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2019-02-05 |
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{: #audit-log}
If you have a classic infrastructure account, you can monitor storage replication events by viewing audit logs. Audit logs track the interactions of each user, like login attempts, port speed updates, power restarts, and interactions made by {{}} infrastructure support staff. {:shortdesc}
{: #view-audit-log}
To view your audit log, go to Manage > Account, and select Audit log. The audit log initially displays the last 25 interactions that were taken by users on the account. You can view up to 200 interactions at any time. Expand the items per page menu to see more results.
{: #view-access-logs}
From the audit log page, you can also see data for each access attempt that is made by a specific user. The logs display a date and time stamp and IP address for each access attempt. Use the following steps to view a user's Access Logs.
- Go to Manage > Account, and select Audit log.
- Then Filter for the user, select the timeframe you want to view, and choose an object type.
The access log for each user displays the access attempts that were made by that user by date, along with the IP address from which the access attempt was made. Information within the access log is read-only.