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3.Lox语言 The Lox Language

What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast?

​ ——Anthony Bourdain


We’ll spend the rest of this book illuminating every dark and sundry corner of the Lox language, but it seems cruel to have you immediately start grinding out code for the interpreter without at least a glimpse of what we’re going to end up with.


At the same time, I don’t want to drag you through reams of language lawyering and specification-ese before you get to touch your text editor. So this will be a gentle, friendly introduction to Lox. It will leave out a lot of details and edge cases. We’ve got plenty of time for those later.


3 . 1 Hello, Lox

3 . 1 Hello, Lox

Here’s your very first taste of Lox:


// Your first Lox program!
print "Hello, world!";

As that // line comment and the trailing semicolon imply, Lox’s syntax is a member of the C family. (There are no parentheses around the string because print is a built-in statement, and not a library function.)


Now, I won’t claim that C has a great syntax. If we wanted something elegant, we’d probably mimic Pascal or Smalltalk. If we wanted to go full Scandinavian-furniture-minimalism, we’d do a Scheme. Those all have their virtues.


What C-like syntax has instead is something you’ll find is often more valuable in a language: familiarity. I know you are already comfortable with that style because the two languages we’ll be using to implement Lox—Java and C—also inherit it. Using a similar syntax for Lox gives you one less thing to learn.


3 . 2 A High-Level Language

3.2 高级语言

While this book ended up bigger than I was hoping, it’s still not big enough to fit a huge language like Java in it. In order to fit two complete implementations of Lox in these pages, Lox itself has to be pretty compact.


When I think of languages that are small but useful, what comes to mind are high-level “scripting” languages like JavaScript, Scheme, and Lua. Of those three, Lox looks most like JavaScript, mainly because most C-syntax languages do. As we’ll learn later, Lox’s approach to scoping hews closely to Scheme. The C flavor of Lox we’ll build in Part III is heavily indebted to Lua’s clean, efficient implementation.

当我想到那些小而有用的语言时,我脑海中浮现的是像JavaScript3、Scheme和Lua这样的高级 "脚本 "语言。在这三种语言中,Lox看起来最像JavaScript,主要是因为大多数c语法语言都是这样的。稍后我们将了解到,Lox的范围界定方法与Scheme密切相关。 我们将在第三部分中构建的C风格的Lox很大程度上得益于Lua的干净、高效的实现。

Lox shares two other aspects with those three languages:


3 . 2 . 1 Dynamic typing

3.2.1 动态类型

Lox is dynamically typed. Variables can store values of any type, and a single variable can even store values of different types at different times. If you try to perform an operation on values of the wrong type—say, dividing a number by a string—then the error is detected and reported at runtime.


There are plenty of reasons to like static types, but they don’t outweigh the pragmatic reasons to pick dynamic types for Lox. A static type system is a ton of work to learn and implement. Skipping it gives you a simpler language and a shorter book. We’ll get our interpreter up and executing bits of code sooner if we defer our type checking to runtime.


3 . 2 . 2 Automatic memory management

3.2.2 自动内存管理

High-level languages exist to eliminate error-prone, low-level drudgery and what could be more tedious than manually managing the allocation and freeing of storage? No one rises and greets the morning sun with, “I can’t wait to figure out the correct place to call free() for every byte of memory I allocate today!”


There are two main techniques for managing memory: reference counting and tracing garbage collection (usually just called “garbage collection” or “GC”). Ref counters are much simpler to implement—I think that’s why Perl, PHP, and Python all started out using them. But, over time, the limitations of ref counting become too troublesome. All of those languages eventually ended up adding a full tracing GC or at least enough of one to clean up object cycles.

有两种主要的内存管理技术:引用计数跟踪垃圾收集(通常仅称为“垃圾收集”或“ GC”)5。 引用计数器的实现要简单得多——我想这就是为什么Perl、PHP和Python一开始都使用该方式的原因。但是,随着时间的流逝,引用计数的限制变得太麻烦了。 所有这些语言最终都添加了完整的跟踪GC或至少一种足以清除对象循环的管理方式。

Tracing garbage collection has a fearsome reputation. It is a little harrowing working at the level of raw memory. Debugging a GC can sometimes leave you seeing hex dumps in your dreams. But, remember, this book is about dispelling magic and slaying those monsters, so we are going to write our own garbage collector. I think you’ll find the algorithm is quite simple and a lot of fun to implement.

追踪垃圾收集有一个可怕的名声。在原始内存的层面上工作是有点折磨人的。调试GC有时会让你在梦中看到hex dumps。但是,请记住,这本书是关于驱散魔法和杀死那些怪物的,所以我们要写出自己的垃圾收集器。我想你会发现这个算法相当简单,而且实现起来很有趣。

3 . 3 Data Types

3.3 数据类型

In Lox’s little universe, the atoms that make up all matter are the built-in data types. There are only a few:


Booleans – You can’t code without logic and you can’t logic without Boolean values. “True” and “false”, the yin and yang of software. Unlike some ancient languages that repurpose an existing type to represent truth and falsehood, Lox has a dedicated Boolean type. We may be roughing it on this expedition, but we aren’t savages.

There are two Boolean values, obviously, and a literal for each one:

Booleans——没有逻辑就不能编码,没有布尔值也就没有逻辑6。 “真”和“假”,就是软件的阴与阳。 与某些古老的语言重新利用已有类型来表示真假不同,Lox具有专用的布尔类型。在这次探险中,我们可能会有些粗暴,但我们不是野蛮人。


true;  // Not false.
false; // Not *not* false.

Numbers – Lox only has one kind of number: double-precision floating point. Since floating point numbers can also represent a wide range of integers, that covers a lot of territory, while keeping things simple.

Full-featured languages have lots of syntax for numbers—hexadecimal, scientific notation, octal, all sorts of fun stuff. We’ll settle for basic integer and decimal literals:

Numbers——Lox只有一种数字:双精度浮点数。 由于浮点数还可以表示各种各样的整数,因此可以覆盖很多领域,同时保持简单。

功能齐全的语言具有多种数字语法-十六进制,科学计数法,八进制和各种有趣的东西。 我们只使用基本的整数和十进制文字:

1234;  // An integer.
12.34; // A decimal number.

Strings – We’ve already seen one string literal in the first example. Like most languages, they are enclosed in double quotes:

Strings——在第一个示例中,我们已经看到一个字符串字面量。 与大多数语言一样,它们用双引号引起来:

"I am a string";
"";    // The empty string.
"123"; // This is a string, not a number.

As we’ll see when we get to implementing them, there is quite a lot of complexity hiding in that innocuous sequence of characters.


Nil – There’s one last built-in value who’s never invited to the party but always seems to show up. It represents “no value”. It’s called “null” in many other languages. In Lox we spell it nil. (When we get to implementing it, that will help distinguish when we’re talking about Lox’s nil versus Java or C’s null.)

There are good arguments for not having a null value in a language since null pointer errors are the scourge of our industry. If we were doing a statically-typed language, it would be worth trying to ban it. In a dynamically-typed one, though, eliminating it is often more annoying than having it.

Nil——还有最后一个内置数据,它从未被邀请参加聚会,但似乎总是会出现。 它代表“没有价值”。 在许多其他语言中称为“null”。 在Lox中,我们将其拼写为nil。 (当我们实现它时,这将有助于区分Lox的nil与Java或C的null


3 . 4 Expressions

3.4 表达式

If built-in data types and their literals are atoms, then expressions must be the molecules. Most of these will be familiar.


3 . 4 . 1 Arithmetic

3.4.1 算术运算

Lox features the basic arithmetic operators you know and love from C and other languages:


add + me;
subtract - me;
multiply * me;
divide / me;

The subexpressions on either side of the operator are operands. Because there are two of them, these are called binary operators. (It has nothing to do with the ones-and-zeroes use of “binary”.) Because the operator is fixed in the middle of the operands, these are also called infix operators as opposed to prefix operators where the operator comes before and postfix where it follows the operand.


One arithmetic operator is actually both an infix and a prefix one. The - operator can also be used to negate a number:



All of these operators work on numbers, and it’s an error to pass any other types to them. The exception is the + operator—you can also pass it two strings to concatenate them.


3 . 4 . 2 Comparison and equality

3.4.2 比较与相等

Moving along, we have a few more operators that always return a Boolean result. We can compare numbers (and only numbers), using Ye Olde Comparison Operators:


less < than;
lessThan <= orEqual;
greater > than;
greaterThan >= orEqual;

We can test two values of any kind for equality or inequality:


1 == 2;         // false.
"cat" != "dog"; // true.

Even different types:


314 == "pi"; // false.

Values of different types are never equivalent:


123 == "123"; // false.

I’m generally against implicit conversions.


3 . 4 . 3 Logical operators

3.4.3 逻辑运算

The not operator, a prefix !, returns false if its operand is true, and vice versa:


!true;  // false.
!false; // true.

The other two logical operators really are control flow constructs in the guise of expressions. An and expression determines if two values are both true. It returns the left operand if it’s false, or the right operand otherwise:


true and false; // false.
true and true;  // true.

And an or expression determines if either of two values (or both) are true. It returns the left operand if it is true and the right operand otherwise:


false or false; // false.
true or false;  // true.

The reason and and or are like control flow structures is because they short-circuit. Not only does and return the left operand if it is false, it doesn’t even evaluate the right one in that case. Conversely, (“contrapositively”?) if the left operand of an or is true, the right is skipped.


3 . 4 . 4 Precedence and grouping

3.4.4 优先级与分组

All of these operators have the same precedence and associativity that you’d expect coming from C. (When we get to parsing, we’ll get way more precise about that.) In cases where the precedence isn’t what you want, you can use () to group stuff:


var average = (min + max) / 2;

Since they aren’t very technically interesting, I’ve cut the remainder of the typical operator menagerie out of our little language. No bitwise, shift, modulo, or conditional operators. I’m not grading you, but you will get bonus points in my heart if you augment your own implementation of Lox with them.


Those are the expression forms (except for a couple related to specific features that we’ll get to later), so let’s move up a level.


3 . 5 Statements

3.5 语句

Now we’re at statements. Where an expression’s main job is to produce a value, a statement’s job is to produce an effect. Since, by definition, statements don’t evaluate to a value, to be useful they have to otherwise change the world in some way—usually modifying some state, reading input, or producing output.


You’ve seen a couple of kinds of statements already. The first one was:

您已经看到了几种语句。 第一个是:

print "Hello, world!";

A print statement evaluates a single expression and displays the result to the user. You’ve also seen some statements like:

print语句计算单个表达式并将结果显示给用户10。 您还看到了一些语句,例如:

"some expression";

An expression followed by a semicolon (;) promotes the expression to statement-hood. This is called (imaginatively enough), an expression statement.


If you want to pack a series of statements where a single one is expected, you can wrap them up in a block:


  print "One statement.";
  print "Two statements.";

Blocks also affect scoping, which leads us to the next section…


3 . 6 Variables

3.6 变量

You declare variables using var statements. If you omit the initializer, the variable’s value defaults to nil:


var imAVariable = "here is my value";
var iAmNil;

Once declared, you can, naturally, access and assign a variable using its name:


var breakfast = "bagels";
print breakfast; // "bagels".
breakfast = "beignets";
print breakfast; // "beignets".

I won’t get into the rules for variable scope here, because we’re going to spend a surprising amount of time in later chapters mapping every square inch of the rules. In most cases, it works like you expect coming from C or Java.


3 . 7 Control Flow

3.7 控制流

It’s hard to write useful programs if you can’t skip some code, or execute some more than once. That means control flow. In addition to the logical operators we already covered, Lox lifts three statements straight from C.


An if statement executes one of two statements based on some condition:


if (condition) {
  print "yes";
} else {
  print "no";

A while loop executes the body repeatedly as long as the condition expression evaluates to true:


var a = 1;
while (a < 10) {
  print a;
  a = a + 1;

Finally, we have for loops:


for (var a = 1; a < 10; a = a + 1) {
  print a;

This loop does the same thing as the previous while loop. Most modern languages also have some sort of for-in or foreach loop for explicitly iterating over various sequence types. In a real language, that’s nicer than the crude C-style for loop we got here. Lox keeps it basic.

这个循环与之前的 while 循环做同样的事情。大多数现代语言也有某种for-in或foreach循环,用于显式迭代各种序列类型14。在真正的语言中,这比我们在这里使用的粗糙的C-风格for循环要好。Lox只保持了它的基本功能。

3 . 8 Functions

3.8 函数

A function call expression looks the same as it does in C:


makeBreakfast(bacon, eggs, toast);

You can also call a function without passing anything to it:



Unlike, say, Ruby, the parentheses are mandatory in this case. If you leave them off, it doesn’t call the function, it just refers to it.


A language isn’t very fun if you can’t define your own functions. In Lox, you do that with fun:


fun printSum(a, b) {
  print a + b;

Now’s a good time to clarify some terminology. Some people throw around “parameter” and “argument” like they are interchangeable and, to many, they are. We’re going to spend a lot of time splitting the finest of downy hairs around semantics, so let’s sharpen our words. From here on out:

  • An argument is an actual value you pass to a function when you call it. So a function call has an argument list. Sometimes you hear actual parameter used for these.
  • A parameter is a variable that holds the value of the argument inside the body of the function. Thus, a function declaration has a parameter list. Others call these formal parameters or simply formals.

现在是澄清一些术语的好时机15。有些人把 "parameter "和 "argument "混为一谈,好像它们可以互换,而对许多人来说,它们确实可以互换。我们要花很多时间围绕语义学来对其进行分辨,所以让我们在这里把话说清楚:

  • argument是你在调用函数时传递给它的实际值。所以一个函数调用有一个argument列表。有时你会听到有人用实际参数指代这些参数。
  • parameter是一个变量,用于在函数的主体里面存放参数的值。因此,一个函数声明有一个parameter列表。也有人把这些称为形式参数或者干脆称为形参

The body of a function is always a block. Inside it, you can return a value using a return statement:


fun returnSum(a, b) {
  return a + b;

If execution reaches the end of the block without hitting a return, it implicitly returns nil.


3 . 8 . 1 Closures

3.8.1 闭包

Functions are first class in Lox, which just means they are real values that you can get a reference to, store in variables, pass around, etc. This works:


fun addPair(a, b) {
  return a + b;

fun identity(a) {
  return a;

print identity(addPair)(1, 2); // Prints "3".

Since function declarations are statements, you can declare local functions inside another function:


fun outerFunction() {
  fun localFunction() {
    print "I'm local!";


If you combine local functions, first-class functions, and block scope, you run into this interesting situation:


fun returnFunction() {
  var outside = "outside";

  fun inner() {
    print outside;

  return inner;

var fn = returnFunction();

Here, inner() accesses a local variable declared outside of its body in the surrounding function. Is this kosher? Now that lots of languages have borrowed this feature from Lisp, you probably know the answer is yes.


For that to work, inner() has to “hold on” to references to any surrounding variables that it uses so that they stay around even after the outer function has returned. We call functions that do this closures. These days, the term is often used for any first-class function, though it’s sort of a misnomer if the function doesn’t happen to close over any variables.


As you can imagine, implementing these adds some complexity because we can no longer assume variable scope works strictly like a stack where local variables evaporate the moment the function returns. We’re going to have a fun time learning how to make these work and do so efficiently.


3 . 9 Classes

3.9 类

Since Lox has dynamic typing, lexical (roughly, “block”) scope, and closures, it’s about halfway to being a functional language. But as you’ll see, it’s also about halfway to being an object-oriented language. Both paradigms have a lot going for them, so I thought it was worth covering some of each.


Since classes have come under fire for not living up to their hype, let me first explain why I put them into Lox and this book. There are really two questions:


3 . 9 . 1 Why might any language want to be object oriented?

3.9.1 为什么任何语言都想要面向对象?

Now that object-oriented languages like Java have sold out and only play arena shows, it’s not cool to like them anymore. Why would anyone make a new language with objects? Isn’t that like releasing music on 8-track?


It is true that the “all inheritance all the time” binge of the 90s produced some monstrous class hierarchies, but object-oriented programming is still pretty rad. Billions of lines of successful code have been written in OOP languages, shipping millions of apps to happy users. Likely a majority of working programmers today are using an object-oriented language. They can’t all be that wrong.

90年代的 "一直都是继承 "的狂潮确实产生了一些畸形的类层次结构,但面向对象的编程还是很流行的。数十亿行成功的代码都是用OOP语言编写的,为用户提供了数百万个应用程序。很可能今天大多数在职程序员都在使用面向对象语言。他们不可能都错得那么离谱。

In particular, for a dynamically-typed language, objects are pretty handy. We need some way of defining compound data types to bundle blobs of stuff together.


If we can also hang methods off of those, then we avoid the need to prefix all of our functions with the name of the data type they operate on to avoid colliding with similar functions for different types. In, say, Racket, you end up having to name your functions like hash-copy (to copy a hash table) and vector-copy (to copy a vector) so that they don’t step on each other. Methods are scoped to the object, so that problem goes away.


3 . 9 . 2 Why is Lox object oriented?

3.9.2 为什么Lox是面向对象的?

I could claim objects are groovy but still out of scope for the book. Most programming language books, especially ones that try to implement a whole language, leave objects out. To me, that means the topic isn’t well covered. With such a widespread paradigm, that omission makes me sad.


Given how many of us spend all day using OOP languages, it seems like the world could use a little documentation on how to make one. As you’ll see, it turns out to be pretty interesting. Not as hard as you might fear, but not as simple as you might presume, either.


3 . 9 . 3 Classes or prototypes?

3.9.3 类还是原型?

When it comes to objects, there are actually two approaches to them, classes and prototypes. Classes came first, and are more common thanks to C++, Java, C#, and friends. Prototypes were a virtually forgotten offshoot until JavaScript accidentally took over the world.

当涉及对象时,实际上有两种方法,类和原型。 类最先出现,由于C++、Java、C#和其它近似语言的出现,类更加普遍。直到JavaScript意外地占领了世界之前,原型几乎是一个被遗忘的分支。

In a class-based language, there are two core concepts: instances and classes. Instances store the state for each object and have a reference to the instance’s class. Classes contain the methods and inheritance chain. To call a method on an instance, there is always a level of indirection. You look up the instance’s class and then you find the method there:

在基于类的语言中,有两个核心概念:实例和类。 实例存储每个对象的状态,并有一个对实例的类的引用。 类包含方法和继承链。要在实例上调用方法,总是存在一个中间层。您要先查找实例的类,然后在其中找到方法:

How fields and methods are looked up on classes and instances

Prototype-based languages merge these two concepts. There are only objects—no classes—and each individual object may contain state and methods. Objects can directly inherit from each other (or “delegate to” in prototypal lingo):

基于原型的语言融合了这两个概念17。这里只有对象——没有类,而且每个对象都可以包含状态和方法。对象之间可以直接继承(或者用原型语言的术语说是 “委托”):

How fields and methods are looked up in a prototypal system

This means prototypal languages are more fundamental in some way than classes. They are really neat to implement because they’re so simple. Also, they can express lots of unusual patterns that classes steer you away from.

这意味着原型语言在某些方面比类更基础。 它们实现起来真的很整洁,因为它们很简单。另外,它们还可以表达很多不寻常的模式,而这些模式是类所不具备的。

But I’ve looked at a lot of code written in prototypal languages—including some of my own devising. Do you know what people generally do with all of the power and flexibility of prototypes? …They use it to reinvent classes.


I don’t know why that is, but people naturally seem to prefer a class-based (“Classic”? “Classy”?) style. Prototypes are simpler in the language, but they seem to accomplish that only by pushing the complexity onto the user. So, for Lox, we’ll save our users the trouble and bake classes right in.


3 . 9 . 4 Classes in Lox

3.9.4 Lox中的类

Enough rationale, let’s see what we actually have. Classes encompass a constellation of features in most languages. For Lox, I’ve selected what I think are the brightest stars. You declare a class and its methods like so:


class Breakfast {
  cook() {
    print "Eggs a-fryin'!";

  serve(who) {
    print "Enjoy your breakfast, " + who + ".";

The body of a class contains its methods. They look like function declarations but without the fun keyword. When the class declaration is executed, Lox creates a class object and stores that in a variable named after the class. Just like functions, classes are first class in Lox:

类的主体包含其方法。 它们看起来像函数声明,但没有fun关键字。 当类声明生效时,Lox将创建一个类对象,并将其存储在以该类命名的变量中。就像函数一样,类在Lox中也是一等公民:

// Store it in variables.
var someVariable = Breakfast;

// Pass it to functions.

Next, we need a way to create instances. We could add some sort of new keyword, but to keep things simple, in Lox the class itself is a factory function for instances. Call a class like a function and it produces a new instance of itself:


var breakfast = Breakfast();
print breakfast; // "Breakfast instance".

3 . 9 . 5 Instantiation and initialization

3.9.5 实例化和初始化

Classes that only have behavior aren’t super useful. The idea behind object-oriented programming is encapsulating behavior and state together. To do that, you need fields. Lox, like other dynamically-typed languages, lets you freely add properties onto objects:


breakfast.meat = "sausage";
breakfast.bread = "sourdough";

Assigning to a field creates it if it doesn’t already exist.


If you want to access a field or method on the current object from within a method, you use good old this:


class Breakfast {
  serve(who) {
    print "Enjoy your " + this.meat + " and " +
        this.bread + ", " + who + ".";

  // ...

Part of encapsulating data within an object is ensuring the object is in a valid state when it’s created. To do that, you can define an initializer. If your class has a method named init(), it is called automatically when the object is constructed. Any parameters passed to the class are forwarded to its initializer:


class Breakfast {
  init(meat, bread) {
    this.meat = meat;
    this.bread = bread;

  // ...

var baconAndToast = Breakfast("bacon", "toast");
baconAndToast.serve("Dear Reader");
// "Enjoy your bacon and toast, Dear Reader."

3 . 9 . 6 Inheritance

3.9.6 继承

Every object-oriented language lets you not only define methods, but reuse them across multiple classes or objects. For that, Lox supports single inheritance. When you declare a class, you can specify a class that it inherits from using a less-than (<) operator:


class Brunch < Breakfast {
  drink() {
    print "How about a Bloody Mary?";

Here, Brunch is the derived class or subclass, and Breakfast is the base class or superclass. Every method defined in the superclass is also available to its subclasses:


var benedict = Brunch("ham", "English muffin");
benedict.serve("Noble Reader");

Even the init() method gets inherited. In practice, the subclass usually wants to define its own init() method too. But the original one also needs to be called so that the superclass can maintain its state. We need some way to call a method on our own instance without hitting our own methods.


As in Java, you use super for that:


class Brunch < Breakfast {
  init(meat, bread, drink) {
    super.init(meat, bread);
    this.drink = drink;

That’s about it for object orientation. I tried to keep the feature set minimal. The structure of the book did force one compromise. Lox is not a pure object-oriented language. In a true OOP language every object is an instance of a class, even primitive values like numbers and Booleans.


Because we don’t implement classes until well after we start working with the built-in types, that would have been hard. So values of primitive types aren’t real objects in the sense of being instances of classes. They don’t have methods or properties. If I were trying to make Lox a real language for real users, I would fix that.


3 . 10 The Standard Library

3.10 标准库

We’re almost done. That’s the whole language, so all that’s left is the “core” or “standard” library—the set of functionality that is implemented directly in the interpreter and that all user-defined behavior is built on top of.


This is the saddest part of Lox. Its standard library goes beyond minimalism and veers close to outright nihilism. For the sample code in the book, we only need to demonstrate that code is running and doing what it’s supposed to do. For that, we already have the built-in print statement.


Later, when we start optimizing, we’ll write some benchmarks and see how long it takes to execute code. That means we need to track time, so we’ll define one built-in function clock() that returns the number of seconds since the program started.


And… that’s it. I know, right? It’s embarrassing.

嗯...就是这样。 我知道,有点尴尬,对吧?

If you wanted to turn Lox into an actual useful language, the very first thing you should do is flesh this out. String manipulation, trigonometric functions, file I/O, networking, heck, even reading input from the user would help. But we don’t need any of that for this book, and adding it wouldn’t teach you anything interesting, so I left it out.

如果您想将Lox变成一门实际可用的语言,那么您应该做的第一件事就是对其充实。 字符串操作、三角函数、文件I / O、网络、扩展,甚至读取用户的输入都将有所帮助。但对于本书来说,我们不需要这些,而且加入这些也不会教给你任何有趣的东西,所以我把它省略了。

Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of exciting stuff in the language itself to keep us busy.




1、Write some sample Lox programs and run them (you can use the implementations of Lox in my repository). Try to come up with edge case behavior I didn’t specify here. Does it do what you expect? Why or why not?


2、This informal introduction leaves a lot unspecified. List several open questions you have about the language’s syntax and semantics. What do you think the answers should be?


3、Lox is a pretty tiny language. What features do you think it is missing that would make it annoying to use for real programs? (Aside from the standard library, of course.)

3、Lox是一种很小的语言。 您认为缺少哪些功能会使其不适用于实际程序? (当然,除了标准库。)



Lox has both expressions and statements. Some languages omit the latter. Instead, they treat declarations and control flow constructs as expressions too. These “everything is an expression” languages tend to have functional pedigrees and include most Lisps, SML, Haskell, Ruby, and CoffeeScript.

To do that, for each “statement-like” construct in the language, you need to decide what value it evaluates to. Some of those are easy:

  • An if expression evaluates to the result of whichever branch is chosen. Likewise, a switch or other multi-way branch evaluates to whichever case is picked.
  • A variable declaration evaluates to the value of the variable.
  • A block evaluates to the result of the last expression in the sequence.

Some get a little stranger. What should a loop evaluate to? A while loop in CoffeeScript evaluates to an array containing each element that the body evaluated to. That can be handy, or a waste of memory if you don’t need the array.

You also have to decide how these statement-like expressions compose with other expressions—you have to fit them into the grammar’s precedence table. For example, Ruby allows:

puts 1 + if true then 2 else 3 end + 4

Is this what you’d expect? Is it what your users expect? How does this affect how you design the syntax for your “statements”? Note that Ruby has an explicit end to tell when the if expression is complete. Without it, the + 4 would likely be parsed as part of the else clause.

Turning every statement into an expression forces you to answer a few hairy questions like that. In return, you eliminate some redundancy. C has both blocks for sequencing statements, and the comma operator for sequencing expressions. It has both the if statement and the ?: conditional operator. If everything was an expression in C, you could unify each of those.

Languages that do away with statements usually also feature implicit returns—a function automatically returns whatever value its body evaluates to without need for some explicit return syntax. For small functions and methods, this is really handy. In fact, many languages that do have statements have added syntax like => to be able to define functions whose body is the result of evaluating a single expression.

But making all functions work that way can be a little strange. If you aren’t careful, your function will leak a return value even if you only intend it to produce a side effect. In practice, though, users of these languages don’t find it to be a problem.

For Lox, I gave it statements for prosaic reasons. I picked a C-like syntax for familiarity’s sake, and trying to take the existing C statement syntax and interpret it like expressions gets weird pretty fast.

Lox既有表达式也有语句。有些语言省略了后者。相对地,它们将声明和控制流结构也视为表达式。这类 "一切都是表达式 "的语言往往具有函数式的血统,包括大多数Lisps、SML、Haskell、Ruby和CoffeeScript。

要做到这一点,对于语言中的每一个 "类似于语句 "的构造,你需要决定它所计算的值是什么。其中有些很简单:

  • if表达式的计算结果是所选分支的结果。同样,switch或其他多路分支的计算结果取决于所选择的情况。
  • 变量声明的计算结果是变量的值。
  • 块的计算结果是序列中最后一个表达式的结果。



puts 1 + if true then 2 else 3 end + 4

这是你所期望的吗?这是你的用户所期望的吗?这对你如何设计 "语句 "的语法有什么影响?请注意,Ruby有一个显式的end关键字来表明if表达式结束。如果没有它,+4很可能会被解析为 else子句的一部分。


取消了语句的语言通常还具有隐式返回的特点——函数自动返回其函数主体所计算得到的任何值,而不需要显式的return语法。对于小型函数和方法来说,这真的很方便。事实上,许多有语句的语言都添加了类似于 => 的语法,以便能够定义函数体是计算单一表达式结果的函数。




  1. 如果你不亲自运行代码,那教程就毫无意义。唉,你还没有Lox解释器,因为你还没有建立一个!不要害怕。你可以用我的

  2. 我肯定有偏见,但我认为Lox的语法很干净。 C语言最严重的语法问题就是关于类型的。丹尼斯·里奇(Dennis Ritchie)有个想法叫“声明反映使用”,其中变量声明反映了为获得基本类型的值而必须对变量执行的操作。这主意不错,但是我认为实践中效果不太好。Lox没有静态类型,所以我们避免了这一点。

  3. 现在,JavaScript已席卷全球,并已用于构建大量应用程序,很难将其视为“小脚本语言”。但是Brendan Eich曾在十天内将第一个JS解释器嵌入了Netscape Navigator,以使网页上的按钮具有动画效果。 从那时起,JavaScript逐渐发展起来,但是它曾经是一种可爱的小语言。因为Eich大概只用了一集MacGyver的时间把JS糅合在一起,所以它有一些奇怪的语义,会有明显的拼凑痕迹。比如变量提升、动态绑定this、数组中的漏洞和隐式转换等。我有幸在Lox上多花了点时间,所以它应该更干净一些。

  4. 毕竟,我们用于实现Lox的两种语言都是静态类型的。

  5. 在实践中,引用计数和追踪更像是连续体的两端,而不是对立的双方。大多数引用计数系统最终会执行一些跟踪来处理循环,如果你仔细观察的话,分代收集器的写屏障看起来有点像保留调用。有关这方面的更多信息,请参阅垃圾收集统一理论(PDF)。

  6. 布尔变量是Lox中唯一以人名George Boole命名的数据类型,这也是为什么 "Boolean "是大写的原因。他死于1864年,比数字计算机把他的代数变成电子信息的时间早了近一个世纪。我很好奇他看到自己的名字出现在数十亿行Java代码中时会怎么想。

  7. 就连那个 "character "一词也是个骗局。是ASCII码?是Unicode?一个码点,还是一个 "字词群"?字符是如何编码的?每个字符是固定的大小,还是可以变化的?

  8. 有些操作符有两个以上的操作数,并且操作符与操作数之间是交错的。唯一广泛使用的是C及其相近语言中的“条件”或“三元”操作符:condition ?thenArm: elseArm;,有些人称这些为mixfix操作符。有一些语言允许您定义自己的操作符,并控制它们的定位方式——它们的 "固定性"。。

  9. 我使用了and和or,而不是&&和||,因为Lox不使用&和|作为位元操作符。不存在单字符形式的情况下引入双字符形式感觉很奇怪。我喜欢用单词来表示运算,也是因为它们实际上是控制流结构,而不是简单的操作符。

  10. 将 print 融入到语言中,而不是仅仅将其作为一个核心库函数,这是一种入侵。但对我们来说,这是一个很有用的“入侵”:这意味着在我们实现所有定义函数、按名称查找和调用函数所需的机制之前,我们的解释器可以就开始产生输出。

  11. 这是一种情况,没有nil并强制每个变量初始化为某个值,会比处理nil本身更麻烦。

  12. 我们已经有and和or可以进行分支处理,我们可以用递归来重复代码,所以理论上这就足够了。但是,在命令式语言中这样编程会很尴尬。另一方面,Scheme没有内置的循环结构。它确实依赖递归进行重复执行代码。Smalltalk没有内置的分支结构,并且依赖动态分派来选择性地执行代码。

  13. 我没有在Lox中使用do-while循环,因为它们并不常见,相比while循环也没有多余的内涵。如果你高兴的话,就把它加入到你的实现中去吧。你自己做主。

  14. 这是我做出的让步,因为本书中的实现是按章节划分的。for-in循环需要迭代器协议中的某种动态分派来处理不同类型的序列,但我们完成控制流之后才能实现这种分派。我们可以回过头来,添加for-in循环,但我认为这样做不会教给你什么超级有趣的东西。

  15. 说到术语,一些静态类型的语言,比如C语言,会对函数的声明和定义进行区分。声明是将函数的类型和它的名字绑定在一起,所以调用时可以进行类型检查,但不提供函数体。定义也会填入函数的主体,这样就可以进行编译。由于Lox是动态类型的,所以这种区分没有意义。一个函数声明完全指定了函数,包括它的主体。

  16. Peter J. Landin创造了这个词。没错,几乎一半的编程语言术语都是他创造的。它们中的大部分都出自一篇不可思议的论文 "The Next 700 Programming Languages"。为了实现这类函数,您需要创建一个数据结构,将函数代码和它所需要的周围变量绑定在一起。他称它为“闭包”,是因为函数“闭合”并保留了它需要的变量。

  17. 实际上,基于类的语言和基于原型的语言之间的界限变得模糊了。JavaScript的“构造函数”概念使您很难定义类对象。 同时,基于类的Ruby非常乐意让您将方法附加到单个实例中。

  18. Perl的发明家/先知Larry Wall将其称为“水床理论”。 某些复杂性是必不可少的,无法消除。 如果在某个位置将其向下推,则在另一个位置会出现膨胀。原型语言并没有消除类的复杂性,因为它们确实让用户通过构建近似类的元编程库来承担这种复杂性。

  19. 为什么用<操作符?我不喜欢引入一个新的关键字,比如extends。Lox不使用:来做其他事情,所以我也不想保留它。相反,我借鉴了Ruby的做法,使用了<。如果你了解任何类型理论,你会发现这并不是一个完全任意的选择。一个子类的每一个实例也是它的超类的一个实例,但可能有超类的实例不是子类的实例。这意味着,在对象的宇宙中,子类对象的集合比超类的集合要小,尽管类型迷们通常用<:来表示这种关系。

  20. Lox不同于不继承构造函数的c++、Java和c#,而是类似于Smalltalk和Ruby,它们继承了构造函数。