copyright | lastupdated | ||
2018-11-12 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:tip: .tip} {:notes: .note}
{: #tagging-IAM}
You can tag related resources and view them throughout your account by filtering by a tag in your resource list. Tags can help you organize and find the resources that are important to you and help you monitor costs. To see a full list of tags on your account, go to Manage > Account, and select Tags. {: shortdesc}
{: #tagging-permissions}
Anyone on the account can see the tags on resources and they can use the tags to organize resources in the account. But to attach or remove a tag from a resource, you must have a role on that resource. For IAM-managed resources like a resource controller-managed service or a Kubernetes Cluster, a user must be an Editor
or an Administrator
on the resource to attach a tag. Additionally, anyone on the account can delete a tag.
When a tag is removed from a resource, it still might be attached to another resource. To must remove a tag from all resources to delete it.
{: note}
{: #access}
For users to add tags to a resource, they must be assigned the appropriate access. Access to services that belong to a resource group are managed by {{}} Identity and Access Management (IAM) access policies.
To provide access to tag IAM-enabled services, complete the following steps:
- Click Manage > Access (IAM), and select Users.
- Select the name for the user that you want to provide access to.
- Click the Access policies tab.
- Click Assign access.
- Select the Assign access to resources option.
- Select a specific service or All Identity and Access enabled services.
- Select the Editor platform access role.
- Click Assign.