 releases! Please, ask asistance if you wanna to upgrade from 4.x version

  • Login to jenkins, goto Management_Jobs and remove RegisterOrganization job
  • Delete content of Jenkins init.groovy.d folder in console
docker exec -it jenkins-master /bin/bash
rm -rf ./var/jenkins_home/init.groovy.d/*
ls -la ./var/jenkins_home/init.groovy.d
edit .env file with new tag
  • Stop everything using ./ command
  • clone everything into the new location and execute setup script
git clone --recurse-submodule
cd zebrunner
./ setup
  • Provide valid values for protocol, host, port; enabled/disabled components and credentials

    make sure to provide the same credentials you have in your previous environment

  • Start everything using ./ start command
  • Login to Jenkins -> Goto Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
    • update "QPS_PIPELINE_GIT_BRANCH=5.2"
  • Apply widget templates and views changes executing vs pgdata postgres DB such queries:

5.1 (2020-07-13)

13 Jul 19:40
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  • [#122][#172] Integrated MCloud into default infra package
  • Upgraded embedded SonarQube from 7.1 to 7.9.3 to support Java 11
  • [#189][#204] Automatic update selenoid images (chrome, firefox and opera browsers)
cd qps-infra/selenoid
// two latest versions of chrome, firefox and opera browsers should be downloaded
// restart infra
  • [#202][#203] Improved performance for timestamps analysis for views/widgets
  • [#159][#187] Updated installation, configuration and user guides


  • [#194] Invalid folder share for mcloud/ftp container
  • [#191] Doc: obsolete screenshots were replaced
  • [#170] Default Z icon was not displayed for the active tab
  • [#133] Fixed UI issues in the User Guides



  • Goto Management_Jobs and remove RegisterOrganization job
  • Stop everything using ./ command
  • Pull changes from qps-infra (master branch)
  • Update your .env file putting latest versions for
  • Start everything using ./ command
  • Login to Jenkins -> Goto Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
    • update "QPS_PIPELINE_GIT_BRANCH=5.1"
    • declare new global choice variables:
    value: QPS-Pipeline
    name: gc_RUNNER_CLASS
  • Reregister all organizations and repositories to re-create all jobs
  • Setup SonarQube integration according to Configuration Guide

5.0 (05-05-2020)

28 Apr 11:51
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  • Redesigned components structure making it more modular.
  • Each module/component has their own docker-composer.yml with ability to enable/disable much easier.
    Note: exact steps to enable/disable going to be released in 5.1
  • Unified docker containers naming to have nginx, jenkins-master and similar stable naming for each micro-service. That's should significantly simplify troubleshooting articles creation and regular containers manipulation
  • [#139] Switched to the Zebrunner Insights v 1.3 (former Zafira)
  • [#132][#39] Organized main NGiNX webserver fully independent from disabled components, i.e. no needs anymore to update default.conf if any component is disabled
  • Upgraded to 2.237 Jenkins. Delivered jenkins-master and slave based on jdk11. All plugins upgraded and tested using latest versions.
  • Prepared and switched to Alpine based jenkins-slave. It is optimized for carina tests.
  • [#164][#65] Upgraded embedded sonar to 7.1 and simplified default integration for java code analysis (up to jdk8 so far). Configuration steps published.
  • [#142] Reused docker-composer 3.7 for all sub-components
  • [#88] Organized browsers images upgrade and quota regeneration shell script for Linux. Enhancement for Mac submitted [#189]
  • [#147] is now prohibited for "localhost" or "" hostname :)
  • [#149][#122] Started integration of MCloud components into the infra
    Note: For valid integration extra configuration steps needed and additional domain name like Ask about assistance in telegram channel


  • [#165] Default slave labels were renamed
  • [#163][#161] root_url was removed from variables.env for Jenkins docker-composer
  • [#155] Fixed the ability to set custom AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET and CRYPTO_SALT
  • [#154] Zafira test launcher was not active
  • [#153] An error during was fixed
  • [#150] The POSTGRES_PASSWORD variable was not set
  • [#146] Found a way to use valid global var for sub-modules
  • [#145] Most of the browser containers could not be stopped
  • [#144] carina + zafira-client: [L000N] indexes were lost
  • [#140] Restored the default integration in infra
  • [#138] Verified that the network exists during
  • [#137] QPS_HOST was renamed to INFRA_HOST
  • [#127] Logs did not work, there was no redirection to Zafira


  • zafira 4.1.90 -> Zebrunner Insights 1.3
  • jenkins-master 4.10.2 -> 5.0.3
  • sonarqube 5.6.7 -> 7.1


Due to the full folders redesign it is recommended to clone to absolutely fresh folder and move historical data from previous version based on steps below:

  • Deploy a new infra tool set from scratch according to the steps and start. Do a sanity verification that all enabled components are up&running

  • Migrate historical jenkins data:

    • docker rm -f jenkins-master
    • Link historical jenkins folder using volume mount in legacy way, for volume and comment modern share
         - "/home/ubuntu/old-qps-infra/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home"
    #     - "data-volume:/var/jenkins_home:rw"
    • Start jenkins-master using ./
    • Analyze logs by docker logs -f jenkins-master
    • Try to login using old users/credentials. All historical content should be available
    • Goto Manage Jenkins (some warnings about broken plugins could be displayed)
    • Upgrade all compatible plugins manually and restart jenkins (repeat step until all plugins are ok)
    • Goto Management_Jobs and remove all existing jobs, restart jenkins-master
    • Goto Manage jenkins -> Configure System and update "QPS_PIPELINE_GIT_BRANCH=5.0.4", rename QPS_HOST to INFRA_HOST
    • [Optional] re-register organization and repositories...
    • Run any job/cron to make sure everything is ok
  • Migrate historical Zafira data:

    • Stop everything using ./ command
    • Link historical postgres folder using volume mount in legacy way, for volume and comment modern share
         - "/home/ubuntu/old-qps-infra/pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
     #  - "pgdata-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
        - "./database/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"
    • Link historical ElasticSearch data folder using volume mount in legacy way, for volume and comment modern share
        - "/home/ubuntu/old-qps-infra/pgdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"
    #    - "esdata-volume:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"
        - "./configuration/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml:ro"
    • Restart everything
    • Run any job/cron to make sure everything is ok

4.10 (2020-04-14)

08 Apr 10:48
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  • [#130] bump up to zafira:4.1.90 and zafira-ui:1.38
  • [#129] Switched to lightweight jenkins-slave:latest-alpine in the default setup
  • [#103] ghprb-token setup steps were added to the documentation
  • [#102] Initial documentation on qps-infra was created
  • [#68] all infra images are UTF-8 compatible
  • [#2] Together with carina-core 6.4.33 we can sniff all requests/response to MCloud devices


  • [#128] Description for zafiraServiceURL and zafiraAccessToken fields was added to the Create organization page
  • [#117] Volume sharing for FTP container was added
  • [#126][#125] Video files could not be loaded completely


zafira 4.1.73->4.1.90
zafira-ui 1.25->1.38
jenkins-master 4.9.1->4.10.2
qps-pipeline 4.9->4.10.2


  • Make sure to rename/remove set of Management_Jobs according to the steps
  • Stop everything
  • Generate a backup of the jenkins and pgdata content
cd qps-infra
tar -czvf jenkins.tar.gz ./jenkins
sudo tar -czvf pgdata.tar.gz ./pgdata
  • Remove existing qaprosoft/pure-ftpd:latest image
 docker rmi <id>
  • Add valid volume share for pure-ftpd container, example:
    - $PWD/selenoid/video:/usr/share/ftp:rw
  • Bump up images in docker-compose.yml

    • jenkins-master to 4.10.2
    • zafira to 4.1.90
    • zafira-ui to 1.38
  • Start everything

  • Go to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins
  • Bump up QPS_PIPELINE_GIT_BRANCH to 4.10.2

4.9 (2020-03-04)

12 Feb 10:13
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  • Published Getting Started steps
  • [#114] Automatically cleaned the container during the except use case when "-k" or "--keep-containers" were provided
// stop infra and keep containers
./ -k
  • [#112][#94] Set JENKINS_JOB_URL_VISIBILITY to True
  • [#92] Added docker into the jenkins-slave image
  • [#86] Refactored the script to minimize usage of public address


  • [#109] The number of slaves for running a full regression job was reduced
  • [#108] No live video sessions (VNC) for Tests via Zafira were seen if 4445 port was not opened
  • [#107] Opera was added to the supported browsers
  • [#100] Removed Jenkins warning "You have data stored in an older format and/or unreadable data."


zafira 4.1.73->4.1.89
zafira-ui 1.25->1.35
jenkins-master 4.8->4.9.1
qps-pipeline 4.8->4.9.1


  • Make sure to rename/remove management_Jobs/RegisterZafiraCredentials according to the steps
  • Stop everything
  • Generate a backup of the jenkins and pgdata content
cd qps-infra
tar -czvf jenkins.tar.gz ./jenkins
sudo tar -czvf pgdata.tar.gz ./pgdata
  • Bump up images in docker-compose.yml
    • jenkins-master to 4.9.1
    • zafira to 4.1.89
    • zafira-ui to 1.35
  • Start everything
  • Follow Zafira Migration Steps to regenerate db-views and apply widget updates
  • Go to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins
  • Bump up QPS_PIPELINE_GIT_BRANCH to 4.9.1