First you need to determine the English abbreviation of a language as locale, such as en-US, this locale value should strictly refer to the electron's documentation.
The internationalization of Motrix is divided into three parts:
- Element UI
- Application Menu
- Main Interface
The internationalization of Element UI is provided by the Element community, then find the language pack file corresponding to locale (both locale naming may be inconsistent), which is import in src/shared/locales/all.js
, such as
import eleLocaleEn from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/en'
import eleLocaleZhCN from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/zh-CN'
The internationalization files of the application menu are divided into directories according to the locale. Each directory has three JSON files corresponding to the OS:
- darwin.json
- linux.json
- win32.json
Both the main interface and the Element UI use i18next as the translation support library, so you may need to take a brief look at how to use it.
The configuration of the main interface is also divided into directories according to the locale: src/shared/locales
, such as: src/shared/locales/en-US
and src/shared/locales/zh-CN
There are language files in the directory divided by business modules:
- about.js
- app.js
- edit.js
- help.js
- index.js
- menu.js
- preferences.js
- subnav.js
- task.js
- window.js