✨ W.I.P. ✨
sop (slices operation
) is a go1.18+ package to (maybe) simplify performing operations on slices in a fluent-like style with common operations like map
, filter
, each
, aggregate
and much more.
Currently, the following functionalities are covered:
// Map takes a Slice s and performs the passed function f
// on each element of the Slice s. The return value of the
// function f for each element is then packed into a new
// Slice in the same order as Slice s.
// f is getting passed the value v at the given position
// in the slice as well as the current index i.
func Map[TIn, TOut any](s Enumerable[TIn], f func(v TIn, i int) TOut) Enumerable[TOut]
// Fill creates an empty Slice[T] with the given
// size n and executes f for each element in the
// Slice and sets the value at the given position
// to its return value.
// f is therefore getting passed the current
// index i in the slice.
func Fill[T any](n int, f func(i int) T) (res Enumerable[T])
// Flat takes a slice containing arrays and creates a
// new slice with all elements of the sub-arrays
// arranged into a one-dimensional array.
func Flat[T any](s Enumerable[[]T]) (res Enumerable[T])
// Range creates an integer Slice filled with
// sequential numbers starting with s and ending
// with s+n-1 [n, s+n).
func Range[T constraints.Integer](s, n T) (res Enumerable[T])
// Group iterates through all elements of
// Enumerable v and adds the current value
// v to a map with the returned key of
// function f.
func Group[TVal any, TMKey comparable, TMVal any](
v Enumerable[TVal],
f func(v TVal, i int) (TMKey, TMVal),
) (res map[TMKey]TMVal)
// GroupE works like Group but puts re-occuring
// keys in an enumerable value in the map.
func GroupE[TVal any, TMKey comparable, TMVal any](
v Enumerable[TVal],
f func(v TVal, i int) (TMKey, TMVal),
) (res map[TMKey]Enumerable[TMVal])
// MapFlat creates an Enumerable containing
// key-value tuples from the given map entries.
func MapFlat[TKey comparable, TVal any](
m map[TKey]TVal,
) Enumerable[Tuple[TKey, TVal]]
// Enumerable specifies a wrapped slice object
// to perform different enumerable operations
// on.
type Enumerable[T any] interface {
// Unwrap returns the originaly packed
// Enumerable []T of the Enumerable[T] object.
Unwrap() []T
// Len returns the length of the given Enumerable.
Len() int
// Each performs the given function f on each
// element in the Enumerable.
// f is getting passed the value v at the
// current position as well as the current
// index i.
Each(f func(v T, i int))
// Filter performs preticate p on each element
// in the Enumerable and each element where p
// returns true will be added to the result
// Enumerable.
// p is getting passed the value v at the
// current position as well as the current
// index i.
Filter(p func(v T, i int) bool) Enumerable[T]
// Any returns true when at least one element in
// the given Enumerable result in a true return of p
// when performed on p.
Any(p func(v T, i int) bool) bool
// All returns true when all elements in the given
// Enumerable result in a true return of p when performed
// on p.
All(p func(v T, i int) bool) bool
// All returns true when all elements in the given
// Enumerable result in a true return of p when performed
// on p.
None(p func(v T, i int) bool) bool
// First returns the value and index of the first
// occurence in the Enumerable where preticate p
// returns true.
// If this applies to no element in the Enumerable,
// default of T and -1 is returned.
First(p func(v T, i int) bool) (T, int)
// Count returns the number of elements in the given
// Enumerable which, when applied on p, return true.
Count(p func(v T, i int) bool) int
// Shuffle re-arranges the given Enumerable in a pseudo-random
// order and returns the result Enumerable.
// You can also pass a custom random source rngSrc if
// you desire.
Shuffle(rngSrc ...rand.Source) Enumerable[T]
// Sort re-orders the Enumerable x given the provided less function.
Sort(less func(p, q T, i int) bool) Enumerable[T]
// Aggregate applies tze multiplicator function f over
// all elements of the given Enumerable and returns the final
// result.
Aggregate(f func(a, b T) T) T
// Push appends the passed value v to the Enumerable.
Push(v T)
// Pop removes the last element of the Enumerable and
// returns its value. If the Enumerable is empty, the
// default value of T is returned.
Pop() T
// Append adds all elements of Enumerable v to the
// end of the current Enumerable.
Append(v Enumerable[T])
// Flush removes all elements of the given Enumerable.
// Enumerable removes the values from the given Enumerable
// starting at i with the amount of n. The removed
// Enumerable is returned as new Enumerable.
Splice(i, n int) Enumerable[T]
// At safely accesses the element in the Enumerable
// at the given index i and returns it, if existent.
// If there is no value at i, default of T and false
// is returned.
At(i int) (T, bool)
// Replace safely replaces the value in the Enumerable
// at the given index i with the given value v and
// returns true if the value was replaced. If the
// Enumerable has no value at i, false is returned.
Replace(i int, v T) bool