Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | jobstep id | [optional] [readonly] |
parent_job | int | The id of the parent job for this step | [optional] [readonly] |
run_if_previous_step_fails | bool | Whether this job step will run if the previous step fails | [optional] |
step_name | str | The name of this job step | |
node_count | int | Number of nodes this job step will run on | [optional] |
num_tasks | int | Number of tasks that will run for this job step | [optional] |
tasks_per_node | int | Number of tasks that will run on each node | [optional] |
threads_per_task | int | Number of threads assigned to each task | [optional] |
max_runtime | int | Maximum runtime in hours that this job step will run for | [optional] |
status | str | Status of this jobstep | [optional] |
exit_code | int | Unix exit code for this job step | [optional] |
start | datetime | Time this job step started running | [optional] |
end | datetime | Time this job step finished running | [optional] |
wallclock | str | [optional] [readonly] | |
logs | JobLog | [optional] |