Appium Android
run automation tests on an eCommerce Android app (General-Store.apk) on emulators
- Skills:
- Java, TestNG, Maven
- Appium (Client and Server), Appium Inspector
- Test cases:
- Home page: select country by scrolling, input name, and select radio button
- Product page: select prodict by scrolling, click button, and verify the cart
- Checkout page: verify the sum of prices, long press, click checkbox, and place the order
- Appium Inspector:
- id
- xpath
- classname
- accessibilityId (A only)
- androidUIAutomator (A only)
- Appium leverages UIAutomator2 to interact with Android
- TestNG:
- @Test
- @BeforeClass
- @AfterClass
- IDE: IntelliJ
- Emulator: Android Studio
- Potential feature expansion: POM, BrowserStack, Jenkins, etc.