We explain the format of our enriched test set below.
First, the original SemEval-14 may have the following entry (just for example), with a positive sentiment of the aspect term Set up:
"359:1_0": {
"sentence": "Set up was easy.",
"term": "Set up",
"polarity": "positive",
"id": "359:1_0",
"from": 0,
"to": 6
Our ARTS test set will generate the following entry based on adversarial generation strategy 1 (namely RevTgt):
"359:1_0_adv1": {
"sentence": "Set up was difficult.",
"term": "Set up",
"polarity": "negative",
"id": "359:1_0",
"from": 0,
"to": 6
where the adversarial instance reverts the sentiment of Set up
to negative polarity.
There are also entries generated by adversarial strategy 2 (namely RevNon) and 3 (namely AddDiff), such as
"359:1_0_adv3": {
"sentence": "Set up was easy, but USB ports is a mistake, i5 is not as fast and material is cheap.",
"term": "Set up",
"polarity": "positive",
"id": "359:1_0",
"from": 0,
"to": 6