One has no right to love or hate anything if one has not acquired a thorough knowledge of its nature. Great love springs from great knowledge of the beloved object, and if you know it but little you will be able to love it only a little or not at all.
——Leonardo da Vinci
We’re eleven chapters in, and the interpreter sitting on your machine is nearly a complete scripting language. It could use a couple of built-in data structures like lists and maps, and it certainly needs a core library for file I/O, user input, etc. But the language itself is sufficient. We’ve got a little procedural language in the same vein as BASIC, Tcl, Scheme (minus macros), and early versions of Python and Lua.
If this were the ’80s, we’d stop here. But today, many popular languages support “object-oriented programming”. Adding that to Lox will give users a familiar set of tools for writing larger programs. Even if you personally don’t like OOP, this chapter and the next will help you understand how others design and build object systems.
There are three broad paths to object-oriented programming: classes, prototypes, and multimethods. Classes came first and are the most popular style. With the rise of JavaScript (and to a lesser extent Lua), prototypes are more widely known than they used to be. I’ll talk more about those later. For Lox, we’re taking the, ahem, classic approach.
Since you’ve written about a thousand lines of Java code with me already, I’m assuming you don’t need a detailed introduction to object orientation. The main goal is to bundle data with the code that acts on it. Users do that by declaring a class that:
Exposes a constructor to create and initialize new instances of the class
Provides a way to store and access fields on instances
Defines a set of methods shared by all instances of the class that operate on each instances’ state.
That’s about as minimal as it gets. Most object-oriented languages, all the way back to Simula, also do inheritance to reuse behavior across classes. We’ll add that in the next chapter. Even kicking that out, we still have a lot to get through. This is a big chapter and everything doesn’t quite come together until we have all of the above pieces, so gather your stamina.
Like we do, we’re gonna start with syntax. A
statement introduces a new name, so it lives in thedeclaration
grammar rule.
declaration → classDecl
| funDecl
| varDecl
| statement ;
classDecl → "class" IDENTIFIER "{" function* "}" ;
The new
rule relies on thefunction
rule we defined earlier. To refresh your memory:
function → IDENTIFIER "(" parameters? ")" block ;
parameters → IDENTIFIER ( "," IDENTIFIER )* ;
In plain English, a class declaration is the
keyword, followed by the class’s name, then a curly-braced body. Inside that body is a list of method declarations. Unlike function declarations, methods don’t have a leadingfun
keyword. Each method is a name, parameter list, and body. Here’s an example:
class Breakfast {
cook() {
print "Eggs a-fryin'!";
serve(who) {
print "Enjoy your breakfast, " + who + ".";
Like most dynamically typed languages, fields are not explicitly listed in the class declaration. Instances are loose bags of data and you can freely add fields to them as you see fit using normal imperative code.
Over in our AST generator, the
grammar rule gets its own statement node.
tool/,在 main()方法中添加:
"Block : List<Stmt> statements",
// 新增部分开始
"Class : Token name, List<Stmt.Function> methods",
// 新增部分结束
"Expression : Expr expression",
It stores the class’s name and the methods inside its body. Methods are represented by the existing Stmt.Function class that we use for function declaration AST nodes. That gives us all the bits of state that we need for a method: name, parameter list, and body.
A class can appear anywhere a named declaration is allowed, triggered by the leading
lox/,在 declaration()方法中添加:
try {
// 新增部分开始
if (match(CLASS)) return classDeclaration();
// 新增部分结束
if (match(FUN)) return function("function");
That calls out to:
lox/,在 declaration()方法后添加:
private Stmt classDeclaration() {
Token name = consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect class name.");
consume(LEFT_BRACE, "Expect '{' before class body.");
List<Stmt.Function> methods = new ArrayList<>();
while (!check(RIGHT_BRACE) && !isAtEnd()) {
consume(RIGHT_BRACE, "Expect '}' after class body.");
return new Stmt.Class(name, methods);
There’s more meat to this than most of the other parsing methods, but it roughly follows the grammar. We’ve already consumed the
keyword, so we look for the expected class name next, followed by the opening curly brace. Once inside the body, we keep parsing method declarations until we hit the closing brace. Each method declaration is parsed by a call tofunction()
, which we defined back in the chapter where functions were introduced.
Like we do in any open-ended loop in the parser, we also check for hitting the end of the file. That won’t happen in correct code since a class should have a closing brace at the end, but it ensures the parser doesn’t get stuck in an infinite loop if the user has a syntax error and forgets to correctly end the class body.
We wrap the name and list of methods into a Stmt.Class node and we’re done. Previously, we would jump straight into the interpreter, but now we need to plumb the node through the resolver first.
lox/,在 visitBlockStmt()方法后添加:
public Void visitClassStmt(Stmt.Class stmt) {
return null;
We aren’t going to worry about resolving the methods themselves yet, so for now all we need to do is declare the class using its name. It’s not common to declare a class as a local variable, but Lox permits it, so we need to handle it correctly.
Now we interpret the class declaration.
lox/,在 visitBlockStmt()方法后添加:
public Void visitClassStmt(Stmt.Class stmt) {
environment.define(, null);
LoxClass klass = new LoxClass(;
environment.assign(, klass);
return null;
This looks similar to how we execute function declarations. We declare the class’s name in the current environment. Then we turn the class syntax node into a LoxClass, the runtime representation of a class. We circle back and store the class object in the variable we previously declared. That two-stage variable binding process allows references to the class inside its own methods.
We will refine it throughout the chapter, but the first draft of LoxClass looks like this:
package com.craftinginterpreters.lox;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
class LoxClass {
final String name;
LoxClass(String name) { = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
Literally a wrapper around a name. We don’t even store the methods yet. Not super useful, but it does have a
method so we can write a trivial script and test that class objects are actually being parsed and executed.
class DevonshireCream {
serveOn() {
return "Scones";
print DevonshireCream; // Prints "DevonshireCream".
We have classes, but they don’t do anything yet. Lox doesn’t have “static” methods that you can call right on the class itself, so without actual instances, classes are useless. Thus instances are the next step.
While some syntax and semantics are fairly standard across OOP languages, the way you create new instances isn’t. Ruby, following Smalltalk, creates instances by calling a method on the class object itself, a recursively graceful approach. Some, like C++ and Java, have a
keyword dedicated to birthing a new object. Python has you “call” the class itself like a function. (JavaScript, ever weird, sort of does both.)
I took a minimal approach with Lox. We already have class objects, and we already have function calls, so we’ll use call expressions on class objects to create new instances. It’s as if a class is a factory function that generates instances of itself. This feels elegant to me, and also spares us the need to introduce syntax like
. Therefore, we can skip past the front end straight into the runtime.
Right now, if you try this:
class Bagel {}
You get a runtime error.
checks to see if the called object implementsLoxCallable
and reports an error since LoxClass doesn’t. Not yet, that is.
import java.util.Map;
// 替换部分开始
class LoxClass implements LoxCallable {
// 替换部分结束
final String name;
Implementing that interface requires two methods.
lox/,在 toString()方法后添加:
public Object call(Interpreter interpreter,
List<Object> arguments) {
LoxInstance instance = new LoxInstance(this);
return instance;
public int arity() {
return 0;
The interesting one is
. When you “call” a class, it instantiates a new LoxInstance for the called class and returns it. Thearity()
method is how the interpreter validates that you passed the right number of arguments to a callable. For now, we’ll say you can’t pass any. When we get to user-defined constructors, we’ll revisit this.
That leads us to LoxInstance, the runtime representation of an instance of a Lox class. Again, our first implementation starts small.
package com.craftinginterpreters.lox;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
class LoxInstance {
private LoxClass klass;
LoxInstance(LoxClass klass) {
this.klass = klass;
public String toString() {
return + " instance";
Like LoxClass, it’s pretty bare bones, but we’re only getting started. If you want to give it a try, here’s a script to run:
class Bagel {}
var bagel = Bagel();
print bagel; // Prints "Bagel instance".
This program doesn’t do much, but it’s starting to do something.
We have instances, so we should make them useful. We’re at a fork in the road. We could add behavior first—methods—or we could start with state—properties. We’re going to take the latter because, as we’ll see, the two get entangled in an interesting way and it will be easier to make sense of them if we get properties working first.
Lox follows JavaScript and Python in how it handles state. Every instance is an open collection of named values. Methods on the instance’s class can access and modify properties, but so can outside code. Properties are accessed using a
An expression followed by
and an identifier reads the property with that name from the object the expression evaluates to. That dot has the same precedence as the parentheses in a function call expression, so we slot it into the grammar by replacing the existingcall
rule with:
call → primary ( "(" arguments? ")" | "." IDENTIFIER )* ;
After a primary expression, we allow a series of any mixture of parenthesized calls and dotted property accesses. “Property access” is a mouthful, so from here on out, we’ll call these “get expressions”.
The syntax tree node is:
tool/,在 main()方法中添加:
"Call : Expr callee, Token paren, List<Expr> arguments",
// 新增部分开始
"Get : Expr object, Token name",
// 新增部分结束
"Grouping : Expr expression",
Following the grammar, the new parsing code goes in our existing
lox/,在 call()方法中添加代码:
while (true) {
if (match(LEFT_PAREN)) {
expr = finishCall(expr);
// 新增部分开始
} else if (match(DOT)) {
Token name = consume(IDENTIFIER,
"Expect property name after '.'.");
expr = new Expr.Get(expr, name);
// 新增部分结束
} else {
The outer
loop there corresponds to the*
in the grammar rule. We zip along the tokens building up a chain of calls and gets as we find parentheses and dots, like so:
Instances of the new Expr.Get node feed into the resolver.
public Void visitGetExpr(Expr.Get expr) {
return null;
OK, not much to that. Since properties are looked up dynamically, they don’t get resolved. During resolution, we recurse only into the expression to the left of the dot. The actual property access happens in the interpreter.
lox/,在 visitCallExpr()方法后添加:
public Object visitGetExpr(Expr.Get expr) {
Object object = evaluate(expr.object);
if (object instanceof LoxInstance) {
return ((LoxInstance) object).get(;
throw new RuntimeError(,
"Only instances have properties.");
First, we evaluate the expression whose property is being accessed. In Lox, only instances of classes have properties. If the object is some other type like a number, invoking a getter on it is a runtime error.
If the object is a LoxInstance, then we ask it to look up the property. It must be time to give LoxInstance some actual state. A map will do fine.
lox/,在 LoxInstance类中添加:
private LoxClass klass;
// 新增部分开始
private final Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<>();
// 新增部分结束
LoxInstance(LoxClass klass) {
Each key in the map is a property name and the corresponding value is the property’s value. To look up a property on an instance:
lox/,在 LoxInstance()方法后添加:
Object get(Token name) {
if (fields.containsKey(name.lexeme)) {
return fields.get(name.lexeme);
throw new RuntimeError(name,
"Undefined property '" + name.lexeme + "'.");
An interesting edge case we need to handle is what happens if the instance doesn’t have a property with the given name. We could silently return some dummy value like
, but my experience with languages like JavaScript is that this behavior masks bugs more often than it does anything useful. Instead, we’ll make it a runtime error.
So the first thing we do is see if the instance actually has a field with the given name. Only then do we return it. Otherwise, we raise an error.
Note how I switched from talking about “properties” to “fields”. There is a subtle difference between the two. Fields are named bits of state stored directly in an instance. Properties are the named, uh, things, that a get expression may return. Every field is a property, but as we’ll see later, not every property is a field.
In theory, we can now read properties on objects. But since there’s no way to actually stuff any state into an instance, there are no fields to access. Before we can test out reading, we must support writing.
Setters use the same syntax as getters, except they appear on the left side of an assignment.
someObject.someProperty = value;
In grammar land, we extend the rule for assignment to allow dotted identifiers on the left-hand side.
assignment → ( call "." )? IDENTIFIER "=" assignment
| logic_or ;
Unlike getters, setters don’t chain. However, the reference to
allows any high-precedence expression before the last dot, including any number of getters, as in:
Note here that only the last part, the
is the setter. The.omelette
parts are both get expressions.
Just as we have two separate AST nodes for variable access and variable assignment, we need a second setter node to complement our getter node.
tool/,在 main()方法中添加:
"Logical : Expr left, Token operator, Expr right",
// 新增部分开始
"Set : Expr object, Token name, Expr value",
// 新增部分结束
"Unary : Token operator, Expr right",
In case you don’t remember, the way we handle assignment in the parser is a little funny. We can’t easily tell that a series of tokens is the left-hand side of an assignment until we reach the
. Now that our assignment grammar rule hascall
on the left side, which can expand to arbitrarily large expressions, that final=
may be many tokens away from the point where we need to know we’re parsing an assignment.
Instead, the trick we do is parse the left-hand side as a normal expression. Then, when we stumble onto the equal sign after it, we take the expression we already parsed and transform it into the correct syntax tree node for the assignment.
We add another clause to that transformation to handle turning an Expr.Get expression on the left into the corresponding Expr.Set.
lox/,在 assignment()方法中添加:
return new Expr.Assign(name, value);
// 新增部分开始
} else if (expr instanceof Expr.Get) {
Expr.Get get = (Expr.Get)expr;
return new Expr.Set(get.object,, value);
// 新增部分结束
That’s parsing our syntax. We push that node through into the resolver.
lox/,在 visitLogicalExpr()方法后添加:
public Void visitSetExpr(Expr.Set expr) {
return null;
Again, like Expr.Get, the property itself is dynamically evaluated, so there’s nothing to resolve there. All we need to do is recurse into the two subexpressions of Expr.Set, the object whose property is being set, and the value it’s being set to.
That leads us to the interpreter.
lox/,在 visitLogicalExpr()方法后添加:
public Object visitSetExpr(Expr.Set expr) {
Object object = evaluate(expr.object);
if (!(object instanceof LoxInstance)) {
throw new RuntimeError(,
"Only instances have fields.");
Object value = evaluate(expr.value);
((LoxInstance)object).set(, value);
return value;
We evaluate the object whose property is being set and check to see if it’s a LoxInstance. If not, that’s a runtime error. Otherwise, we evaluate the value being set and store it on the instance. That relies on a new method in LoxInstance.
lox/,在 get()方法后添加:
void set(Token name, Object value) {
fields.put(name.lexeme, value);
No real magic here. We stuff the values straight into the Java map where fields live. Since Lox allows freely creating new fields on instances, there’s no need to see if the key is already present.
这里没什么复杂的。我们把这些值之间塞入字段所在的Java map中。由于Lox允许在实例上自由创建新字段,所以不需要检查键是否已经存在。
You can create instances of classes and stuff data into them, but the class itself doesn’t really do anything. Instances are just maps and all instances are more or less the same. To make them feel like instances of classes, we need behavior—methods.
Our helpful parser already parses method declarations, so we’re good there. We also don’t need to add any new parser support for method calls. We already have
(getters) and()
(function calls). A “method call” simply chains those together.
That raises an interesting question. What happens when those two expressions are pulled apart? Assuming that
in this example is a method on the class ofobject
and not a field on the instance, what should the following piece of code do?
的类中的一个方法,而不是实例中的 一个字段,下面的代码应该做什么?
var m = object.method;
This program “looks up” the method and stores the result—whatever that is—in a variable and then calls that object later. Is this allowed? Can you treat a method like it’s a function on the instance?
What about the other direction?
class Box {}
fun notMethod(argument) {
print "called function with " + argument;
var box = Box();
box.function = notMethod;
This program creates an instance and then stores a function in a field on it. Then it calls that function using the same syntax as a method call. Does that work?
Different languages have different answers to these questions. One could write a treatise on it. For Lox, we’ll say the answer to both of these is yes, it does work. We have a couple of reasons to justify that. For the second example—calling a function stored in a field—we want to support that because first-class functions are useful and storing them in fields is a perfectly normal thing to do.
The first example is more obscure. One motivation is that users generally expect to be able to hoist a subexpression out into a local variable without changing the meaning of the program. You can take this:
breakfast(omelette.filledWith(cheese), sausage);
And turn it into this:
var eggs = omelette.filledWith(cheese);
breakfast(eggs, sausage);
And it does the same thing. Likewise, since the
and the()
in a method call are two separate expressions, it seems you should be able to hoist the lookup part into a variable and then call it later. We need to think carefully about what the thing you get when you look up a method is, and how it behaves, even in weird cases like:
class Person {
sayName() {
var jane = Person(); = "Jane";
var method = jane.sayName;
method(); // ?
If you grab a handle to a method on some instance and call it later, does it “remember” the instance it was pulled off from? Does
inside the method still refer to that original object?
Here’s a more pathological example to bend your brain:
class Person {
sayName() {
var jane = Person(); = "Jane";
var bill = Person(); = "Bill";
bill.sayName = jane.sayName;
bill.sayName(); // ?
Does that last line print “Bill” because that’s the instance that we called the method through, or “Jane” because it’s the instance where we first grabbed the method?
Equivalent code in Lua and JavaScript would print “Bill”. Those languages don’t really have a notion of “methods”. Everything is sort of functions-in-fields, so it’s not clear that
any more thanbill
在Lua和JavaScript中,同样的代码会打印 "Bill"。这些语言并没有真正的“方法”的概念。所有东西都类似于字段中的函数,所以并不清楚jane
Lox, though, has real class syntax so we do know which callable things are methods and which are functions. Thus, like Python, C#, and others, we will have methods “bind”
to the original instance when the method is first grabbed. Python calls these bound methods.
进行 "绑定"。Python将这些绑定的方法称为bound methods(绑定方法)。
In practice, that’s usually what you want. If you take a reference to a method on some object so you can use it as a callback later, you want to remember the instance it belonged to, even if that callback happens to be stored in a field on some other object.
OK, that’s a lot of semantics to load into your head. Forget about the edge cases for a bit. We’ll get back to those. For now, let’s get basic method calls working. We’re already parsing the method declarations inside the class body, so the next step is to resolve them.
lox/,在 visitClassStmt()方法内添加6:
// 新增部分开始
for (Stmt.Function method : stmt.methods) {
FunctionType declaration = FunctionType.METHOD;
resolveFunction(method, declaration);
// 新增部分结束
return null;
We iterate through the methods in the class body and call the
method we wrote for handling function declarations already. The only difference is that we pass in a new FunctionType enum value.
lox/,在 FunctionType枚举中添加代码,在上一行末尾添加,
// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束
That’s going to be important when we resolve
expressions. For now, don’t worry about it. The interesting stuff is in the interpreter.
lox/,在 visitClassStmt()方法中替换一行:
environment.define(, null);
// 替换部分开始
Map<String, LoxFunction> methods = new HashMap<>();
for (Stmt.Function method : stmt.methods) {
LoxFunction function = new LoxFunction(method, environment);
methods.put(, function);
LoxClass klass = new LoxClass(, methods);
// 替换部分结束
environment.assign(, klass);
When we interpret a class declaration statement, we turn the syntactic representation of the class—its AST node—into its runtime representation. Now, we need to do that for the methods contained in the class as well. Each method declaration blossoms into a LoxFunction object.
We take all of those and wrap them up into a map, keyed by the method names. That gets stored in LoxClass.
lox/,在类 LoxClass中,替换4行:
final String name;
// 替换部分开始
private final Map<String, LoxFunction> methods;
LoxClass(String name, Map<String, LoxFunction> methods) { = name;
this.methods = methods;
// 替换部分结束
public String toString() {
Where an instance stores state, the class stores behavior. LoxInstance has its map of fields, and LoxClass gets a map of methods. Even though methods are owned by the class, they are still accessed through instances of that class.
lox/,在 get()方法中添加:
Object get(Token name) {
if (fields.containsKey(name.lexeme)) {
return fields.get(name.lexeme);
// 新增部分开始
LoxFunction method = klass.findMethod(name.lexeme);
if (method != null) return method;
// 新增部分结束
throw new RuntimeError(name,
"Undefined property '" + name.lexeme + "'.");
When looking up a property on an instance, if we don’t find a matching field, we look for a method with that name on the instance’s class. If found, we return that. This is where the distinction between “field” and “property” becomes meaningful. When accessing a property, you might get a field—a bit of state stored on the instance—or you could hit a method defined on the instance’s class.
The method is looked up using this:
lox/,在 LoxClass()方法后添加:
LoxFunction findMethod(String name) {
if (methods.containsKey(name)) {
return methods.get(name);
return null;
You can probably guess this method is going to get more interesting later. For now, a simple map lookup on the class’s method table is enough to get us started. Give it a try:
class Bacon {
eat() {
print "Crunch crunch crunch!";
Bacon().eat(); // Prints "Crunch crunch crunch!".
We can define both behavior and state on objects, but they aren’t tied together yet. Inside a method, we have no way to access the fields of the “current” object—the instance that the method was called on—nor can we call other methods on that same object.
To get at that instance, it needs a name. Smalltalk, Ruby, and Swift use “self”. Simula, C++, Java, and others use “this”. Python uses “self” by convention, but you can technically call it whatever you like.
为了获得这个实例,它需要一个名称。Smalltalk、Ruby和Swift使用 "self"。Simula、C++、Java等使用 "this"。Python按惯例使用 "self",但从技术上讲,你可以随便叫它什么。
For Lox, since we generally hew to Java-ish style, we’ll go with “this”. Inside a method body, a
expression evaluates to the instance that the method was called on. Or, more specifically, since methods are accessed and then invoked as two steps, it will refer to the object that the method was accessed from.
That makes our job harder. Peep at:
class Egotist {
speak() {
print this;
var method = Egotist().speak;
On the second-to-last line, we grab a reference to the
method off an instance of the class. That returns a function, and that function needs to remember the instance it was pulled off of so that later, on the last line, it can still find it when the function is called.
We need to take
at the point that the method is accessed and attach it to the function somehow so that it stays around as long as we need it to. Hmm . . . a way to store some extra data that hangs around a function, eh? That sounds an awful lot like a closure, doesn’t it?
If we defined
as a sort of hidden variable in an environment that surrounds the function returned when looking up a method, then uses ofthis
in the body would be able to find it later. LoxFunction already has the ability to hold on to a surrounding environment, so we have the machinery we need.
Let’s walk through an example to see how it works:
class Cake {
taste() {
var adjective = "delicious";
print "The " + this.flavor + " cake is " + adjective + "!";
var cake = Cake();
cake.flavor = "German chocolate";
cake.taste(); // Prints "The German chocolate cake is delicious!".
When we first evaluate the class definition, we create a LoxFunction for
. Its closure is the environment surrounding the class, in this case the global one. So the LoxFunction we store in the class’s method map looks like so:
When we evaluate the
get expression, we create a new environment that bindsthis
to the object the method is accessed from (here,cake
). Then we make a new LoxFunction with the same code as the original one but using that new environment as its closure.
This is the LoxFunction that gets returned when evaluating the get expression for the method name. When that function is later called by a
expression, we create an environment for the method body as usual.
The parent of the body environment is the environment we created earlier to bind
to the current object. Thus any use ofthis
inside the body successfully resolves to that instance.
Reusing our environment code for implementing
also takes care of interesting cases where methods and functions interact, like:
class Thing {
getCallback() {
fun localFunction() {
print this;
return localFunction;
var callback = Thing().getCallback();
In, say, JavaScript, it’s common to return a callback from inside a method. That callback may want to hang on to and retain access to the original object—the
value—that the method was associated with. Our existing support for closures and environment chains should do all this correctly.
Let’s code it up. The first step is adding new syntax for
tool/,在 main()方法中添加:
"Set : Expr object, Token name, Expr value",
// 新增部分开始
"This : Token keyword",
// 新增部分结束
"Unary : Token operator, Expr right",
Parsing is simple since it’s a single token which our lexer already recognizes as a reserved word.
lox/,在 primary()方法中添加:
return new Expr.Literal(previous().literal);
// 新增部分开始
if (match(THIS)) return new Expr.This(previous());
// 新增部分结束
if (match(IDENTIFIER)) {
You can start to see how
works like a variable when we get to the resolver.
当进入分析器后,就可以看到 this
lox/,在 visitSetExpr()方法后添加:
public Void visitThisExpr(Expr.This expr) {
resolveLocal(expr, expr.keyword);
return null;
We resolve it exactly like any other local variable using “this” as the name for the “variable”. Of course, that’s not going to work right now, because “this” isn’t declared in any scope. Let’s fix that over in
// 新增部分开始
scopes.peek().put("this", true);
// 新增部分结束
for (Stmt.Function method : stmt.methods) {
Before we step in and start resolving the method bodies, we push a new scope and define “this” in it as if it were a variable. Then, when we’re done, we discard that surrounding scope.
lox/,在 visitClassStmt()方法中添加:
// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束
return null;
Now, whenever a
expression is encountered (at least inside a method) it will resolve to a “local variable” defined in an implicit scope just outside of the block for the method body.
The resolver has a new scope for
, so the interpreter needs to create a corresponding environment for it. Remember, we always have to keep the resolver’s scope chains and the interpreter’s linked environments in sync with each other. At runtime, we create the environment after we find the method on the instance. We replace the previous line of code that simply returned the method’s LoxFunction with this:
lox/,在 get()方法中替换一行:
LoxFunction method = klass.findMethod(name.lexeme);
// 替换部分开始
if (method != null) return method.bind(this);
// 替换部分结束
throw new RuntimeError(name,
"Undefined property '" + name.lexeme + "'.");
Note the new call to
. That looks like so:
lox/,在 LoxFunction()方法后添加:
LoxFunction bind(LoxInstance instance) {
Environment environment = new Environment(closure);
environment.define("this", instance);
return new LoxFunction(declaration, environment);
There isn’t much to it. We create a new environment nestled inside the method’s original closure. Sort of a closure-within-a-closure. When the method is called, that will become the parent of the method body’s environment.
We declare “this” as a variable in that environment and bind it to the given instance, the instance that the method is being accessed from. Et voilà, the returned LoxFunction now carries around its own little persistent world where “this” is bound to the object.
The remaining task is interpreting those
expressions. Similar to the resolver, it is the same as interpreting a variable expression.
lox/,在 visitSetExpr()方法后添加:
public Object visitThisExpr(Expr.This expr) {
return lookUpVariable(expr.keyword, expr);
Go ahead and give it a try using that cake example from earlier. With less than twenty lines of code, our interpreter handles
inside methods even in all of the weird ways it can interact with nested classes, functions inside methods, handles to methods, etc.
Wait a minute. What happens if you try to use
outside of a method? What about:
print this;
fun notAMethod() {
print this;
There is no instance for
to point to if you’re not in a method. We could give it some default value likenil
or make it a runtime error, but the user has clearly made a mistake. The sooner they find and fix that mistake, the happier they’ll be.
Our resolution pass is a fine place to detect this error statically. It already detects
statements outside of functions. We’ll do something similar forthis
. In the vein of our existing FunctionType enum, we define a new ClassType one.
lox/,在 FunctionType枚举后添加:
// 新增部分开始
private enum ClassType {
private ClassType currentClass = ClassType.NONE;
// 新增部分结束
void resolve(List<Stmt> statements) {
Yes, it could be a Boolean. When we get to inheritance, it will get a third value, hence the enum right now. We also add a corresponding field,
. Its value tells us if we are currently inside a class declaration while traversing the syntax tree. It starts outNONE
which means we aren’t in one.
When we begin to resolve a class declaration, we change that.
lox/,在 visitClassStmt()方法中添加:
public Void visitClassStmt(Stmt.Class stmt) {
// 新增部分开始
ClassType enclosingClass = currentClass;
currentClass = ClassType.CLASS;
// 新增部分结束
As with
, we store the previous value of the field in a local variable. This lets us piggyback onto the JVM to keep a stack ofcurrentClass
values. That way we don’t lose track of the previous value if one class nests inside another.
Once the methods have been resolved, we “pop” that stack by restoring the old value.
lox/,在 visitClassStmt()方法中添加:
// 新增部分开始
currentClass = enclosingClass;
// 新增部分结束
return null;
When we resolve a
expression, thecurrentClass
field gives us the bit of data we need to report an error if the expression doesn’t occur nestled inside a method body.
lox/,在 visitThisExpr()方法中添加:
public Void visitThisExpr(Expr.This expr) {
// 新增部分开始
if (currentClass == ClassType.NONE) {
"Can't use 'this' outside of a class.");
return null;
// 新增部分结束
resolveLocal(expr, expr.keyword);
That should help users use
correctly, and it saves us from having to handle misuse at runtime in the interpreter.
We can do almost everything with classes now, and as we near the end of the chapter we find ourselves strangely focused on a beginning. Methods and fields let us encapsulate state and behavior together so that an object always stays in a valid configuration. But how do we ensure a brand new object starts in a good state?
For that, we need constructors. I find them one of the trickiest parts of a language to design, and if you peer closely at most other languages, you’ll see cracks around object construction where the seams of the design don’t quite fit together perfectly. Maybe there’s something intrinsically messy about the moment of birth.
“Constructing” an object is actually a pair of operations:
The runtime allocates the memory required for a fresh instance. In most languages, this operation is at a fundamental level beneath what user code is able to access.
Then, a user-provided chunk of code is called which initializes the unformed object.
The latter is what we tend to think of when we hear “constructor”, but the language itself has usually done some groundwork for us before we get to that point. In fact, our Lox interpreter already has that covered when it creates a new LoxInstance object.
We’ll do the remaining part—user-defined initialization—now. Languages have a variety of notations for the chunk of code that sets up a new object for a class. C++, Java, and C# use a method whose name matches the class name. Ruby and Python call it
. The latter is nice and short, so we’ll do that.
我们现在要做的是剩下的部分——用户自定义的初始化。对于为类建立新对象的这块代码,不同的语言有不同的说法。C++、Java和C#使用一个名字与类名相匹配的方法。Ruby 和 Python 称之为 init()
In LoxClass’s implementation of LoxCallable, we add a few more lines.
lox/,在 call()方法中添加:
List<Object> arguments) {
LoxInstance instance = new LoxInstance(this);
// 新增部分开始
LoxFunction initializer = findMethod("init");
if (initializer != null) {
initializer.bind(instance).call(interpreter, arguments);
// 新增部分结束
return instance;
When a class is called, after the LoxInstance is created, we look for an “init” method. If we find one, we immediately bind and invoke it just like a normal method call. The argument list is forwarded along.
当一个类被调用时,在LoxInstance被创建后,我们会寻找一个 "init "方法。如果我们找到了,我们就会立即绑定并调用它,就像普通的方法调用一样。参数列表直接透传。
That argument list means we also need to tweak how a class declares its arity.
public int arity() {
lox/,在 arity()方法中替换一行:
public int arity() {
// 替换部分开始
LoxFunction initializer = findMethod("init");
if (initializer == null) return 0;
return initializer.arity();
// 替换部分结束
If there is an initializer, that method’s arity determines how many arguments you must pass when you call the class itself. We don’t require a class to define an initializer, though, as a convenience. If you don’t have an initializer, the arity is still zero.
That’s basically it. Since we bind the
method before we call it, it has access tothis
inside its body. That, along with the arguments passed to the class, are all you need to be able to set up the new instance however you desire.
As usual, exploring this new semantic territory rustles up a few weird creatures. Consider:
class Foo {
init() {
print this;
var foo = Foo();
print foo.init();
Can you “re-initialize” an object by directly calling its
method? If you do, what does it return? A reasonable answer would benil
since that’s what it appears the body returns.
However—and I generally dislike compromising to satisfy the implementation—it will make clox’s implementation of constructors much easier if we say that
methods always returnthis
, even when directly called. In order to keep jlox compatible with that, we add a little special case code in LoxFunction.
lox/,在 call()方法中添加:
return returnValue.value;
// 新增部分开始
if (isInitializer) return closure.getAt(0, "this");
// 新增部分结束
return null;
If the function is an initializer, we override the actual return value and forcibly return
. That relies on a newisInitializer
lox/,在 LoxFunction类中,替换一行:
private final Environment closure;
// 替换部分开始
private final boolean isInitializer;
LoxFunction(Stmt.Function declaration, Environment closure, boolean isInitializer) {
this.isInitializer = isInitializer;
// 替换部分结束
this.closure = closure;
this.declaration = declaration;
We can’t simply see if the name of the LoxFunction is “init” because the user could have defined a function with that name. In that case, there is no
to return. To avoid that weird edge case, we’ll directly store whether the LoxFunction represents an initializer method. That means we need to go back and fix the few places where we create LoxFunctions.
lox/,在 visitFunctionStmt()方法中,替换一行:
public Void visitFunctionStmt(Stmt.Function stmt) {
// 替换部分开始
LoxFunction function = new LoxFunction(stmt, environment, false);
// 替换部分结束
environment.define(, function);
For actual function declarations,
is always false. For methods, we check the name.
对于实际的函数声明, isInitializer
lox/,在 visitClassStmt()方法中,替换一行:
for (Stmt.Function method : stmt.methods) {
// 替换部分开始
LoxFunction function = new LoxFunction(method, environment,"init"));
// 替换部分结束
methods.put(, function);
And then in
where we create the closure that bindsthis
to a method, we pass along the original method’s value.
lox/,在 bind()方法中,替换一行:
environment.define("this", instance);
// 替换部分开始
return new LoxFunction(declaration, environment,
// 替换部分结束
We aren’t out of the woods yet. We’ve been assuming that a user-written initializer doesn’t explicitly return a value because most constructors don’t. What should happen if a user tries:
class Foo {
init() {
return "something else";
It’s definitely not going to do what they want, so we may as well make it a static error. Back in the resolver, we add another case to FunctionType.
lox/,在 FunctionType枚举中添加:
// 新增部分开始
// 新增部分结束
We use the visited method’s name to determine if we’re resolving an initializer or not.
lox/,在 visitClassStmt()方法中添加:
FunctionType declaration = FunctionType.METHOD;
// 新增部分开始
if ("init")) {
declaration = FunctionType.INITIALIZER;
// 新增部分结束
resolveFunction(method, declaration);
When we later traverse into a
statement, we check that field and make it an error to return a value from inside aninit()
lox/,在 visitReturnStmt()方法中添加:
if (stmt.value != null) {
// 新增部分开始
if (currentFunction == FunctionType.INITIALIZER) {
"Can't return a value from an initializer.");
// 新增部分结束
We’re still not done. We statically disallow returning a value from an initializer, but you can still use an empty early
class Foo {
init() {
That is actually kind of useful sometimes, so we don’t want to disallow it entirely. Instead, it should return
instead ofnil
. That’s an easy fix over in LoxFunction.
lox/,在 call()方法中添加:
} catch (Return returnValue) {
// 新增部分开始
if (isInitializer) return closure.getAt(0, "this");
// 新增部分结束
return returnValue.value;
If we’re in an initializer and execute a
statement, instead of returning the value (which will always benil
), we again returnthis
Phew! That was a whole list of tasks but our reward is that our little interpreter has grown an entire programming paradigm. Classes, methods, fields,
, and constructors. Our baby language is looking awfully grown-up.
// 方式1
fun callback(a, b, c) {
object.method(a, b, c);
// 方式2
We have methods on instances, but there is no way to define “static” methods that can be called directly on the class object itself. Add support for them. Use a
keyword preceding the method to indicate a static method that hangs off the class object.我们有实例上的方法,但是没有办法定义可以直接在类对象上调用的“静态”方法。添加对它们的支持,在方法之前使用
关键字指示该方法是一个挂载在类对象上的静态方法。class Math { class square(n) { return n * n; } } print Math.square(3); // Prints "9".
You can solve this however you like, but the “metaclasses” used by Smalltalk and Ruby are a particularly elegant approach. Hint: Make LoxClass extend LoxInstance and go from there.
你可以用你喜欢的方式解决这问题,但是Smalltalk和Ruby使用的“metaclasses” 是一种特别优雅的方法。提示:让LoxClass继承LoxInstance,然后开始实现。
Most modern languages support “getters” and “setters”—members on a class that look like field reads and writes but that actually execute user-defined code. Extend Lox to support getter methods. These are declared without a parameter list. The body of the getter is executed when a property with that name is accessed.
class Circle { init(radius) { this.radius = radius; } area { return 3.141592653 * this.radius * this.radius; } } var circle = Circle(4); print circle.area; // Prints roughly "50.2655".
Python and JavaScript allow you to freely access an object’s fields from outside of its own methods. Ruby and Smalltalk encapsulate instance state. Only methods on the class can access the raw fields, and it is up to the class to decide which state is exposed. Most statically typed languages offer modifiers like
to control which parts of a class are externally accessible on a per-member basis.What are the trade-offs between these approaches and why might a language prefer one or the other?
In this chapter, we introduced two new runtime entities, LoxClass and LoxInstance. The former is where behavior for objects lives, and the latter is for state. What if you could define methods right on a single object, inside LoxInstance? In that case, we wouldn’t need LoxClass at all. LoxInstance would be a complete package for defining the behavior and state of an object.
We’d still want some way, without classes, to reuse behavior across multiple instances. We could let a LoxInstance delegate directly to another LoxInstance to reuse its fields and methods, sort of like inheritance.
Users would model their program as a constellation of objects, some of which delegate to each other to reflect commonality. Objects used as delegates represent “canonical” or “prototypical” objects that others refine. The result is a simpler runtime with only a single internal construct, LoxInstance.
That’s where the name prototypes comes from for this paradigm. It was invented by David Ungar and Randall Smith in a language called Self. They came up with it by starting with Smalltalk and following the above mental exercise to see how much they could pare it down.
Prototypes were an academic curiosity for a long time, a fascinating one that generated interesting research but didn’t make a dent in the larger world of programming. That is, until Brendan Eich crammed prototypes into JavaScript, which then promptly took over the world. Many (many) words have been written about prototypes in JavaScript. Whether that shows that prototypes are brilliant or confusing—or both!—is an open question.
Including more than a handful by yours truly.
I won’t get into whether or not I think prototypes are a good idea for a language. I’ve made languages that are prototypal and class-based, and my opinions of both are complex. What I want to discuss is the role of simplicity in a language.
Prototypes are simpler than classes—less code for the language implementer to write, and fewer concepts for the user to learn and understand. Does that make them better? We language nerds have a tendency to fetishize minimalism. Personally, I think simplicity is only part of the equation. What we really want to give the user is power, which I define as:
power = breadth × ease ÷ complexity
None of these are precise numeric measures. I’m using math as analogy here, not actual quantification.
- Breadth is the range of different things the language lets you express. C has a lot of breadth—it’s been used for everything from operating systems to user applications to games. Domain-specific languages like AppleScript and Matlab have less breadth.
- Ease is how little effort it takes to make the language do what you want. “Usability” might be another term, though it carries more baggage than I want to bring in. “Higher-level” languages tend to have more ease than “lower-level” ones. Most languages have a “grain” to them where some things feel easier to express than others.
- Complexity is how big the language (including its runtime, core libraries, tools, ecosystem, etc.) is. People talk about how many pages are in a language’s spec, or how many keywords it has. It’s how much the user has to load into their wetware before they can be productive in the system. It is the antonym of simplicity.
Reducing complexity does increase power. The smaller the denominator, the larger the resulting value, so our intuition that simplicity is good is valid. However, when reducing complexity, we must take care not to sacrifice breadth or ease in the process, or the total power may go down. Java would be a strictly simpler language if it removed strings, but it probably wouldn’t handle text manipulation tasks well, nor would it be as easy to get things done.
The art, then, is finding accidental complexity that can be omitted—language features and interactions that don’t carry their weight by increasing the breadth or ease of using the language.
If users want to express their program in terms of categories of objects, then baking classes into the language increases the ease of doing that, hopefully by a large enough margin to pay for the added complexity. But if that isn’t how users are using your language, then by all means leave classes out.
这就是这种范式的名称“原型”的由来。它是由David Ungar和Randall Smith在一种叫做Self的语言中发明的。他们从Smalltalk开始,按照上面的练习,看他们能把它缩减到什么程度,从而想到了这个方法。
长期以来,原型一直是学术上的探索,它是一个引人入胜的东西,也产生了有趣的研究,但是并没有在更大的编程世界中产生影响。直到Brendan Eich把原型塞进JavaScript,然后迅速风靡世界。关于JavaScript中的原型,人们已经写了很多(许多)文字。这是否能够表明原型是出色的还是令人困惑的,或者兼而有之?这是一个开放的问题。
power = breadth × ease ÷ complexity
功率 = 广度 × 易用性 ÷ 复杂性
- 广度是语言可以表达的不同事物的范围。C语言具有很大的广度——从操作系统到用户应用程序再到游戏,它被广泛使用。像AppleScript和Matlab这样的特定领域语言的广度相对较小。
- 易用性是指用户付出多少努力就可以用语言做想做的事。“可用性Usability”是另一个概念,它包含的内容比我想要表达的更多。“高级”语言往往比“低级”语言更容易使用。大多数语言都有一个核心,对它们来说,有些东西比其它的更容易表达。
- 复杂性是指语言的规模(包括其运行时、核心库、工具、生态等)有多大。人们谈论一种语言的规范有多少页,或者它有多少个关键词。这是指用户在使用系统之前,必须在先学习多少东西,才能产生效益。它是简单性的反义词。
但是,如果你真的讨厌类,也可以跳过这两章。它们与本书的其它部分是相当孤立的。就我个人而言,我觉得多了解自己不喜欢的对象是好事。有些事情乍一看很简单,但当我近距离观看时,细节出现了,我也获得了一个更细致入微的视角。 ↩
Multimethods是你最不可能熟悉的方法。我很想多谈论一下它们——我曾经围绕它们设计了一个业余语言,它们特别棒——但是我只能装下这么多页面了。如果你想了解更多,可以看看CLOS (Common Lisp中的对象系统), Dylan, Julia, 或 Raku。 ↩
在Smalltalk中,甚至连类也是通过现有对象(通常是所需的超类)的方法来创建的。有点像是一直向下龟缩。最后,它会在一些神奇的类上触底,比如Object和Metaclass,它们是运行时凭空创造出来的。 ↩
允许类之外的代码直接修改对象的字段,这违背了面向对象的原则,即类封装状态。有些语言采取了更有原则的立场。在SmallTalk中,字段实际上是使用简单的标识符访问的,这些标识符是类方法作用域内的变量。Ruby使用@后跟名字来访问对象中的字段。这种语法只有在方法中才有意义,并且总是访问当前对象的状态。不管怎样,Lox对OOP的信仰并不是那么虔诚。 ↩
它的经典用途之一就是回调。通常,你想要传递一个回调函数,其主体只是调用某个对象上的一个方法。既然能够找到该方法并直接传递它,就省去了手动声明一个函数对其进行包装的麻烦工作。比较一下下面两段代码: ↩
现在将函数类型保存到一个局部变量中是没有意义的,但我们稍后会扩展这段代码,到时它就有意义了。 ↩
首先寻找字段,意味着字段会遮蔽方法,这是一个微妙但重要的语义点。 ↩
举几个例子:在Java中,尽管final字段必须被初始化,但仍有可能在被初始化之前被读取。异常(一个庞大而复杂的特性)被添加到C++中主要是作为一种从构造函数发出错误的方式。 ↩
C++中的 "placement new "是一个罕见的例子,在这种情况下,分配的内存被暴露出来供程序员使用。 ↩
也许“不喜欢”这个说法太过激了。让语言实现的约束和资源影响语言的设计是合理的。一天只有这么多时间,如果在这里或那里偷工减料可以让你在更短的时间内为用户提供更多的功能,这可能会大大提高用户的幸福感和工作效率。诀窍在于,要弄清楚哪些弯路不会导致你的用户和未来的自己不会咒骂你的短视行为 ↩